Script Versions
Script | Version |
VSSTester.ps1 | v21.02.08.1722 |
Analyze-SpaceDump.ps1 | v21.01.08.0350 |
Compare-MailboxStatistics.ps1 | v21.01.08.0350 |
ExTRA.ps1 | v21.02.22.1752 |
ExPerfAnalyzer.ps1 | v21.01.08.0350 |
RemoveInvalidPermissions.ps1 | v21.02.23.0246 |
ValidateMailEnabledPublicFolders.ps1 | v21.03.01.2321 |
SourceSideValidations.ps1 | v21.02.22.1721 |
BackendCookieMitigation.ps1 | v21.03.08.0632 |
CompareExchangeHashes.ps1 | v21.03.08.2314 |
ExchangeMitigations.ps1 | v21.03.08.2314 |
Test-ProxyLogon.ps1 | v21.03.08.2119 |
SetupAssist.ps1 | v21.03.08.0227 |
SetupLogReviewer.ps1 | v21.03.08.0121 |
- b211ce9 Merge pull request #161 from microsoft/main
- 9424b2b Merge pull request #160 from dbacon247/exchangemitigations
- 4087689 Merge branch 'main' into exchangemitigations
- af4831d Merge pull request #157 from anshuldube/main
- eab8595 adding PSAnalyzer supressions
- c9737c1 stylecop fixes
- 383b4b6 stylecop fixes
- 0164a32 fixed formatting
- 9827b3b adding ExchangeMitigations.ps1 script, updated readme, and updated guidance IIS URL Rewrite module
- 20cf62e Make PSScriptAnalyzer happy
See More
- 2c9febf Merge branch 'main' of https://github.com/anshuldube/CSS-Exchange into main
- c0ca3c6 Auto formatting tool suggestions.
- b4c36f1 Merge branch 'main' into main
- e469fe9 Merge branch 'main' of https://github.com/anshuldube/CSS-Exchange into main
- 7e08d71 Add script for comparing exchange hashes
- 9580758 Merge pull request #154 from microsoft/bilong-requires
- c69145b Merge branch 'bilong-requires' of https://github.com/microsoft/CSS-Exchange into bilong-requires
- 58cc16f Remove unused variable
- 219d3b8 Merge branch 'main' into bilong-requires
- e390583 Merge pull request #155 from anshuldube/main
- 6174087 Merge branch 'main' into main
- 0e03bc4 Skip log age output entirely on 2010
- 1b71b32 Adjust syntax to minimize Exchange 2010 failures
- 7b67d69 Merge branch 'main' of https://github.com/anshuldube/CSS-Exchange into main
- c511334 Add baselines for exchange CUs
- e9635dc Merge branch 'bilong-requires' of https://github.com/microsoft/CSS-Exchange into bilong-requires
- f517281 Version check before progress
- f517a46 Merge branch 'main' into bilong-requires
- 1d03aa5 Merge pull request #152 from gaddie-3/main
- 29285e1 Merge branch 'main' into main
- 46e1053 Skip checks when we don't find the appropriate version of Exchange
- 698848a Merge pull request #153 from microsoft/bilong-requires
- 7cb1b0a Merge branch 'main' into bilong-requires
- dab6234 Merge branch 'main' into main
- 7840829 Require version 4
- f10e2ca Merge pull request #151 from microsoft/dpaul-setupReadme
- c0ee286 Added Setup landing readme page
- e7d89a6 Fixes file extension regex
This list of changes was auto generated.