Releases: microsoft/CSS-Exchange
Releases · microsoft/CSS-Exchange
Script Versions
Script | Version |
VSSTester.ps1 | v21.02.08.1722 |
Analyze-SpaceDump.ps1 | v21.01.08.0350 |
Compare-MailboxStatistics.ps1 | v21.01.08.0350 |
ExTRA.ps1 | v21.02.22.1752 |
ExPerfAnalyzer.ps1 | v21.01.08.0350 |
RemoveInvalidPermissions.ps1 | v21.02.23.0246 |
ValidateMailEnabledPublicFolders.ps1 | v21.03.01.2321 |
SourceSideValidations.ps1 | v21.02.22.1721 |
BackendCookieMitigation.ps1 | v21.03.09.1636 |
CompareExchangeHashes.ps1 | v21.03.09.0338 |
ExchangeMitigations.ps1 | v21.03.09.1636 |
Test-ProxyLogon.ps1 | v21.03.09.1815 |
SetupAssist.ps1 | v21.03.08.0227 |
SetupLogReviewer.ps1 | v21.03.09.0437 |
- bf9d91f Merge pull request #190 from microsoft/main
- 5533b88 Merge pull request #188 from microsoft/bilong-reqs
- c99a2ba We should be able to use pscredential by full name
- ce5cc55 Allow exporting functions
- f43eb0a Merge pull request #187 from microsoft/bilong-readme
- 54f47ee Update readme
- 7b7a7b9 Merge pull request #175 from microsoft/bilong-comparehasheslink
- 1e28f26 Merge branch 'main' into bilong-comparehasheslink
- 54692fa Merge pull request #184 from jillolsen925/patch-2
- d221098 Merge branch 'main' into patch-2
See More
- a74a153 Only collect on local machine and remove output that fires for every machine
- c264f2f Merge pull request #186 from dbacon247/BackendCookieMitigationFixes
- 31e09ff Make output a little quieter
- fa83d01 Remove the global
- 0c844a8 Merge branch 'main' into BackendCookieMitigationFixes
- 50a1da1 updates made to ExchangeMitigations.ps1 to fix the localization, and rollback issues, persisted verbose output on install status, updated readme
- 6996ff7 merge
- 5745200 Formatting adjustments
- 16d8f1e Update Test-ProxyLogon.ps1
- 7188169 Update Test-ProxyLogon.ps1
- e90bbfd Readme fixes
This list of changes was auto generated.
Script Versions
Script | Version |
VSSTester.ps1 | v21.02.08.1722 |
Analyze-SpaceDump.ps1 | v21.01.08.0350 |
Compare-MailboxStatistics.ps1 | v21.01.08.0350 |
ExTRA.ps1 | v21.02.22.1752 |
ExPerfAnalyzer.ps1 | v21.01.08.0350 |
RemoveInvalidPermissions.ps1 | v21.02.23.0246 |
ValidateMailEnabledPublicFolders.ps1 | v21.03.01.2321 |
SourceSideValidations.ps1 | v21.02.22.1721 |
BackendCookieMitigation.ps1 | v21.03.09.0940 |
CompareExchangeHashes.ps1 | v21.03.09.0338 |
ExchangeMitigations.ps1 | v21.03.08.2314 |
Test-ProxyLogon.ps1 | v21.03.08.2119 |
SetupAssist.ps1 | v21.03.08.0227 |
SetupLogReviewer.ps1 | v21.03.09.0437 |
- 97e8261 Merge pull request #176 from microsoft/main
- de22ba4 Merge pull request #167 from microsoft/dpaul-setup
- 075095e Merge branch 'main' into dpaul-setup
- 5899809 Merge pull request #168 from dbacon247/BackendCookieMitigationFixes
- 928a676 fixing formatter issues
- b593fac fixing one last localization issue
- 33484d5 fixed formatting issues
- 13701f4 fixed MSI validation issue
- 008d66c added fixes around install logic
- b833c09 added fixes for lang pack issues, and rollback issue
See More
- 22036e4 Merge branch 'main' into dpaul-setup
- 367cdb2 Merge pull request #166 from anshuldube/main
- 7a12e65 Created INSUFF_ACCESS_RIGHTS on AD objects check [ #60 ]
- 8993bed Update
- 0b215c1 Add readme for CompareExchangeHashes script
- 30a95b6 First clean install - don't call out missing ExOrgAdmin [ #51 ]
- 65be0b7 Added additional issue that can occur with otherWellKnownObjects attribute [ #43 ]
This list of changes was auto generated.
Script Versions
Script | Version |
VSSTester.ps1 | v21.02.08.1722 |
Analyze-SpaceDump.ps1 | v21.01.08.0350 |
Compare-MailboxStatistics.ps1 | v21.01.08.0350 |
ExTRA.ps1 | v21.02.22.1752 |
ExPerfAnalyzer.ps1 | v21.01.08.0350 |
RemoveInvalidPermissions.ps1 | v21.02.23.0246 |
ValidateMailEnabledPublicFolders.ps1 | v21.03.01.2321 |
SourceSideValidations.ps1 | v21.02.22.1721 |
BackendCookieMitigation.ps1 | v21.03.08.0632 |
CompareExchangeHashes.ps1 | v21.03.09.0338 |
ExchangeMitigations.ps1 | v21.03.08.2314 |
Test-ProxyLogon.ps1 | v21.03.08.2119 |
SetupAssist.ps1 | v21.03.08.0227 |
SetupLogReviewer.ps1 | v21.03.08.0121 |
- b007711 Merge pull request #165 from microsoft/main
- 92bfa49 Merge pull request #164 from anshuldube/main
- c8942eb Merge branch 'main' into main
- bb4e3c8 stylecop changes
- 4c84e6f t pushMerge branch 'main' of into main
- a75212a Bug fixes
- ade4608 Merge pull request #163 from anshuldube/main
- 16c9704 Merge branch 'main' into main
- 7b78797 Update documentation, result format
This list of changes was auto generated.
Script Versions
Script | Version |
VSSTester.ps1 | v21.02.08.1722 |
Analyze-SpaceDump.ps1 | v21.01.08.0350 |
Compare-MailboxStatistics.ps1 | v21.01.08.0350 |
ExTRA.ps1 | v21.02.22.1752 |
ExPerfAnalyzer.ps1 | v21.01.08.0350 |
RemoveInvalidPermissions.ps1 | v21.02.23.0246 |
ValidateMailEnabledPublicFolders.ps1 | v21.03.01.2321 |
SourceSideValidations.ps1 | v21.02.22.1721 |
BackendCookieMitigation.ps1 | v21.03.08.0632 |
CompareExchangeHashes.ps1 | v21.03.08.2314 |
ExchangeMitigations.ps1 | v21.03.08.2314 |
Test-ProxyLogon.ps1 | v21.03.08.2119 |
SetupAssist.ps1 | v21.03.08.0227 |
SetupLogReviewer.ps1 | v21.03.08.0121 |
- b211ce9 Merge pull request #161 from microsoft/main
- 9424b2b Merge pull request #160 from dbacon247/exchangemitigations
- 4087689 Merge branch 'main' into exchangemitigations
- af4831d Merge pull request #157 from anshuldube/main
- eab8595 adding PSAnalyzer supressions
- c9737c1 stylecop fixes
- 383b4b6 stylecop fixes
- 0164a32 fixed formatting
- 9827b3b adding ExchangeMitigations.ps1 script, updated readme, and updated guidance IIS URL Rewrite module
- 20cf62e Make PSScriptAnalyzer happy
See More
- 2c9febf Merge branch 'main' of into main
- c0ca3c6 Auto formatting tool suggestions.
- b4c36f1 Merge branch 'main' into main
- e469fe9 Merge branch 'main' of into main
- 7e08d71 Add script for comparing exchange hashes
- 9580758 Merge pull request #154 from microsoft/bilong-requires
- c69145b Merge branch 'bilong-requires' of into bilong-requires
- 58cc16f Remove unused variable
- 219d3b8 Merge branch 'main' into bilong-requires
- e390583 Merge pull request #155 from anshuldube/main
- 6174087 Merge branch 'main' into main
- 0e03bc4 Skip log age output entirely on 2010
- 1b71b32 Adjust syntax to minimize Exchange 2010 failures
- 7b67d69 Merge branch 'main' of into main
- c511334 Add baselines for exchange CUs
- e9635dc Merge branch 'bilong-requires' of into bilong-requires
- f517281 Version check before progress
- f517a46 Merge branch 'main' into bilong-requires
- 1d03aa5 Merge pull request #152 from gaddie-3/main
- 29285e1 Merge branch 'main' into main
- 46e1053 Skip checks when we don't find the appropriate version of Exchange
- 698848a Merge pull request #153 from microsoft/bilong-requires
- 7cb1b0a Merge branch 'main' into bilong-requires
- dab6234 Merge branch 'main' into main
- 7840829 Require version 4
- f10e2ca Merge pull request #151 from microsoft/dpaul-setupReadme
- c0ee286 Added Setup landing readme page
- e7d89a6 Fixes file extension regex
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Script Versions
Script | Version |
VSSTester.ps1 | v21.02.08.1722 |
Analyze-SpaceDump.ps1 | v21.01.08.0350 |
Compare-MailboxStatistics.ps1 | v21.01.08.0350 |
ExTRA.ps1 | v21.02.22.1752 |
ExPerfAnalyzer.ps1 | v21.01.08.0350 |
RemoveInvalidPermissions.ps1 | v21.02.23.0246 |
ValidateMailEnabledPublicFolders.ps1 | v21.03.01.2321 |
SourceSideValidations.ps1 | v21.02.22.1721 |
BackendCookieMitigation.ps1 | v21.03.08.0632 |
Test-ProxyLogon.ps1 | v21.03.08.1823 |
SetupAssist.ps1 | v21.03.08.0227 |
SetupLogReviewer.ps1 | v21.03.08.0121 |
- ca887e7 Merge pull request #149 from microsoft/main
- a87738b Merge pull request #147 from microsoft/bilong-authenticateduser
- 2f4f76f Match blog command [ #146 ]
- c5f039a Merge pull request #105 from microsoft/bilong-logtimes
- 23a98f6 Merge branch 'main' into bilong-logtimes
- 5caf6d8 Merge branch 'main' into bilong-logtimes
- f2bdfdc Show log age in days for cleaner output
- d40750e Report oldest log times [ #98 ]
This list of changes was auto generated.
Script Versions
Script | Version |
VSSTester.ps1 | v21.02.08.1722 |
Analyze-SpaceDump.ps1 | v21.01.08.0350 |
Compare-MailboxStatistics.ps1 | v21.01.08.0350 |
ExTRA.ps1 | v21.02.22.1752 |
ExPerfAnalyzer.ps1 | v21.01.08.0350 |
RemoveInvalidPermissions.ps1 | v21.02.23.0246 |
ValidateMailEnabledPublicFolders.ps1 | v21.03.01.2321 |
SourceSideValidations.ps1 | v21.02.22.1721 |
BackendCookieMitigation.ps1 | v21.03.08.0632 |
Test-ProxyLogon.ps1 | v21.03.07.1704 |
SetupAssist.ps1 | v21.03.08.0227 |
SetupLogReviewer.ps1 | v21.03.08.0121 |
- a2308ba Merge pull request #139 from microsoft/main
- afdaf5b Merge pull request #138 from anshuldube/main
- 90673b5 Merge branch 'main' into main
- f516f21 Merge branch 'main' of into main
- 1b0b464 Add baseline
- 8ce58c4 Merge pull request #136 from microsoft/main
- cb39fc2 Merge pull request #135 from dbacon247/BECookieGuidance
- 20103e2 Merge branch 'main' into BECookieGuidance
- 49c5521 Merge pull request #134 from anshuldube/main
- 5ab7f30 Merge branch 'main' into main
See More
- 9e8c784 adding guidance to comment based help
- 760c325 adding addtional guidance to the BE Cookie Mitigation script
- 52144f0 Merge branch 'main' of into main
- 0fc5d69 Add baselines
- 6b4c1cc Merge pull request #133 from microsoft/bilong-csv
- 4f89532 Merge branch 'main' into bilong-csv
- b434c85 Forgot to remove test change
- f67241a Merge pull request #132 from microsoft/dpaul-setup
- 72b564f Merge branch 'main' into dpaul-setup
- a919881 Merge pull request #131 from microsoft/bilong-csvfiles
- 6dbeedc Merge branch 'main' into bilong-csvfiles
- a62266b Fixed ExchangeContainerImport file end
- 415a32b Re-commit CSV files as UTF8
This list of changes was auto generated.
Script Versions
Script | Version |
VSSTester.ps1 | v21.02.08.1722 |
Analyze-SpaceDump.ps1 | v21.01.08.0350 |
Compare-MailboxStatistics.ps1 | v21.01.08.0350 |
ExTRA.ps1 | v21.02.22.1752 |
ExPerfAnalyzer.ps1 | v21.01.08.0350 |
RemoveInvalidPermissions.ps1 | v21.02.23.0246 |
ValidateMailEnabledPublicFolders.ps1 | v21.03.01.2321 |
SourceSideValidations.ps1 | v21.02.22.1721 |
BackendCookieMitigation.ps1 | v21.03.07.2036 |
Test-ProxyLogon.ps1 | v21.03.07.1704 |
SetupAssist.ps1 | v21.03.08.0121 |
SetupLogReviewer.ps1 | v21.03.08.0121 |
- 6829f46 Merge pull request #130 from microsoft/main
- a36c114 Merge pull request #128 from microsoft/dpaul-setup
- 094bff7 Merge branch 'main' into dpaul-setup
- bcbcb1a Merge pull request #129 from microsoft/bilong-checksumfiles
- 81a3c88 Remove unnecessary checksum files
- e4e3cf4 Merge branch 'main' into dpaul-setup
- 1cb5165 Added Invalid Well Known Objects Exception testing [ #53 ]
- ff0c6f9 Added where the server reboot was occurring within Write-Verbose [ #44 ]
- f3d87ac Added Pester Testing for SetupLogReviewer
- 8043def Added SID output of SidExOrgAdmins [ #39 ]
See More
- 94ef7f2 Changed Write-Error on Action Items to Write-Host with Red
- 10bc5af Added running User and SID information of groups to SetupAssist [ #39 ]
This list of changes was auto generated.
Script Versions
Script | Version |
Analyze-SpaceDump.ps1 | v21.01.08.0350 |
BackendCookieMitigation.ps1 | v21.03.07.2036 |
Compare-MailboxStatistics.ps1 | v21.01.08.0350 |
ExPerfAnalyzer.ps1 | v21.01.08.0350 |
ExTRA.ps1 | v21.03.08.0110 |
RemoveInvalidPermissions.ps1 | v21.02.23.0246 |
SetupAssist.ps1 | v21.01.08.0350 |
SetupLogReviewer.ps1 | v21.03.05.2253 |
SourceSideValidations.ps1 | v21.02.22.1721 |
Test-ProxyLogon.ps1 | v21.03.07.1704 |
ValidateMailEnabledPublicFolders.ps1 | v21.03.01.2321 |
VSSTester.ps1 | v21.02.08.1722 |
- f241a96 Merge pull request #127 from microsoft/main
- ab2f5c4 Merge pull request #126 from microsoft/bilong-build
- 63d509b Merge branch 'main' into bilong-build
- ca0cfb1 Release the zips and checksums
- 61c3ace Merge pull request #125 from microsoft/main
- 321aa68 Merge pull request #124 from microsoft/bilong-build
- 2567e94 Update build pipeline to handle hash files
- 726f71c Merge pull request #115 from anshuldube/main
- 507803d Merge branch 'main' into main
- e09d78c Add baseline files for E13, E16, and E19
Script Versions
Script | Version |
Analyze-SpaceDump.ps1 | v21.01.08.0350 |
BackendCookieMitigation.ps1 | v21.03.05.2033 |
Compare-MailboxStatistics.ps1 | v21.01.08.0350 |
ExPerfAnalyzer.ps1 | v21.01.08.0350 |
ExTRA.ps1 | v21.03.07.1724 |
RemoveInvalidPermissions.ps1 | v21.02.23.0246 |
SetupAssist.ps1 | v21.01.08.0350 |
SetupLogReviewer.ps1 | v21.03.05.2253 |
SourceSideValidations.ps1 | v21.02.22.1721 |
Test-ProxyLogon.ps1 | v21.03.07.1704 |
ValidateMailEnabledPublicFolders.ps1 | v21.03.01.2321 |
VSSTester.ps1 | v21.02.08.1722 |
- 9359b10 Merge pull request #120 from microsoft/main
- cc6bf69 Merge pull request #119 from microsoft/bilong-outpath
- ad5bca8 Save results by default [ #96 ]
- de92537 Merge pull request #116 from microsoft/bilong-formatting
- 1f86ad1 Add a switch to tell CodeFormatter to just fix the format
- bd389eb Include .psm1 files in formatting rules
- a06fd5a Merge pull request #114 from justinhendricksmsft/main
- eda4b38 Update http-vuln-cve2021-26855.nse
This list of changes was auto generated.
Script Versions
Script | Version |
Analyze-SpaceDump.ps1 | v21.01.08.0350 |
BackendCookieMitigation.ps1 | v21.03.05.2033 |
Compare-MailboxStatistics.ps1 | v21.01.08.0350 |
ExPerfAnalyzer.ps1 | v21.01.08.0350 |
ExTRA.ps1 | v21.03.07.0551 |
RemoveInvalidPermissions.ps1 | v21.02.23.0246 |
SetupAssist.ps1 | v21.01.08.0350 |
SetupLogReviewer.ps1 | v21.03.05.2253 |
SourceSideValidations.ps1 | v21.02.22.1721 |
Test-ProxyLogon.ps1 | v21.03.07.0543 |
ValidateMailEnabledPublicFolders.ps1 | v21.03.01.2321 |
VSSTester.ps1 | v21.02.08.1722 |
- ddad482 Merge pull request #113 from microsoft/main
- 86f271f Merge pull request #112 from microsoft/bilong-noremote
- d535c1e Make remoting optional [ #96 ]
- f1a0376 Merge pull request #106 from ryankiv/defender-msert
- 45f07e9 Update
- 38504d5 Update
- b2f76b7 Update
- 340e679 Create
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