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Inspection Functions

NileshGhodekar edited this page May 24, 2020 · 6 revisions

Inspection Functions

Function Description
After Returns a Boolean value indicating whether the first date is later than the second.
And Returns a Boolean value indicating whether or not both conditions are true.
Before Returns a Boolean value indicating whether the first date is earlier than the second.
Contains Returns a Boolean value indicating whether the value exists in the list of values. Comparisons for strings are performed without case sensitivity.
Eq Determines the equivalence between two objects or values and returns true if they are equal.
GreaterThan Returns a Boolean value indicating whether the first integer is greater than the second.
IndexByValue Returns the zero-based index of the specified value in the input list.
IsPresent Returns false if the supplied value is null. Returns true if it is not.
LessThan Returns a Boolean value indicating whether the first integer is less than the second.
Not Flips the Boolean value of the supplied condition.
Or Returns a Boolean value indicating if either condition is true.
ParametersContain When supplied the request parameters for a request (for example, [//Request/RequestParameter]) and an attribute name, returns a Boolean value indicating if the attribute was modified by the request.
RegexMatch Returns a Boolean value indicating if the string matches the regex pattern.
ValueType Returns the type of the supplied input object
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