What's Changed
- Adding note about REACT_APP_API_ROOT by @lossyrob in #454
- Declare io-lulc-annual-v02 dataset by @ghidalgo3 in #455
- Add link for Washing health privacy statement by @mmcfarland in #456
- Use SWA API endpoint to generate azmap token by @mmcfarland in #458
- Bump axios from 0.27.2 to 0.28.0 by @dependabot in #457
- Add aria-level to role=heading elements by @mmcfarland in #460
- Update azmaps access token location by @mmcfarland in #464
- Removed k-batch docs by @TomAugspurger in #462
New Contributors
- @ghidalgo3 made their first contribution in #455
Full Changelog: 2024.1.0...2024.1.3