The BGV scheme now keeps ciphertexts in NTT form. BGV ciphertext multiplication is much faster than version 4.0.0.
When a BGV ciphertext saved by previous versions is loaded in the current version, it is automatically converted to NTT form.
, the maximum number of primes that define the coefficient modulus, from 64 to 256.
Other Fixes
Fixed typos (PR #590) .
Added $schema to cgmanifest.json (PR #558) .
Fixed typos (PR #512) .
Fixed typos (PR #530) .
Fixed typos (PR #509) .
Added missing const
qualifiers (PR #556) .
Added vcpkg installation instructions (PR #562) .
Fixed an issue in specific environments where allocation fails without throwing std::bad_alloc
Fixed comments (C++) and C/.NET wrapper implementation of an exception thrown by invariant_noise_budget
Major API Changes
Added new public methods mod_reduce_xxx(...)
(native) and ModReduceXxx(...)
(dotnet) to the class Evaluator
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