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Add new template and commit PR #17

Add new template and commit PR

Add new template and commit PR #17

name: Add new template and commit PR
description: >
"The solution name with prefix. Not the display name,
but the exact unique name of the solution.
(Examples: mpa_ITBase, mpa_Kudos, etc.)"
required: true
default: 'mpa_'
description: "User name for the commit"
required: true
default: 'tshanep'
description: >
"The Instance URL of the Dev Environment for this solution.
You can get this from Session details.
required: true
description: "Enter 'BASE' or 'APP'."
required: true
description: >
"If solution_type is APP, enter the exact unique name of
the base solution this depends on. (Example: mpa_ITBase).
Leave empty if it is a BASE solution."
required: false
contents: write
pull-requests: write
runs-on: windows-latest
shell: pwsh
- name: Install Power Platform Tools
uses: microsoft/powerplatform-actions/actions-install@v1
- name: Setup Node.js
uses: actions/setup-node@v2
node-version: '14'
# Install Power Platform CLI
- name: Install Power Platform CLI
run: dotnet tool install --global Microsoft.PowerApps.CLI.Tool
# Enable long path support in Git
- name: Enable long paths support in Git
run: git config --system core.longpaths true
# Validate solution_type input
- name: Validate solution_type input
run: |
$validTypes = @("BASE", "APP")
$inputType = "${{ github.event.inputs.solution_type }}"
if (-not $validTypes.Contains($inputType)) {
Write-Error "Invalid solution_type input. Must be either 'BASE' or 'APP'."
exit 1
shell: pwsh
# Validate dependent_on_solution_name input when solution_type is APP
- name: Validate dependent_on_solution_name input
run: |
$solutionType = "${{ github.event.inputs.solution_type }}"
$dependentOnSolutionName = "${{ github.event.inputs.dependent_on_solution_name }}"
if ($solutionType -eq "APP" -and [string]::IsNullOrEmpty($dependentOnSolutionName)) {
Write-Error "dependent_on_solution_name must have a value when solution_type is 'APP'. You need to provide the BASE solution uniquename that it is dependent on."
exit 1
shell: pwsh
# Enable long path support across all steps
- name: Enable long path support in windows
run: |
Set-ItemProperty -Path "HKLM:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\FileSystem" -Name "LongPathsEnabled" -Value 1
shell: pwsh
# Setup Auth with the Correct Environment
- name: Authenticate with Source PowerApps Environment
run: |
pac auth clear
pac auth create --url ${{ github.event.inputs.dev_env_url }} --username ${{ secrets.AUTOMATION_USERNAME }} --password ${{ secrets.AUTOMATION_PASSWORD }} --name DevEnv --cloud Public
# Checkout the main branch
- name: Checkout main branch
uses: actions/checkout@v3
ref: 'main'
# Check if the folder exists
- name: Check to see if solution already exists
id: check_folder
run: |
$folderPath = "solutions/${{ github.event.inputs.solution_name }}"
if (Test-Path $folderPath) {
Write-Host "The solution seems to already exist in the Git Repo - this workflow is only for new solutions being added to Git the first time."
echo "FOLDER_EXISTS=true" | Out-File -FilePath $env:GITHUB_ENV -Append
exit 1
} else {
Write-Host "Solution folder does not exist - will proceed to initialize the solution."
echo "FOLDER_EXISTS=false" | Out-File -FilePath $env:GITHUB_ENV -Append
# Navigate to the Solutions folder and initialize the solution
- name: Initialize New Power Platform Template
run: |
pac solution init --publisher-name PowerAccelerator --publisher-prefix mpa --outputDirectory .\Solutions\${{ github.event.inputs.solution_name }}
# Add SolutionPackageType of BOTH to <PropertyGroup> in cdsproj
- name: Add SolutionPackageType node to VS Project file
run: |
# Specify the path to the XML file
$xmlPath = "Solutions/${{ github.event.inputs.solution_name }}/${{ github.event.inputs.solution_name }}.cdsproj"
# Load the XML file
$xml = New-Object System.Xml.XmlDocument
# Define and add the namespace manager
$namespaceManager = New-Object System.Xml.XmlNamespaceManager($xml.NameTable)
$namespaceManager.AddNamespace("msb", "")
# Create the new node
$newNode = $xml.CreateElement("SolutionPackageType", $namespaceManager.LookupNamespace("msb"))
$newNode.InnerText = "Both"
# Find the target PropertyGroup node
$propertyGroup = $xml.SelectSingleNode("//msb:PropertyGroup", $namespaceManager)
# Add the new node to the PropertyGroup
# Save the updated XML back to the file
shell: pwsh
# Define the XML namespace used in your XML file
# Add SolutionsToBuild node to main solutions.proj
- name: Add SolutionsToBuild node to main solutions.proj
run: |
# Define the path to the XML file
$xmlPath = "Solutions/solutions.proj"
# Load the XML file
$xml = New-Object System.Xml.XmlDocument
$xml.PreserveWhitespace = $true
# Define and add the namespace manager
$namespaceManager = New-Object System.Xml.XmlNamespaceManager($xml.NameTable)
$namespaceManager.AddNamespace("msb", "")
# Create the new node
$newNode = $xml.CreateElement("SolutionsToBuild", $xml.DocumentElement.NamespaceURI)
$newNode.SetAttribute("Include", "${{ github.event.inputs.solution_name }}/${{ github.event.inputs.solution_name }}.cdsproj")
# Find the target ItemGroup node
$itemGroup = $xml.SelectSingleNode("//msb:ItemGroup", $namespaceManager)
# Add the new node to the ItemGroup
# Save the updated XML back to the file
shell: pwsh
# Define the XML namespace used in your XML file
# Sync and Build Solution
- name: Sync and Build New Template
run: |
cd .\Solutions\${{ github.event.inputs.solution_name }}\
pac solution sync --processCanvasApps
dotnet build /p:configuration=Release ${{ github.event.inputs.solution_name }}.cdsproj
shell: pwsh
# If solution_type is APP, then sync and build the base solution also
- name: Sync and Build Base Template Solution (if any)
if: ${{ github.event.inputs.solution_type == 'APP' }}
run: |
cd .\Solutions\${{ github.event.inputs.solution_name }}\
pac solution sync --processCanvasApps
dotnet build /p:configuration=Release ${{ github.event.inputs.solution_name }}.cdsproj
shell: pwsh
# Checkout to a local user branch, commit, and Pull Request
- name: Checkout to a new branch, commit, and Pull Request
run: |
$branchDateTime = Get-Date -Format "yyyyMMdd-HHmmss"
$branchName = "auto_pipeline/${{ github.event.inputs.solution_name }}-$branchDateTime"
git config --global "tshanep"
git config --global ""
git checkout -b $branchName
echo "BRANCH_NAME=$branchName" | Out-File -Append -Encoding utf8 $env:GITHUB_ENV
Write-Host "Working on branch $branchName"
git add .
git commit -m "Added new solution: ${{ github.event.inputs.solution_name }}"
git push origin $branchName
# gh pr create --title "Add new solution ${{ github.event.inputs.solution_name }}" --body "Added new solution: ${{ github.event.inputs.solution_name }}" --base main --head $branchName
GH_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
shell: pwsh