is a custom circuit plate can plays piano notes using an attiny85.
- Basic knowledges about electronic circuits, soldier circuits and ironing method.
- Attiny85.
- Arduino UNO.
- Piezoeectric (or buzzer).
- 12 resistors 220 Ohms.
- Socket for attiny85.
- SMD switch.
- CR225 Lithium Cell 3V.
- Some SMD pins.
- Jumpers/wires.
- Protoboard.
To build this circuit you need to print the pianoV2_etch_copper_bottom.svg
file inside printables
folder on photo paper or propacolte paper for use the ironing method.
If you don't want use this technique, you can create your PCB using a PCB online service like PCBWay, just download the
You can program the attiny using your Arduino UNO in Arduino ISP mode.
Once you can send sketchs to your attiny, you need to send the piano.ino