With go get:
go install github.com/mijho/gobcrypt@latest
From source:
git clone github.com/mijho/gobcrypt.git
make build
Or head to the releases page to download the prebuild binary for your system.
gobcrypt generate - generate pass/hash pairs
gobcrypt generate [command options] [arguments...]
--number value, -n value Specify the number of hashes to create (default: 1) (default: 1)
--password value, -p value Password to hash
--length value, -l value Specify the length of password required (default: 16) (default: 16)
--input-file value, -i value Specify a file to read passwords from
--output-file value, -o value Specify a file to write out the pass/hash to
--cost value, -c value Specify the cost to use (Min: 4, Max: 31) (default: 14) (default: 0)
--help, -h show help (default: false)
gobcrypt validate - validate pass/hash pairs
gobcrypt validate [command options] [arguments...]
--password value, -p value Password to hash
--hash value, --hp value Hash to verify
--input-file value, -i value Specify a file to read passwords from
--output-file value, -o value Specify a file to write out the pass/hash to
--help, -h show help (default: false)
Create a password and hash:
$ ./gobcrypt generate
f9fFFh7LcAaGJ89C $2a$10$pPbKZkrpHmJg5vZVGljUV.3N/gatYJN4Iv3bAnJ7b7SKgQTfZCnhS
Create a hash of a specific password
$ ./gobcrypt generate -p supergoodpass
supergoodpass $2a$10$KGm2jtacLvCXT2uitl8aQOPiDZBX8VmXIS9dZS5aAtQsQAVYetwiG
Check the hash is valid:
$ ./gobcrypt validate -p supergoodpass -hp '$2a$10$KGm2jtacLvCXT2uitl8aQOPiDZBX8VmXIS9dZS5aAtQsQAVYetwiG'
MATCH: PASS, password: supergoodpass, hash: $2a$10$KGm2jtacLvCXT2uitl8aQOPiDZBX8VmXIS9dZS5aAtQsQAVYetwiG
Create passwords of a specific length (15 chars by default)
$ ./gobcrypt generate -l 20
6DG4D7WZnA86kD2iQnnD $2a$10$IHrYPjzwBDG2BYTIcOBFlutNHEB2mBmpP6QG8ZF4iCW8Bn3suToMu
Create a bulk amount of password hash combinations
$ ./gobcrypt generate -n 7
EQKEBdAYXPZNwMM0 $2a$10$.iB7vbaKj2L7cYpTTa/.nuHe/BKQEL3uXgqduBOpGVhvuHkSz0yoS
y8mEjf6uIYx3QyLs $2a$10$QpSqInArVO9A5s/vpkgW1eOgtdLV2TJw1dqD3aQjYF0kbX0FpDp/e
akA95A1qiwmoPcjw $2a$10$RhKxTNn.2CPB7ertSScKFO30Fqcg9xAJH.J2X8PspWLm31D2O1wR6
J5H58PoVxR6j8n3s $2a$10$WAENUArAzRSo8zXgFbB4COUKv6vhDbPyTkFIqXVr5JOf5ksjspC2K
o1xb8hiqPrXhEmCT $2a$10$Io7hlQuc2C1Z9A4IxVDSxO6cx2SCql1Gb65/YCb4Xj.djeGa1bDSS
mkI6LG4Yc0d4drvE $2a$10$L.76ZOQNZkhbjQX7GzupzO4Ke/VEdlCwwv4q5vzHX5/ojEH95RkPi
t3LjJcaHg2nEY6mZ $2a$10$mduGQTccWkQ9dQ6n1LlBxeII1IlfD6uB51Ewy/MTVQ0q88DtMHTjO
Create a bulk amount and write the output to file
$ ./gobcrypt generate -o outfile.txt && cat outfile.txt
uLTAPhWdIqGq3vPY $2a$10$zCb9z3melGqqw8I1aancVeMBS7xzXIaAAGsaDbqpj/AO3VP1/XNEi
$ ./gobcrypt validate -p supergoodpass -hp '$2a$10$KGm2jtacLvCXT2uitl8aQOPiDZBX8VmXIS9dZS5aAtQsQAVYetwiG' -o results.txt && cat results.txt
MATCH: PASS, password: supergoodpass, hash: $2a$10$KGm2jtacLvCXT2uitl8aQOPiDZBX8VmXIS9dZS5aAtQsQAVYetwiG
Read passwords from file to hash or validate
$ cat infile.txt
$ ./gobcrypt generate -i infile.txt
password $2a$10$7Ttcr9C/6QkBnyewt/Ljg.HRpfoil96XSjTve7EXy5XOBiZB5Zr4a
hotdamn $2a$10$072dU17Zf/M.SbjAP.zhNer39Z7fPOUWHOTm6.849OzA9f3NJFaGu
12hfsklfh $2a$10$tVyXGyJ674PVJlh.dDd.seOA/RJRbDzPAlxFNjKp1Z3mVpOtOTJIG
forbarbaz $2a$10$bboUUJP0Fdp9oWBSFGN.GuV/VfBgYuHQfpQ3JcElzMH7ZeVCes8w2
$ ./gobcrypt validate -i outfile.txt
MATCH: PASS, password: uLTAPhWdIqGq3vPY, hash: $2a$10$zCb9z3melGqqw8I1aancVeMBS7xzXIaAAGsaDbqpj/AO3VP1/XNEi
Manually set the cost of the BCrypt hashing process
$ ./gobcrypt generate -c 17
NKOSv14NuLViUqkf $2a$17$DWJWvyIZH/CamvGAa59Naefhz5AnFNFbfkQ38ryhsH27J7Zovt8Gm