Person Responsible: Raveena Choudhary - 40232370 Umangkumar Maheshbhai Patel - 40228475
- Node.js v16.13.2
- Steps to install apache maven in windows:
- Steps to install maven in eclipse :
- All depedencies used in backend(java-maven project) is placed in pom.xml file:
- To install dependencies locally: Go to project/backend and run maven command- mvn clean and then mvn install in eclipse or cmd.
pexels photos -
JSON Response :
"page": 1,
"per_page": 50,
"photos": [
"id": 14367476,
"width": 3955,
"height": 5932,
"url": "",
"photographer": "Feyza Yıldırım",
"photographer_url": "",
"photographer_id": 50964441,
"avg_color": "#C5CACD",
"src": {
"original": "",
"large2x": "",
"large": "",
"medium": "",
"small": "",
"portrait": "",
"landscape": "",
"tiny": ""
"liked": false,
"alt": ""
"id": 14331960,
"width": 2505,
"height": 3336,
"url": "",
"photographer": "Lany-Jade Mondou",
"photographer_url": "",
"photographer_id": 135943481,
"avg_color": "#29201B",
"src": {
"original": "",
"large2x": "",
"large": "",
"medium": "",
"small": "",
"portrait": "",
"landscape": "",
"tiny": ""
"liked": false,
"alt": ""
Follow below steps to run and test the system
- To run backend APIs, go to the
and please up the tomcat server using the command in command line :
mvn tomcat7:run
- To check server is successfully started, make a request in browser: http://localhost:8080/photo-api/get-photographers-with-photos. User will be able to see some JSON response ( no need to bother about response). Please find the below screenshot for reference:
- Run frontend on server using the command in command line :
npm install
npm start
Please Note: Tomcat server should up and running to run the tests green. Running tests will only do data insertion and deletion but will not up the server. Server should be run by running command in cmd as mentioned in above steps.
- Open command line in backend folder and run commands:
mvn clean
--> this must should print BUILD SUCCESS message. Then run
mvn install
--> this will run all the tests.
- Tests are written using
Rest Assured
tools in Java - To run test in IDE, you can use eclipse and install TestNG from eclipse marketplace. Once successfully installed, select the tests folder(src/test/java) on right click you should be able to see option to run tests as "TestNG tests".
Used to refactor code
: inline temp, inline temp, Replace Magic Number with Symbolic Constant (Constant Strings), etc. (
Used from the beggining
(for good practices) : Rename Method, Hide Method, Parameterize Method, Extract method.