Beginner level projects for those who want to improve themselves in Python.
Projects and its descriptions:
- arrange-video => Setting video speed and frame size of videos.
- auto-clicker-bot => An auto clicker bot in Python.
- cash-machine => A very simple cash machine program that you can withdraw money and see your balance.
- digital-clock => A digital clock with Python Tkinter.
- game-of-life => Conway's Game of Life in Python.
- handwritten-digit-recognition => Recognizing handwritten digits using the MNIST dataset.
- location-finder => Find location and operator of telephone number with Python.
- make-quiz => Quiz sample where you can add as many questions as you want.
- number-prediction => Basic number prediction game with Python.
- online-web-chat => Basic web chat in Python with Flask.
- operation-time-calculator => A program that calculates how many seconds mathematical operations are performed by computer.
- pyqt5-examples => Two different calculator interfaces written in PyQt5.
- user-information => A program that stores user information (username, password, e-mail) in a file in .json format.