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Michael Richards edited this page Jun 5, 2014 · 3 revisions

A brief rundown on the core binders included with Rivets.js.


Sets the element's text when an observed attribute changes.

<h1 rv-text=""></h1>

Or by using text content interpolation.

<h1>{ }</h1>


Sets the element's HTML content when an observed attribute changes.

<section rv-html="item.summary"></section>


Sets the element's value when the attribute changes and sets the object's attribute value when the input element changes (bi-directional).

<input rv-value="">


Shows or hides the element when the attribute changes (based on the incoming value's truthy/falsey evaluation).

<button rv-show="user.admin">Remove</button>


Enables or disables the element when the attribute changes (based on the incoming value's truthy/falsey evaluation).

<button rv-enabled="user.editor">Highlight</button>


Checks or unchecks the element when the attribute changes (based on the incoming value's truthy/falsey evaluation). Also sets the object's attribute value to true/false when the element changes (bi-directional).

Use this instead of value when binding to checkboxes or radio buttons.

<input type="checkbox" rv-checked="item.enabled">


Binds a function to the [event] event on the element. Will also unbind/bind when the attribute changes if going through the adapter.

<button rv-on-click="item.destroy">Remove</button>
<span rv-on-hover="item.showPreview">Preview</span>


Loops over items in an array and appends bound instances of that element in place. A new context is available on that element and it's children for the iterated [item], which you can also bind to.

Note that all contexts available in the parent binding are still available in the iterated context as well.

  <li rv-each-todo="list.todos">
    <input type="checkbox" rv-checked="todo.done">
    { todo.summary }


Adds or removes the [classname] class on the element when the attribute changes (based on the incoming value's truthy/falsey evaluation).

<li rv-class-enabled="item.enabled">{ }</li>


If your binding declaration does not match any of the above routines, it will fallback to use this binding. This binding simply sets the value for the specified [attribute].

<input type="text" rv-placeholder="field.placeholder">
<li rv-id="">{ item.title }</li>