Intended to function with Ancient Anguish using Mudlet
- Mapper: Uses LUA to display map
- Health meters
- Useful links
To use mapper currently:
asciiart off
and then exa map
. This will be updated to support prompt X/Y coordinates (donators) and 'landmark' short room desc.
- Import the profile and copy over images
- Set your prompt in game as follows (profile will supress second line)
- Picking up coords from prompt are an issue
- Class Modules - Ie load useful stuff for ficers/Rangers
- Prettier UI/Layout
- Common buttons (who etc)
- Chat windows
- Highlight stuff like pipe running out
- Status indicators for donator prompt (ie stuffed, drunk)
This is in development. If your characters dies because of it, not my problem.
This will not implement 'auto triggers' which are against AA rules! For example, we can highlght your pipe has run out but we will not refill it for you.