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Mike Cheung edited this page Sep 26, 2023 · 3 revisions

Calculating R² in MASEM

Mike Cheung December 24, 2022

Sample data


## Sample data from Becker (1992)
## $`Berry (1957)`
##         Math Spatial Verbal
## Math    1.00    0.46   0.31
## Spatial 0.46    1.00   0.19
## Verbal  0.31    0.19   1.00
## $`Rosenberg (1981)`
##         Math Spatial Verbal
## Math    1.00    0.46   0.55
## Spatial 0.46    1.00   0.32
## Verbal  0.55    0.32   1.00


## Proposed regression model
model1 <- "## Regression paths
           Math ~ Spatial2Math*Spatial + Verbal2Math*Verbal
           Spatial ~~ CorSpatialVerbal*Verbal
           ## Fix the variances of Spatial and Verbal at 1
           Spatial ~~ 1*Spatial
           Verbal ~~ 1*Verbal
           ## Label the error variance of Math
           Math ~~ ErrorVarMath*Math"

## Display the model

## Convert it to RAM
RAM1 <- lavaan2RAM(model1, obs.variables=c("Math", "Spatial", "Verbal"))
## $A
##         Math Spatial            Verbal           
## Math    "0"  "0.1*Spatial2Math" "0.1*Verbal2Math"
## Spatial "0"  "0"                "0"              
## Verbal  "0"  "0"                "0"              
## $S
##         Math               Spatial              Verbal              
## Math    "0.5*ErrorVarMath" "0"                  "0"                 
## Spatial "0"                "1"                  "0*CorSpatialVerbal"
## Verbal  "0"                "0*CorSpatialVerbal" "1"                 
## $F
##         Math Spatial Verbal
## Math       1       0      0
## Spatial    0       1      0
## Verbal     0       0      1
## $M
##   Math Spatial Verbal
## 1    0       0      0
## Stage 1 TSSEM with random-effects model
rand1 <- tssem1(Becker92$data, Becker92$n, method="REM")
## Call:
## meta(y = ES, v = acovR, RE.constraints = Diag(paste0(RE.startvalues, 
##     "*Tau2_",, "_",, RE.lbound = RE.lbound, 
##     I2 = I2, =, suppressWarnings = TRUE, 
##     silent = silent, run = run)
## 95% confidence intervals: z statistic approximation (robust=FALSE)
## Coefficients:
##              Estimate  Std.Error     lbound     ubound z value  Pr(>|z|)    
## Intercept1  0.3804588  0.0421940  0.2977601  0.4631575  9.0169 < 2.2e-16 ***
## Intercept2  0.2982765  0.0930979  0.1158080  0.4807451  3.2039  0.001356 ** 
## Intercept3  0.1570785  0.0503387  0.0584165  0.2557405  3.1204  0.001806 ** 
## Tau2_1_1    0.0020084  0.0053837 -0.0085434  0.0125602  0.3731  0.709109    
## Tau2_2_2    0.0418303  0.0314264 -0.0197644  0.1034250  1.3311  0.183171    
## Tau2_3_3    0.0041962  0.0099467 -0.0152989  0.0236914  0.4219  0.673118    
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
## Q statistic on the homogeneity of effect sizes: 46.95764
## Degrees of freedom of the Q statistic: 15
## P value of the Q statistic: 3.739907e-05
## Heterogeneity indices (based on the estimated Tau2):
##                              Estimate
## Intercept1: I2 (Q statistic)   0.1928
## Intercept2: I2 (Q statistic)   0.8118
## Intercept3: I2 (Q statistic)   0.2790
## Number of studies (or clusters): 6
## Number of observed statistics: 18
## Number of estimated parameters: 6
## Degrees of freedom: 12
## -2 log likelihood: -18.20738 
## OpenMx status1: 0 ("0" or "1": The optimization is considered fine.
## Other values may indicate problems.)
## Stage 2 TSSEM
## Two equivalent versions to calculate the R^2 and its 95% LBCI
rand2a <- tssem2(rand1, RAM=RAM1, intervals.type="LB",
                                  ## R^2 = 1 - error variance of Math
                                  R2b=mxAlgebra(One-Smatrix[1,1], name="R2b"),
                                  ## Define a 1x1 matrix of 1
                                  One=mxMatrix("Iden", ncol=1, nrow=1, name="One")))
## Call:
## wls(Cov = pooledS, aCov = aCov, n = tssem1.obj$total.n, RAM = RAM, 
##     Amatrix = Amatrix, Smatrix = Smatrix, Fmatrix = Fmatrix, 
##     diag.constraints = diag.constraints, cor.analysis = cor.analysis, 
##     intervals.type = intervals.type, mx.algebras = mx.algebras, 
##     mxModel.Args = mxModel.Args, subset.variables = subset.variables, 
## =, suppressWarnings = suppressWarnings, 
##     silent = silent, run = run)
## 95% confidence intervals: Likelihood-based statistic
## Coefficients:
##                  Estimate Std.Error   lbound   ubound z value Pr(>|z|)
## Spatial2Math     0.342045        NA 0.252776 0.429839      NA       NA
## Verbal2Math      0.244549        NA 0.058172 0.430551      NA       NA
## CorSpatialVerbal 0.157079        NA 0.058007 0.256012      NA       NA
## mxAlgebras objects (and their 95% likelihood-based CIs):
##             lbound  Estimate    ubound
## R2a[1,1] 0.1177919 0.2030773 0.3351317
## R2b[1,1] 0.1177919 0.2030773 0.3351317
## Goodness-of-fit indices:
##                                              Value
## Sample size                                538.000
## Chi-square of target model                   0.000
## DF of target model                           0.000
## p value of target model                      0.000
## Number of constraints imposed on "Smatrix"   0.000
## DF manually adjusted                         0.000
## Chi-square of independence model            90.489
## DF of independence model                     3.000
## RMSEA                                        0.000
## RMSEA lower 95% CI                           0.000
## RMSEA upper 95% CI                           0.000
## SRMR                                         0.000
## TLI                                           -Inf
## CFI                                          1.000
## AIC                                          0.000
## BIC                                          0.000
## OpenMx status1: 0 ("0" or "1": The optimization is considered fine.
## Other values indicate problems.)
## Display the model with the parameter estimates
plot(rand2a, color="green")

## An easier approach is to define the R2 in the model
model2 <- "## Regression paths
           Math ~ Spatial2Math*Spatial + Verbal2Math*Verbal
           Spatial ~~ CorSpatialVerbal*Verbal
           ## Fix the variances of Spatial and Verbal at 1
           Spatial ~~ 1*Spatial
           Verbal ~~ 1*Verbal
           ## Label the error variance of Math
           Math ~~ ErrorVarMath*Math
           ## Define an R2
           R2 := Spatial2Math^2+Verbal2Math^2+2*CorSpatialVerbal*Spatial2Math*Verbal2Math"

## Convert it to RAM
RAM2 <- lavaan2RAM(model2, obs.variables=c("Math", "Spatial", "Verbal"))
## $A
##         Math Spatial            Verbal           
## Math    "0"  "0.1*Spatial2Math" "0.1*Verbal2Math"
## Spatial "0"  "0"                "0"              
## Verbal  "0"  "0"                "0"              
## $S
##         Math               Spatial              Verbal              
## Math    "0.5*ErrorVarMath" "0"                  "0"                 
## Spatial "0"                "1"                  "0*CorSpatialVerbal"
## Verbal  "0"                "0*CorSpatialVerbal" "1"                 
## $F
##         Math Spatial Verbal
## Math       1       0      0
## Spatial    0       1      0
## Verbal     0       0      1
## $M
##   Math Spatial Verbal
## 1    0       0      0
## $mxalgebras
## $mxalgebras$R2
## mxAlgebra 'R2' 
## $formula:  Spatial2Math^2 + Verbal2Math^2 + 2 * CorSpatialVerbal * Spatial2Math * Verbal2Math 
## $result: (not yet computed) <0 x 0 matrix>
## dimnames: NULL
rand2b <- tssem2(rand1, RAM=RAM2, intervals.type="LB")
## Call:
## wls(Cov = pooledS, aCov = aCov, n = tssem1.obj$total.n, RAM = RAM, 
##     Amatrix = Amatrix, Smatrix = Smatrix, Fmatrix = Fmatrix, 
##     diag.constraints = diag.constraints, cor.analysis = cor.analysis, 
##     intervals.type = intervals.type, mx.algebras = mx.algebras, 
##     mxModel.Args = mxModel.Args, subset.variables = subset.variables, 
## =, suppressWarnings = suppressWarnings, 
##     silent = silent, run = run)
## 95% confidence intervals: Likelihood-based statistic
## Coefficients:
##                  Estimate Std.Error   lbound   ubound z value Pr(>|z|)
## Spatial2Math     0.342045        NA 0.252776 0.429839      NA       NA
## Verbal2Math      0.244549        NA 0.058172 0.430551      NA       NA
## CorSpatialVerbal 0.157079        NA 0.058007 0.256012      NA       NA
## mxAlgebras objects (and their 95% likelihood-based CIs):
##            lbound  Estimate    ubound
## R2[1,1] 0.1177919 0.2030773 0.3351317
## Goodness-of-fit indices:
##                                              Value
## Sample size                                538.000
## Chi-square of target model                   0.000
## DF of target model                           0.000
## p value of target model                      0.000
## Number of constraints imposed on "Smatrix"   0.000
## DF manually adjusted                         0.000
## Chi-square of independence model            90.489
## DF of independence model                     3.000
## RMSEA                                        0.000
## RMSEA lower 95% CI                           0.000
## RMSEA upper 95% CI                           0.000
## SRMR                                         0.000
## TLI                                           -Inf
## CFI                                          1.000
## AIC                                          0.000
## BIC                                          0.000
## OpenMx status1: 0 ("0" or "1": The optimization is considered fine.
## Other values indicate problems.)


## Convert the data to the right format
df <- Cor2DataFrame(Becker92) <- osmasem(RAM=RAM2, data=df, intervals.type="LB")
## Summary of osmasem 
## free parameters:
##               name  matrix    row     col   Estimate  Std.Error A   z value
## 1     Spatial2Math      A0   Math Spatial  0.3420455 0.04489421    7.618922
## 2      Verbal2Math      A0   Math  Verbal  0.2445485 0.09485628    2.578095
## 3 CorSpatialVerbal      S0 Verbal Spatial  0.1570785 0.05033867    3.120434
## 4           Tau1_1 vecTau1      1       1 -6.2104200 2.68058695   -2.316813
## 5           Tau1_2 vecTau1      2       1 -3.1741347 0.75128419   -4.224945
## 6           Tau1_3 vecTau1      3       1 -5.4735694 2.37038631   -2.309147
##       Pr(>|z|)
## 1 2.553513e-14
## 2 9.934665e-03
## 3 1.805845e-03
## 4 2.051389e-02
## 5 2.389987e-05
## 6 2.093545e-02
## confidence intervals:
##                           lbound    estimate     ubound note
## osmasem.Amatrix[1,1]          NA 0.000000000         NA  !!!
## osmasem.Amatrix[2,1]          NA 0.000000000         NA  !!!
## osmasem.Amatrix[3,1]          NA 0.000000000         NA  !!!
## osmasem.Amatrix[1,2] 0.253361009 0.342045488 0.44654265     
## osmasem.Amatrix[2,2]          NA 0.000000000         NA  !!!
## osmasem.Amatrix[3,2]          NA 0.000000000         NA  !!!
## osmasem.Amatrix[1,3] 0.023298797 0.244548520 0.46816790     
## osmasem.Amatrix[2,3] 0.000000000 0.000000000         NA  !!!
## osmasem.Amatrix[3,3]          NA 0.000000000         NA  !!!
## osmasem.Smatrix[1,1] 0.636400030 0.796922700 0.88533443     
## osmasem.Smatrix[2,1]          NA 0.000000000         NA  !!!
## osmasem.Smatrix[3,1]          NA 0.000000000         NA  !!!
## osmasem.Smatrix[1,2]          NA 0.000000000         NA  !!!
## osmasem.Smatrix[2,2]          NA 1.000000000         NA  !!!
## osmasem.Smatrix[3,2] 0.034120353 0.157078520 0.27569326     
## osmasem.Smatrix[1,3]          NA 0.000000000         NA  !!!
## osmasem.Smatrix[2,3] 0.034120353 0.157078520 0.27569326     
## osmasem.Smatrix[3,3]          NA 1.000000000         NA  !!!
## osmasem.Tau2[1,1]             NA 0.002008394 0.03105435  !!!
## osmasem.Tau2[2,1]             NA 0.000000000         NA  !!!
## osmasem.Tau2[3,1]             NA 0.000000000         NA  !!!
## osmasem.Tau2[1,2]             NA 0.000000000         NA  !!!
## osmasem.Tau2[2,2]    0.009750432 0.041830285 0.20669836     
## osmasem.Tau2[3,2]             NA 0.000000000         NA  !!!
## osmasem.Tau2[1,3]             NA 0.000000000         NA  !!!
## osmasem.Tau2[2,3]             NA 0.000000000         NA  !!!
## osmasem.Tau2[3,3]             NA 0.004196227 0.05583177  !!!
## osmasem.R2[1,1]      0.114665573 0.203077300 0.36359997     
##   To investigate missing CIs, run summary() again, with verbose=T, to see CI details. 
## Model Statistics: 
##                |  Parameters  |  Degrees of Freedom  |  Fit (-2lnL units)
##        Model:              6                     12             -18.20738
##    Saturated:              9                      9                    NA
## Independence:              6                     12                    NA
## Number of observations/statistics: 538/18
## Information Criteria: 
##       |  df Penalty  |  Parameters Penalty  |  Sample-Size Adjusted
## AIC:      -42.20738              -6.207377                -6.049185
## BIC:      -93.66168              19.519774                 0.473715
## To get additional fit indices, see help(mxRefModels)
## timestamp: 2022-12-24 10:31:22 
## Wall clock time: 0.2338519 secs 
## optimizer:  SLSQP 
## OpenMx version number: 2.20.7 
## Need help?  See help(mxSummary)
plot(, color="yellow")

## R version 4.2.2 Patched (2022-11-10 r83330)
## Platform: x86_64-pc-linux-gnu (64-bit)
## Running under: Ubuntu 22.04.1 LTS
## Matrix products: default
## BLAS:   /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/blas/
## LAPACK: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/lapack/
## locale:
##  [1] LC_CTYPE=en_SG.UTF-8       LC_NUMERIC=C              
##  [3] LC_TIME=en_SG.UTF-8        LC_COLLATE=en_SG.UTF-8    
##  [5] LC_MONETARY=en_SG.UTF-8    LC_MESSAGES=en_SG.UTF-8   
##  [7] LC_PAPER=en_SG.UTF-8       LC_NAME=C                 
##  [9] LC_ADDRESS=C               LC_TELEPHONE=C            
## attached base packages:
## [1] stats     graphics  grDevices utils     datasets  methods   base     
## other attached packages:
## [1] metaSEM_1.2.6.2 OpenMx_2.20.7  
## loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
##  [1] nlme_3.1-160        RColorBrewer_1.1-3  mi_1.1             
##  [4] tools_4.2.2         backports_1.4.1     utf8_1.2.2         
##  [7] R6_2.5.1            rpart_4.1.19        Hmisc_4.7-2        
## [10] colorspace_2.0-3    nnet_7.3-18         gridExtra_2.3      
## [13] mnormt_2.1.1        compiler_4.2.2      qgraph_1.9.3       
## [16] fdrtool_1.2.17      cli_3.5.0           htmlTable_2.4.1    
## [19] scales_1.2.1        checkmate_2.1.0     mvtnorm_1.1-3      
## [22] psych_2.2.9         pbapply_1.6-0       sem_3.1-15         
## [25] stringr_1.5.0       digest_0.6.31       pbivnorm_0.6.0     
## [28] foreign_0.8-82      minqa_1.2.5         rmarkdown_2.19     
## [31] base64enc_0.1-3     jpeg_0.1-10         pkgconfig_2.0.3    
## [34] htmltools_0.5.4     lme4_1.1-31         lisrelToR_0.1.5    
## [37] highr_0.9           fastmap_1.1.0       htmlwidgets_1.6.0  
## [40] rlang_1.0.6         rstudioapi_0.14     gtools_3.9.4       
## [43] zip_2.2.2           magrittr_2.0.3      Formula_1.2-4      
## [46] interp_1.1-3        Matrix_1.5-1        Rcpp_1.0.9         
## [49] munsell_0.5.0       fansi_1.0.3         abind_1.4-5        
## [52] rockchalk_1.8.157   lifecycle_1.0.3     stringi_1.7.8      
## [55] yaml_2.3.6          carData_3.0-5       MASS_7.3-58        
## [58] plyr_1.8.8          lavaan_0.6-12       grid_4.2.2         
## [61] parallel_4.2.2      deldir_1.0-6        lattice_0.20-45    
## [64] semPlot_1.1.6       kutils_1.70         splines_4.2.2      
## [67] knitr_1.41          pillar_1.8.1        igraph_1.3.5       
## [70] boot_1.3-28         corpcor_1.6.10      reshape2_1.4.4     
## [73] stats4_4.2.2        XML_3.99-0.9        glue_1.6.2         
## [76] evaluate_0.19       latticeExtra_0.6-30 data.table_1.14.6  
## [79] RcppParallel_5.1.5  png_0.1-8           vctrs_0.5.1        
## [82] nloptr_2.0.3        gtable_0.3.1        ggplot2_3.4.0      
## [85] xfun_0.35           openxlsx_4.2.5.1    xtable_1.8-4       
## [88] coda_0.19-4         survival_3.4-0      glasso_1.11        
## [91] tibble_3.1.8        arm_1.13-1          ellipse_0.4.3      
## [94] cluster_2.1.4
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