For those of us that like to log our chat history... No more will coworkers be able to delete messages from Slack! Use your Slack Web API token to download all of your messages then beautify the JSON jargon into a readable HTML interface. This tool is able to get an up-to-date list of IM/Group/Channels that user has access to, removing the need to hardcode those lists.
Cron-able script to use Slack APIs to archive all messages.
- Save to a file
chmod 777
- Get a Slack API token from your account-> [Can be generated here] (
- Put that token into a file and save it
- Execute the setup to make sure you have all the required libraries
./ --setup
General ./ -t token [options]
Run a backup routine of just the Direct Messages conversations that you have had with all users in your organization.
./ -t token
Run a backup routine of all Public Channels, Private Groups and Direct Messages within your organization.
./ --debug-on --all --slack-token-file token
Run a backup routine of the Public Channels specified in pc.list, Private Groups specified in pg.list, and Direct Messages for users specified in dm.list.
./ --slack-token-file token --direct-messages dm.list --public-channels pc.list --private-groups pg.list
-a | --all
Implies --fetch --bypass-warnings. Use the web APIs to force a download of ALL Public Channels, Private Groups (the user has access to) and Direct Message conversations.
Note: This WILL take quite a wile! Use with caution.
-A | --all-users
Fetch all users to put into the Direct Messages list.
Note: This WILL take quite a wile! Use with caution if downloading conversations for this list.
-c | --public-channels FILE
FILE to read list of channel names for pulling Public Channel conversations.
-d | --debug-on
Keep the Debug folder after the script executes. Defaults to OFF so this folder will be deleted, saving disk space.
-f | --fetch
Fetches the user lists for public, private and DM messages. Stores them in local files for later use.
-F | --fetch-only
Like --fetch, but quits the remaining script execution afterwards. This will still perform all of the setup but will not execute the conversation download or cleaning.
-g | --private-groups FILE
FILE to read list of group names for pulling Private Group conversations.
-h | --help
Display this help message.
-m | --direct-messages FILE
FILE to read list of usernames for pulling Direct Message conversations.
-r | --reverse
Chronologically reverse message output.
-s | --setup
Run the software setup and check steps. This can take 1 - 5 minutes to execute.
-t | --slack-token-file FILE
Text FILE containing the Slack API token.
-T | --slack-token TOKEN
Slack token embedded into the command parameters.
NOTE: Token can be generated here:
-w | --bypass-warnings
Automatically continue even if warnings occur during setup. \n"
slack2html.php gist updated to my version, which enables the following:
- Usernames not displaying fix
- Reverse option added
- @hisabimbola [slack-history-export] (
- @dharmastyle [slack2html.php] (
- Lots of Stack Overflow pages and Google searches for the inspiration to make this happen