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Renaming and merging lang things via 'with'
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elegios committed Nov 15, 2023
1 parent 9aa6206 commit 01397eb
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Showing 3 changed files with 209 additions and 16 deletions.
6 changes: 5 additions & 1 deletion src/boot/lib/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -241,7 +241,11 @@ and decl =
| Inter of info * ustring * ty * param list option * (pat * tm) list
| Alias of info * ustring * ustring list * ty

and mlang = Lang of info * ustring * ustring list * decl list
and with_kind = WithType | WithValue

and lang_with = With of info * with_kind * ustring * (ustring * ustring) list

and mlang = Lang of info * ustring * ustring list * lang_with list * decl list

and let_decl = Let of info * ustring * ty * tm

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187 changes: 178 additions & 9 deletions src/boot/lib/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -299,6 +299,146 @@ let merge_langs : info -> lang_data -> lang_data -> lang_data = fun fi a b ->

(* === Functions that facilitate renaming types and values, and thus merging them after the fact === *)

module NoCap = struct
(* NOTE(vipa, 2023-11-15): This only supportrs renaming type
constructors and values, not type variabels nor constructors *)
type small_env =
{ subst : ustring Record.t
; avoid : USSet.t
let empty_small =
{ subst = Record.empty
; avoid = USSet.empty
type big_env =
{ values : small_env
; ty_cons : small_env
let empty_big =
{ values = empty_small
; ty_cons = empty_small

let subst_name : ustring -> small_env -> ustring = fun name env ->
Option.value ~default:name (Record.find_opt name env.subst)

let add_subst : ustring -> ustring -> small_env -> small_env = fun before now env ->
{ subst = Record.add before now env.subst
; avoid = USSet.add now env.avoid

let subst_ty_con_env (before : ustring) (now : ustring) : big_env =
{empty_big with ty_cons = add_subst before now empty_big.ty_cons}

let subst_value_env (before : ustring) (now : ustring) : big_env =
{empty_big with values = add_subst before now empty_big.values}

let process_binding : small_env -> ustring -> small_env * ustring = fun env name ->
if USSet.mem name env.avoid then
let new_name = name ^. us"_new" in
(add_subst name new_name env, new_name)
else (env, name)

let rec subst_ty (env : big_env) : ty -> ty = function
| TyCon (fi, name) ->
TyCon (fi, subst_name name env.ty_cons)
| TyUse (fi, _, _) -> raise_error fi
( "Compiler limitation: we can't easily rename syns or sems if 'use' is somewhere in the language fragment." )
| ty -> smap_ty_ty (subst_ty env) ty

let rec subst_pat (env : big_env) : pat -> big_env * pat = function
| PatNamed (fi, NameStr (id, sym)) ->
let values, id = process_binding env.values id in
({env with values}, PatNamed (fi, NameStr (id, sym)))
| PatSeqEdge (fi, l, NameStr (id, sym), r) ->
let env, l = Mseq.Helpers.map_accum_left subst_pat env l in
let values, id = process_binding env.values id in
let env = {env with values} in
let env, r = Mseq.Helpers.map_accum_left subst_pat env r in
(env, PatSeqEdge (fi, l, NameStr (id, sym), r))
| _ -> failwith "todo"

let rec subst_tm (env : big_env) : tm -> tm = function
| TmVar (fi, name, sym, pesym, frozen) ->
let name = subst_name name env.values in
TmVar (fi, name, sym, pesym, frozen)
| TmLam (fi, name, sym, pesym, ty, tm) ->
let ty = subst_ty env ty in
let values, name = process_binding env.values name in
let env = {env with values} in
let tm = subst_tm env tm in
TmLam (fi, name, sym, pesym, ty, tm)
| TmLet (fi, name, sym, ty, body, inexpr) ->
let ty = subst_ty env ty in
let body = subst_tm env body in
let values, name = process_binding env.values name in
let env = {env with values} in
let inexpr = subst_tm env inexpr in
TmLet (fi, name, sym, ty, body, inexpr)
| TmRecLets (fi, lets, inexpr) ->
let process values (fi, id, sym, ty, tm) =
let values, id = process_binding values id in
(values, (fi, id, sym, ty, tm)) in
let values, lets = List.fold_left_map process env.values lets in
let env = {env with values} in
let subst_let (fi, id, sym, ty, tm) =
(fi, id, sym, subst_ty env ty, subst_tm env tm) in
let lets = subst_let lets in
TmRecLets (fi, lets, subst_tm env inexpr)
| TmType (fi, name, params, ty, tm) ->
let ty = subst_ty env ty in
let ty_cons, name = process_binding env.ty_cons name in
let env = {env with ty_cons} in
TmType (fi, name, params, ty, subst_tm env tm)
| TmUse (fi, _, _) -> raise_error fi
( "Compiler limitation: we can't easily rename syns or sems if 'use' is somewhere in the language fragment." )
| TmExt (fi, name, sym, side, ty, tm) ->
let ty = subst_ty env ty in
let values, name = process_binding env.values name in
let tm = subst_tm {env with values} tm in
TmExt (fi, name, sym, side, ty, tm)
| TmMatch (fi, scrut, pat, th, el) ->
let scrut = subst_tm env scrut in
let new_env, pat = subst_pat env pat in
let th = subst_tm new_env th in
let el = subst_tm env el in
TmMatch (fi, scrut, pat, th, el)
| tm -> smap_tm_tm (subst_tm env) tm

let subst_lang (_env : big_env) (_lang : lang_data) : lang_data =
(* NOTE(vipa, 2023-11-15):
I'm not sure we can actually do full and proper capture avoiding
substitution here, because of `use`. Consider:
lang X
sem bar =
lang A
sem foo =
| _ -> use X in (foo, bar)
lang B = A
with bar =
Here we cannot rename `foo` to `bar` without capture, because we
cannot also rename `bar` in `X`.
For this reason I'm waiting with actually using the machinery
above, that should otherwise do decent capture-avoiding
It's worth noting that none of this would be an issue if we had
symbols, so a potential fix would be to make symbolize in boot
respect already placed symbols.

failwith "We don't presently support renaming `syn`s or `sem`s using `with`. See this error in the code for why."

let rec_add_with : ('a -> 'a -> 'a) -> ustring -> 'a -> 'a Record.t -> 'a Record.t = fun f k v m ->
let f = function
| Some v1 -> Some (f v1 v)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -332,8 +472,11 @@ let rename_type
let types = Record.remove orig_name data.types in
let ty_content = ~left:update_alias ~right:update_syn ty_content in
let types = rec_add_with (merge_types_in_lang fi new_name) new_name ty_content types in
(* TODO(vipa, 2023-11-14): rename all references to the old type *)
{ data with types = types }
let data = {data with types} in
if orig_name =. new_name then data
let subst = NoCap.subst_ty_con_env orig_name new_name in
NoCap.subst_lang subst data
| None -> data

let rename_value
Expand All @@ -345,8 +488,11 @@ let rename_value
let update_sem (sem : sem_data) = {sem with id = new_id} in
let val_content = update_sem val_content in
let values = rec_add_with (merge_sems_in_lang fi new_name) new_name val_content values in
(* TODO(vipa, 2023-11-14): rename all references to the old value *)
{ data with values = values }
let data = {data with values} in
if orig_name =. new_name then data
let subst = NoCap.subst_value_env orig_name new_name in
NoCap.subst_lang subst data
| None -> data

(* === Translating from MLang (list of top-declarations, including lang) to MExpr (single tm) === *)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -398,6 +544,12 @@ let rec translate_ty (env : mlang_env) : ty -> ty = function
let rec translate_pat (env : mlang_env) : pat -> mlang_env * pat = function
| PatNamed (_, NameStr(id, _)) as pat ->
({env with values = Record.remove id env.values}, pat)
| PatSeqEdge (fi, l, (NameStr (id, _) as name), r) ->
let env, l = Mseq.Helpers.map_accum_left translate_pat env l in
let env, r = Mseq.Helpers.map_accum_left translate_pat env r in
( {env with values = Record.remove id env.values}
, PatSeqEdge (fi, l, name, r)
| PatCon (fi, id, sym, pat) ->
let id, sym = match Record.find_opt id env.constructors with
| Some id -> (id, Symb.Helpers.nosym)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -674,19 +826,36 @@ let lang_gen : mlang_env -> ustring -> lang_data -> mlang_env * (tm -> tm) = fun
(wrap_sems env lang_name lang tm))) in
(lang_env, wrap)

let translate_lang (env : mlang_env) (Lang(fi, name, includes, decls)) : mlang_env * (tm -> tm) =
let translate_lang (env : mlang_env) (Lang(fi, name, includes, renames, decls)) : mlang_env * (tm -> tm) =
let su = Ustring.to_utf8 in
let fetch_include inc =
match Record.find_opt inc env.languages with
| Some lang -> lang
| Some lang -> (inc, lang)
| None -> raise_error fi ("Unknown language '" ^ su inc ^ "' in include list.") in
let includes = fetch_include includes in
(* TODO(vipa, 2023-11-14): Apply renames via `where` here once the syntax is in *)
let apply_rename includes (With (fi, kind, new_name, inputs)) =
let f = match kind with WithType -> rename_type | WithValue -> rename_value in
let id = Symb.gensym () in
let f lang orig_name = f fi orig_name (name, new_name, id) lang in
let process_input includes (lang_name, orig_name) =
let f = function
| Some lang -> Some (f lang orig_name)
| None -> raise_error fi
( "Unknown language '" ^ su lang_name ^ "' in 'with' clause." ) in
Record.update lang_name f includes in
List.fold_left process_input includes inputs in
let includes =
List.to_seq includes
|> fetch_include
|> Record.of_seq in
let includes = List.fold_left apply_rename includes renames in
let lang =
{ values = Record.empty
; types = Record.empty
} in
let lang = List.fold_left (merge_langs fi) lang includes in
let lang =
Record.to_seq includes
|> snd
|> Seq.fold_left (merge_langs fi) lang in
let lang = List.fold_left (add_decl_to_lang fi name) lang decls in
let lang_env, wrap = lang_gen env name lang in
let new_env =
Expand Down
32 changes: 26 additions & 6 deletions src/boot/lib/parser.mly
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -216,12 +216,13 @@ toputest:

| LANG ident lang_includes decls END
{ let fi = if List.length $3 > 0 then
mkinfo $1.i (List.nth $3 (List.length $3 - 1)).i
{ let incs, withs = $3 in
let fi = if List.length incs > 0 then
mkinfo $1.i (List.nth incs (List.length incs - 1)).i
mkinfo $1.i $2.i
Lang (fi, $2.v, (fun l -> l.v) $3, $4) }
Lang (fi, $2.v, (fun l -> l.v) incs, withs, $4) }

Expand All @@ -232,15 +233,34 @@ topext:
Ext (fi, $2.v, true, $5) }

| EQ lang_list
{ $2 }
| EQ lang_list with_list
{ $2, List.rev $3 }
{ [] }
{ [], [] }
| ident ADD lang_list
{ $1 :: $3 }
| ident
{ [$1] }
{ [] }
| with_list WITH type_ident EQ with_type_list
{ let fi = mkinfo $2.i $4.i in
With (fi, WithType, $3.v, List.rev $5) :: $1 }
| with_list WITH var_ident EQ with_var_list
{ let fi = mkinfo $2.i $4.i in
With (fi, WithValue, $3.v, List.rev $5) :: $1 }
| with_type_list ADD ident DOT type_ident
{ ($3.v, $5.v) :: $1 }
| ident DOT type_ident
{ [($1.v, $3.v)] }
| with_var_list ADD ident DOT var_ident
{ ($3.v, $5.v) :: $1 }
| ident DOT var_ident
{ [($1.v, $3.v)] }

| decl decls
Expand Down

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