A ruby wrapper for the python pygments syntax highlighter.
This library replaces github/albino.
Instead of shelling out to pygmentize
, it embeds the python
interpreter inside ruby via FFI. This avoids the cost of setting up the
python VM on every invocation and speeds up code highlighting from ruby by 10-15x.
Pygments.highlight(File.read(__FILE__), :lexer => 'ruby')
Encoding and other lexer/formatter options can be passed in via an options hash:
Pygments.highlight('code', :options => {:encoding => 'utf-8'})
To use a formatter other than html, specify it explicitly:
Pygments.highlight('code', :formatter => 'bbcode')
Pygments.highlight('code', :formatter => 'terminal')
To generate CSS for html formatted code, use the css method:
To use a custom python installation (like in ArchLinux), tell us where python lives:
Pygments.start nil, :python_exe => 'python2.7'
To use a custom pygments installation, specify the path to Pygments.start:
$ ruby -rubygems bench.rb 50
user system total real
albino 0.050000 0.050000 12.830000 ( 13.180806)
pygments::c 1.000000 0.010000 1.010000 ( 1.009348)
pygments::ffi + reload 11.350000 1.240000 12.590000 ( 12.692320)
pygments::ffi 1.130000 0.010000 1.140000 ( 1.171589)
To run bench.rb
, use a git checkout. The C extension is not included
in gem releases.