- remove "-alphaN" qualifier for the 'version' property.
a) Upload to the Nexus staging repository:
./gradlew :plot-api:publishAllPublicationsToMavenRepository
./gradlew publishLetsPlotKotlinGeoToolsPublicationToMavenRepository
Check artifacts are uploaded to the Nexus staging repository:
In the "Content" tab enter ‘Path lookup’: org/jetbrains/lets-plot
Note: check SNAPSHOT artifacts at:
b) Publish all artifacts to the Nexus "Releases" repository (from the staging):
./gradlew closeAndReleaseRepository
Check artifacts
lets-plot-kotlin-[jvm, js, kernel, metadata, geotools]
are uploaded to the Nexus Releases repository:https://oss.sonatype.org/index.html#view-repositories;releases~browsestorage
In the "Browse Storage" tab enter ‘Path lookup’: org/jetbrains/lets-plot
Note: PGP signature is required for publishing.
Note: Individually Lets-Plot Kotlin API artifacts can be published with commands:
"Kotlin kernel":
./gradlew publishLetsPlotKotlinKernelPublicationToMavenRepository
./gradlew :plot-api:publishKotlinMultiplatformPublicationToMavenRepository
./gradlew :plot-api:publishJvmPublicationToMavenRepository
./gradlew :plot-api:publishJsPublicationToMavenRepository
./gradlew :plot-api:publishMetadataPublicationToMavenRepository
- increment the version and add "-alpha1" qualifier (The 'version' property in 'build.gradle')
- push the new dev version to GitHub.
./gradlew dokka
- push the new version to GitHub with the "Reformat code" and "Update copyright" flags ON during the commit.
See also: api_reference.md
Edit lets-plot.json and lets-plot-gt.json in the kotlin-jupyter-libraries GitHub project.
Create a PR and get it merged into 'master'.
Note: the new descriptor will become the default only with the next release of the Kotlin Kernel.
Until then, the %useLatestDescriptors
line magic must be included in notebooks.
This is optional - needed only if newer version of 'kotlin-jupyter-kernel' is required.
- move from 'docs/examples/jupyter-notebooks-dev' to 'docs/examples/jupyter-notebooks'.
- Make sure the
line magic is present. - Remove parameters in the
%use lets-plot
line magic. - Re-run all notebooks.
git add --all && git commit -m "Updated demo notebooks, add v1.2.3demos1 repo tag" && git push
git tag v1.2.3demos1 && git push --tags
In docs/README.md update the Binder link with new "demo" tag (above).
- Open the link: https://github.com/JetBrains/lets-plot-kotlin/releases/new
- Fill
Tag version
andRelease title
with the released version: "vX.X.X" - Fill the description field - copy from the CHANGELOG.md