2021/2022 - 2nd Year, 2nd Semester
Course - LTW (Linguagens e Tecnologias Web | Web Languages and Technologies)
Project developed by
- Hugo Castro (up202006770)
- Milena Gouveia (up202008862)
- Sofia Moura (up201907201)
The purpose of this project was to create a website where restaurants can list and offer their menus for take-away. To create this application, we had to:
- Create an SQLite database that stores information about restaurants, menus, dishes, customers, and orders.
- Create documents using HTML and CSS representing the application's web pages.
- Use PHP to generate those web pages after retrieving/changing data from the database.
- Use Javascript to enhance the user experience (for example, using Ajax).
The minimum expected requirements were the following:
- All users should be able to (users can simultaneously be customers and restaurant owners):
- Register a new account.
- Login and Logout.
- Edit their profile (at least username, password, address, and phone number).
- Restaurant owners should be able to:
- Add and edit information about each one of their restaurants. Including the name, address, and category.
- Add a list of dishes, their names, prices, photos and categories.
- List and respond to reviews made by customers.
- List orders and change their state (e.g., received, preparing, ready, delivered).
- Customers should be able to:
- Search restaurants by name, dish name, average review score, etc.
- Order dishes from a single restaurant.
- Mark restaurants and dishes as favorites.
- Review a restaurant they have ordered from (at least score and some text).
We also had to make sure that:
- The following technologies are all used: HTML, CSS, PHP, Javascript, Ajax/JSON, PDO/SQL (using sqlite).
- The website should be as secure as possible, having special attention to SQL injection, XSS and CSRF attack protection, and good password storage principles.
- Code should be organized and consistent.
- Design doesn't need to be top-notch but should be clean and consistent throughout the site. It should also work on mobile devices.
- Frameworks are not allowed.
- Small helper libraries (e.g., displaying a gallery of pictures) might be allowed.
Some suggested additional requirements. These requirements were a way of making sure each project was unique and it was not necessary to implement all of them:
- Restaurant owners should be able to add temporary promotions to dishes.
- There should be a way to keep each dish's price history.
- Users should be able to send photos of the dishes they ordered so that other users know what to expect.
- Users should receive a system notification every time something significant happens (e.g., new order, the ordered dish is on its way).
- Add more information about restaurants and dishes.
- Use the geolocation API and restaurant addresses to order the restaurants by distance.
- Add a third type of user, the driver, responsible for picking up dishes from restaurants and delivering them to customers.
- Use the geolocation API to show the driver's location at any given time.
- Drivers should be able to list restaurants near them that have orders almost ready to be delivered.
- Drivers should be able to see information for orders they were given, including the customer name, address, and phone.
- Drivers should be able to set an order's state to 'delivered.'
- Develop a REST API for the front end of the website or third-party services.
We could also create our own additional requirements.
- Register
- Login/Logout
- Edit Profile
- Add Restaurant
- Edit Restaurant
- Add Dishes
- Add Dish Photo
- List Reviews
- Restaurant Owner Can Answer to Review
- List Customer Orders
- Change Order State
- Search Restaurants
- Order Dishes
- List My Orders
- Mark Restaurant as Favourite
- Mark Dish as Favourite
- Customer Can Leave a Review
- Customer can rate ordered dishes
- Upload Restaurant, profile and review photo
- Edit Dish
- Edit Profile Photo
- Restaurant Owner can remove dishes
- Add more information about dishes (allergens)
Username | Password |
saradias | sara2004 |
lluislima | informatica2020 |
dav_soares | mysecretpassword |
brunaavazz1 | safemodeon |
nicoleolive | oBoticario |
nunoamaro13 | DontEvenTry2Hack! |
Step 1: Install php-gd
sudo apt-get install php-gd
Step 2: Run the following command in the project's root directory:
php -S localhost:9000
Step 3: Access http://localhost:9000 in your browser.