Breaking Changes
The module now requires AWS Provider Version
or higher.
Please follow the official upgrade guide when upgrading from thev3
provider: Terraform AWS Provider Version 4 Upgrade Guide.
We also have updated our examples accordingly: Examples -
SVG is no longer automatically optimized.
For security reasons Next.js has disabled the optimization of SVG images by default, instead they added two new optionsdangerouslyAllowSVG
to the Next image config: Dangerously Allow SVG.
To use them together with the module we introduced 2 new variablesnext_image_dangerously_allow_SVG
that can be used to configure the behaviour:module "next_image_optimizer" { source = "milliHQ/next-js-image-optimization/aws" + next_image_dangerously_allow_SVG = true + next_image_content_security_policy = "default-src 'self'; script-src 'none'; sandbox;" }
- Ensure compatibility with AWS Provider Version 4 (#119, #120)
- Uses Image Optimizer module of Next.js 12.1.0 (#123)
- Adds option to enable SVG support (#124)