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authorizer: add new rules and modify invariant with ghosts and hooks
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lgalende committed Sep 17, 2023
1 parent 0ed9452 commit 4a89acd
Showing 1 changed file with 237 additions and 13 deletions.
250 changes: 237 additions & 13 deletions packages/authorizer/certora/specs/Authorizer.spec
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ methods {
function isAuthorized(address,address,bytes4,uint256[]) external returns (bool) envfree;
function hasPermission(address who, address where, bytes4 what) external returns (bool) envfree;
function getPermissionParams(address,address,bytes4) external returns (IAuthorizer.Param[]) envfree;
function getPermissionsLength(address,address) external returns (uint256) envfree;

definition INITIALIZE() returns uint8 = 0;
Expand All @@ -32,18 +33,99 @@ definition getSelector(uint8 f) returns uint32 = (

function isValidPermissionsState(address who, address where, bytes4 what) returns bool {
bool hasPermission = hasPermission(who, where, what);
IAuthorizer.Param[] params = getPermissionParams(who, where, what);
function buildPermissionChange(
address where,
bool withGrant,
address grantWho,
bytes4 grantWhat,
bool withRevoke,
address revokeWho,
bytes4 revokeWhat
) returns IAuthorizer.PermissionChange
IAuthorizer.PermissionChange change;
require change.where == where;

if (withGrant) {
require change.grants.length == 1;
IAuthorizer.GrantPermission grant = change.grants[0];
require grant.who == grantWho && grant.what == grantWhat && grant.params.length == 0;
} else {
require change.grants.length == 0;

if (withRevoke) {
require change.revokes.length == 1;
IAuthorizer.RevokePermission revoke = change.revokes[0];
require revoke.who == revokeWho && revoke.what == revokeWhat;
} else {
require change.revokes.length == 0;

return change;

function getPermissionParamsLength(address who, address where, bytes4 what) returns uint256 {
IAuthorizer.Param[] permissionParams = getPermissionParams(who, where, what);
return permissionParams.length;

function requireNonGenericPermissions(address who, address where, bytes4 what, uint256[] how) {
require !isAuthorized(ANYONE(), where, what, how);
require !isAuthorized(who, ANYWHERE(), what, how);

bool ifNoPermissionsThenNotAuthorized = !hasPermissions(who, where) => !hasPermission;
bool ifNotAuthorizedThenNoParams = !hasPermission => params.length == 0;
ghost mapping(address => mapping(address => mapping(bytes4 => uint256))) ghostParamsLength {
init_state axiom forall address who . forall address where . forall bytes4 what . ghostParamsLength[who][where][what] == 0;

ghost mapping(address => mapping(address => mapping(bytes4 => bool))) ghostAuthorized {
init_state axiom forall address who . forall address where . forall bytes4 what . !ghostAuthorized[who][where][what];

return ifNoPermissionsThenNotAuthorized && ifNotAuthorizedThenNoParams;
ghost mapping(address => mapping(address => uint256)) ghostCount {
init_state axiom forall address who . forall address where . ghostCount[who][where] == 0;

hook Sload uint256 length currentContract._permissionsLists[KEY address who][KEY address where].(offset 32)[KEY bytes4 what].(offset 32) STORAGE {
require ghostParamsLength[who][where][what] == length;

hook Sload bool authorized currentContract._permissionsLists[KEY address who][KEY address where].permissions[KEY bytes4 what].authorized STORAGE {
require ghostAuthorized[who][where][what] == authorized;

hook Sload uint256 count currentContract._permissionsLists[KEY address who][KEY address where].count STORAGE {
require ghostCount[who][where] == count;

hook Sstore currentContract._permissionsLists[KEY address who][KEY address where].(offset 32)[KEY bytes4 what].(offset 32) uint256 newLength STORAGE {
ghostParamsLength[who][where][what] = newLength;

hook Sstore currentContract._permissionsLists[KEY address who][KEY address where].permissions[KEY bytes4 what].authorized bool newAuthorized STORAGE {
ghostAuthorized[who][where][what] = newAuthorized;

hook Sstore currentContract._permissionsLists[KEY address who][KEY address where].count uint256 newCount STORAGE {
ghostCount[who][where] = newCount;

invariant checkLength(address who, address where, bytes4 what)
ghostParamsLength[who][where][what] == getPermissionParamsLength(who, where, what);

invariant checkAuthorized(address who, address where, bytes4 what)
ghostAuthorized[who][where][what] == hasPermission(who, where, what);

invariant checkCount(address who, address where)
ghostCount[who][where] == getPermissionsLength(who, where);

invariant validPermissionsState(address who, address where)
forall bytes4 what . !hasPermissions(who, where) => !hasPermission(who, where, what);
forall bytes4 what . (ghostCount[who][where] == 0 => !ghostAuthorized[who][where][what])
&& (!ghostAuthorized[who][where][what] => ghostParamsLength[who][where][what] == 0)
&& (ghostAuthorized[who][where][what] => ghostCount[who][where] > 0);

// TODO: (exists bytes4 what . ghostCount[who][where] > 0 => ghostAuthorized[who][where][what])

use rule sanity;

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -106,8 +188,7 @@ rule unauthorizeAfterAuthorizeShouldNotChangeStorage

uint256[] how = helpers.authParams(who, where, what);
require !isAuthorized(who, where, what, how);
IAuthorizer.Param[] permissionParams = getPermissionParams(who, where, what);
require permissionParams.length == 0; // TODO: write an invariant for this
require getPermissionParamsLength(who, where, what) == 0; // TODO: write an invariant for this

storage initStorage = lastStorage;

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -139,8 +220,7 @@ rule authorizeWorksProperly(env e, address who, address where, bytes4 what, IAut
rule unauthorizeWorksProperly(env e, address who, address where, bytes4 what, uint256[] anyhow)
good_description "If a user has permissions to do `what` on `where` with `params`, if we call unauthorize, then isAuthorized must return false for any `how`"
require !isAuthorized(ANYONE(), where, what, anyhow);
require !isAuthorized(who, ANYWHERE(), what, anyhow);
requireNonGenericPermissions(who, where, what, anyhow);

// TODO: "whith params"?
uint256[] how = helpers.authParams(who, where, what);
Expand All @@ -154,9 +234,153 @@ rule unauthorizeWorksProperly(env e, address who, address where, bytes4 what, ui
rule unauthorizedUserCannotDoAnything(address who, address where, bytes4 what, uint256[] anyhow)
good_description "If a user does not have permissions to do `what` on `where`, then isAuthorized must return false for any `how`"
require !isAuthorized(ANYONE(), where, what, anyhow);
require !isAuthorized(who, ANYWHERE(), what, anyhow);
requireNonGenericPermissions(who, where, what, anyhow);
require !hasPermission(who, where, what);

assert !isAuthorized(who, where, what, anyhow);

rule grantingPermissionsIsLikeAuthorizing
(env e, address who, address where, bytes4 what, IAuthorizer.Param[] params)
good_description "Calling changePermissions with 1 grant should be equivalent to calling authorize"
require params.length == 0 && ghostReentrancyStatus == 1;

// uint256[] how = helpers.authParams(who, where, what);
// require !isAuthorized(who, where, what, how);
require !hasPermission(who, where, what);
require getPermissionParamsLength(who, where, what) == 0; // TODO: write an invariant for this

storage initStorage = lastStorage;

IAuthorizer.PermissionChange change = buildPermissionChange(where, true, who, what, false, 0, to_bytes4(0));
changePermissions(e, [change]);
storage afterChangePermissions = lastStorage;

authorize(e, who, where, what, params) at initStorage;
storage afterAuthorize = lastStorage;

assert afterChangePermissions[currentContract] == afterAuthorize[currentContract];

rule revokingPermissionsIsLikeUnauthorizing(env e, address who, address where, bytes4 what)
good_description "Calling changePermissions with 1 revoke should be equivalent to calling unauthorize"
require ghostReentrancyStatus == 1;

storage initStorage = lastStorage;

IAuthorizer.PermissionChange change = buildPermissionChange(where, false, 0, to_bytes4(0), true, who, what);
changePermissions(e, [change]);
storage afterChangePermissions = lastStorage;

unauthorize(e, who, where, what) at initStorage;
storage afterUnauthorize = lastStorage;

assert afterChangePermissions[currentContract] == afterUnauthorize[currentContract];

rule changePermissionsInBetweenShouldNotChangeStorage
(env e, address who, address where, bytes4 what, IAuthorizer.Param[] params, address who2, bytes4 what2)
good_description "Doing authorize, change permissions, and then unauthorize shouldn't change the storage"
require params.length == 0 && who != who2 && what != what2;

// uint256[] how = helpers.authParams(who, where, what);
// require !isAuthorized(who, where, what, how);
require !hasPermission(who, where, what);
require getPermissionParamsLength(who, where, what) == 0; // TODO: write an invariant for this

require !hasPermission(who2, where, what);
require getPermissionParamsLength(who2, where, what2) == 0; // TODO: write an invariant for this

storage initStorage = lastStorage;

authorize(e, who, where, what, params);

IAuthorizer.PermissionChange change = buildPermissionChange(where, true, who2, what2, true, who, what);
changePermissions(e, [change]);

unauthorize(e, who2, where, what2);

storage currentStorage = lastStorage;
assert initStorage[currentContract] == currentStorage[currentContract];

rule changePermissionsOrderMatters(env e, address who, address where, bytes4 what)
good_description "Calling changePermissions with a grant and its corresponding revoke should leave the user unauthorized"
// uint256[] how = helpers.authParams(who, where, what);
// require !isAuthorized(who, where, what, how);
require !hasPermission(who, where, what);
require getPermissionParamsLength(who, where, what) == 0; // TODO: write an invariant for this

storage initStorage = lastStorage;

IAuthorizer.PermissionChange change = buildPermissionChange(where, true, who, what, true, who, what);
changePermissions(e, [change]);

storage currentStorage = lastStorage;

assert !hasPermission(who, where, what); // TODO: or !isAuthorized?
assert initStorage[currentContract] == currentStorage[currentContract];

rule hasPermissionIsEquivalentToIsAuthorizedWithEmptyParams
(address who, address where, bytes4 what)
good_description "For a permission without params, hasPermission should be equivalent to isAuthorized"
require getPermissionParamsLength(who, where, what) == 0;

uint256[] how = helpers.authParams(who, where, what);
requireNonGenericPermissions(who, where, what, how);

assert isAuthorized(who, where, what, how) == hasPermission(who, where, what);

rule someoneCanPerfomTheOperation(env e, address who, address where, bytes4 what, uint256[] how, IAuthorizer.Param[] params)
good_description "If we call authorize then someone can perform the operation"
require how.length == 3 && params.length == 3;
require !isAuthorized(who, where, what, how);

authorize(e, who, where, what, params);

satisfy isAuthorized(who, where, what, how);

rule anyoneIsAuthorized(env e, address who, address where, bytes4 what, IAuthorizer.Param[] params, address somewhere, bytes4 somewhat)
good_description "Anyone is authorized to do `what` on `where`"
require params.length == 0;
require who != ANYONE() && where != ANYWHERE() && where != somewhere && what != somewhat;

uint256[] how = [];
require !isAuthorized(who, where, what, how);
require !isAuthorized(who, somewhere, what, how);
require !isAuthorized(who, where, somewhat, how);

authorize(e, ANYONE(), where, what, params);

assert isAuthorized(who, where, what, how);
assert !isAuthorized(who, somewhere, what, how);
assert !isAuthorized(who, where, somewhat, how);

rule isAuthorizedAnywhere(env e, address who, address where, bytes4 what, IAuthorizer.Param[] params, address someone, bytes4 somewhat)
good_description "A user is authorized to do `what` anywhere"
require params.length == 0;
require who != ANYONE() && who != someone && where != ANYWHERE() && what != somewhat;

uint256[] how = [];
require !isAuthorized(who, where, what, how);
require !isAuthorized(someone, where, what, how);
require !isAuthorized(who, where, somewhat, how);

authorize(e, who, ANYWHERE(), what, params);

assert isAuthorized(who, where, what, how);
assert !isAuthorized(someone, where, what, how);
assert !isAuthorized(who, where, somewhat, how);

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