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  • States the problem
    • Stage 1: Find path. Which algorithm
    • Stage 2: Each move costs
      • Note: Have to find for every position in the grid. How to improve?
        • Save previous result (X)
    • Stage 3: Robot being side stepping
  • How would you solve the problem
    • Potential answer:
      • Greedily move to the highest value answer
      • Path finding algorithm to move to highest reward
  • (X): Value
  • Value of what? State
  • Reward
  • Prob and action to move to different states

Overlooked details on implementing papers

And how to prevent them

About this repo

Implementation of the grid world problem, Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach v3, Chapter 17. This is also similar to the Frozen Lake challenge, which is widely considered a basic Reinforcement Learning (RL) problem.

The writing cover things that can be overlooked when one implements not just this algorithm, but also many other papers.


The motivation of this is two-fold:

  1. According to Suttons’s book, there are two classes of RL, one that states and action space can be stored in a table. Another case is that the number of states is innumerable (Number of Go/Dota/Starcraft moves). Solving this would require some approximation/generalization techniques.

While the latter case generates more hype, I find the former case good for education purposes.

  1. After having my take of companies, I realize what is done anyway is throwing in data and a generic neural network (NN), I feel like it would be more beneficial to implement and debug some papers from scratch.


Know about the basic concept of state, … in RL, I summarise them in the appendix. In this implementation, we use BFS with the Bellman equation for value updating.

Without further ado, I run to the problem and its two evasive pitfalls.

The problem

Given the grid below. An agent (or robot) can move to 4 direction, N, E, W, S.


Each time an agent (🤖) moves to a cell, it would receive a reward from that cell. The (1) and (-1) is the end state, once the agent move to one of those cells, the game is over. is an obstacle, which bounces the agent back when being hit.

The agent, however, has the probability to sidestep (p=0.1)

Sidestep (p=0.1)
xx ----> Intended direction (p=0.8)
Sidestep (p=0.1)

Task: Find the optimal policy for the agent. For example, with a reward of -0.04 per cell, the optimal policy is

→  →  →  ✗
↑  ✗  ↑  ✗
↑  ←  ↑  ←


We can use the Bellman equation

and its extended form: Note that (1, 1) is the bottom left corner

U(1,1)=−0.04+γ max[ 0.8U(1,2)+0.1U(2,1)+0.1U(1,1),               (Up)
                    0.9U (1, 1) + 0.1U (1, 2),                   (Down)
                    0.9U (1, 1) + 0.1U (2, 1),                   (Left)   
                    0.8U (2, 1) + 0.1U (1, 2) + 0.1U (1, 1) ].   (Right)


Index matters

When accessing a 2D array, the order of index often looks like

for i in range(rows):
    for j in range(columns):

However, math convention requires x coordinate (corresponds to width) comes before y, which conflicts with the (height, width) convention above. This kind of inconsistent creeps into even mature libraries (Compare with

If width != height, in a language like C++, instead of throwing an exception, a random number would be returned, which would lead to unpredictable results.

Solving this may requires altering one's convention

for i in range(width):
    for j in range(height):
        print(states[j][i])  # note the change of index here

It would be sensible to make one's convention and to follow it to make it a habit.


Weight initialization gets a decent amount of attention (Paper, Paper, Tweet). The most profound effect is that setting the wrong weight can lead to very slow or no learning at all. Luckily, we have a chance to replicate this in shallow learning too.

for i in range(width):
    for j in range(height):
        # move logic
        best_direction = null
        if best_result > value[i][j]:

With a board like this and a reward of 2, the result would never be updated. It is better to stay still than moving anywhere.


The correct policy would look like the following table


This world is so good no one wants to leave


  • S: States - Collection of a snapshot of the environment by an agent
  • U(s): Util - A value assigned to each state to show how valuable that state is
  • R: Reward - A value that the agent receives when it makes a move

To run



Run with different files

./a.out [input.txt | input2.txt | ... ]


Code and presentation for Cologne AI School






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