Releases: minisbett/ultimate-osu-server-switcher
Ultimate Osu Server Switcher Version 1.4 | Localhost update
[+] You can now connect to localhost! (interesting for developers)
[/] Fixed problems with shortcut icons
[/] Fixed various problems with windows 7/weird firewall settings (TLS1.2 is now forced as connection type)
Ultimate Osu Server Switcher Version 1.3 | Quick Switch!
[+] You can now create Quick Shortcuts to switch your server and start osu by starting a shortcut.
[/] Instead of disabling the connect button when osu! is running osu now restarts when switching the server.
Ultimate Osu Server Switcher Version 1.2.1
[/] Fixed the icon files being locked when using Image.FromFile causing an exception whilst trying to delete these icons when clearing the icon cache.
Ultimate Osu Server Switcher Version 1.2
[+] Added link to Github and discord to the switcher's about tab.
[+] Icons are now cached to improve the program start.
[/] Redesigned the about tab
Ultimate Osu Server Switcher stable release 1.1
[+] Added a server icon view of the currently selected server in the bottom right which is also a quick access to the server's website.
[+] Added a version checker that tells you when a new version is available.
[+] Added the "featured servers" feature (for more informations see readme file)
[/] Fixed bugs
[?] Improve the performance of the server icon download.
Ultimate Osu Server Switcher stable release 1.0
This is the first stable version of the ultimate osu server switcher.
Untested on other devices, issues are welcome.
UPDATE: Added the thumbprint reader so you don't have to download and compile.