Application can be built with for dev mode
npm install
npm run compile-sass
npm run start:dev
The application will automatically pick up front end changes and it will restart if there are any changes in /backend or /views. Other changes will require a manual restart.
Run locally as docker
docker run -p 3000:3000 -d \
--name digital-prison-services \
Run remotely as docker
docker run -p 3000:3000 -d \
--name digital-prison-services \
-e API_GATEWAY_TOKEN=<add here> \
-e API_CLIENT_SECRET=<add here> \
The integration-tests
directory contains a set of Cypress integration tests for the digital-prison-services
These tests use WireMock to stub the application's dependencies on the prisonApi, oauth and whereabouts RESTful APIs.
You need to fire up the wiremock server first:
docker compose -f docker-compose-test.yaml up
This will give you useful feedback if the app is making requests that you haven't mocked out. You can see
the request log at localhost:9191/__admin/requests
and a JSON representation of the mocks localhost:9191/__admin/mappings
A separate node instance needs to be started for the feature tests. This will run on port 3008 and won't conflict with any of the api services, e.g. prisonApi or oauth. It will also not conflict with the Groovy integration tests.
npm run start-feature --env=cypress.env
Note that the circleci will run start-feature-no-webpack
instead, which will rely on a production webpack build
rather than using the dev webpack against the assets.
With the UI:
npm run int-test-ui
Just on the command line (any console log outputs will not be visible, they appear in the browser the Cypress UI fires up):
npm run int-test
- WireMock:
- Chromedriver:
- SOC API: This will enable/disable to ability to refer a prisoner to the SOC service and view their SOC profile if already referred. To enable the feature, change the environment variable of SOC_API_ENABLED to true. Any other value will disable the feature.
- Neurodivergence accelerated prisons: To restrict access to neurodivergence information to nominated prisons only. This is a temporary measure agreed with stakeholders and to allow third party curiousApi provider time to rethink their API connections threshold. To enable the feature, add prison codes to the environment variable NEURODIVERSITY_ENABLED_PRISONS. For example, to allow access to only Moorland and Bristol: NEURODIVERSITY_ENABLED_PRISONS=MDI,BLI If left blank then all prisons will have access to the neurodivergence information.
To show the phase name banner add the environment variable SYSTEM_PHASE=ENV_NAME
This will trigger the banner to become visible showing the given name.
The types files for apis can be regenerated by first a command like this example for the Curious api:
npx openapi-typescript --output backend/api/curious/types/index.d.ts
.. then formatting using prettier and reincorporating the local changes such as the enums and invalid type names.