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PhotoModularFX___List of Modules
18/11/2024 18:23:07
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IO ColorSpace Blend Resize Threshold Blur Misc Art Histogram Contrast Mapping Math Quantization Uncategorized
Module | Description |
INPUT | The Loaded Picture. |
INPUT2 | Secondary support Input picture. |
INPUTA | The Loaded Picture with Alpha Channel. |
OUTPUT | The Output (saved as Jpg Picture). If you need Alpha channel use PNGOutA Module. |
PNGOUT | Save as PNG WITHOUT Alpha Channel. |
PNGOUTA | Save as PNG with Alpha Channel. |
Module | Description |
CHROMA | Chromaticity Space, No Intensity information. (Also called Normalized RGBs). |
CMYK2RGB | Convert CMYK (Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, Black) colorspace to RGB. |
HCY2RGB | Convert HCY (hue-chroma-Luma) colorspace to RGB Color space. |
HSL2RGB | Convert HSL (Hue, Saturation, Luminance) to RGB colorspace with Standard HSL, quasimondo.com , 'Darel Rex Finley HSP' algorithm HSV, HCL or HSI. |
HSLUV2RGB | WIP Do not Use! Convert HSLuv colorspace to RGBv. |
LAB2RGB | Convert Lab colorspace to RGB Color space. |
LCH2RGB | Convert Cie Lch colorspace to RGB Color space. |
RGB2CMYK | Convert RGB colorspace to CMYK (Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, Black). |
RGB2HCY | Convert RGB colorspace to HCY (hue-Chroma-Luma) Color space - For simplicity consider it as HSL. |
RGB2HSL | Convert RGB colorspace to HSL (Hue, Saturation, Luminance) with Standard HSL, quasimondo.com , 'Darel Rex Finley HSP' algorithm HSV, HCL or HSI. |
RGB2HSLUV | WIP Do not Use! Convert RGB colorspace to HSLuv. |
RGB2LAB | Convert RGB colorspace to Lab Color space. |
RGB2LCH | Convert RGB colorspace to Cie Lch Color space. |
RGB2XYZ | Convert RGB colorspace to XYZ and ryb. |
RGB2YUV | Convert RGB colorspace to Y'UV Y(Luma)UV (PAL), YCbCr , YIQ (NTSC) or YCoCg. |
RGB2YXY | Convert RGB colorspace to Yxy. |
TECHNICOLOR | Simulate old 2-strip and 3-strip technicolor films. |
XYZ2RGB | Convert XYZ and ryb colorspaces to RGB. |
YUV2RGB | Convert Y'UV (PAL) , YCbCr , YIQ (NTSC) or YCoCg to Colorspace to RGB. |
YXY2RGB | Convert Yxy colorspace to RGB. |
Module | Description |
BLEND | Blend - Mix the first-channel with the 2nd-channel by an amount given by 3th Input. |
BLEND3 | Blend 3 - Mix the 3-first-channels with the 2nd-3-channels by an amount given by 7th Input. |
CHROMAK | Chromakey Blend (1st 3 inputs: Main Image, Last 3 Input: BackGround Image) (The replacement is based on RGB-replace Hue). |
MIX2 | Mix 2 channels. |
MIX2W | Mix 2 inputs (1-2) by 2 weights (3-4). |
MIX2X3 | Mix 6 channels 2 by 2 same way as MIX2 (First 3 Inputs as RGB-1 and 2nd 3 Inputs as RGB-2). |
MIX3 | Mix 3 channels. |
MIX3W | Mix 3 inputs (1-2-3) by 3 weights (4-5-6). |
MIX4 | Mix 4 Channels by Weighted sum and several different ways. |
Module | Description |
CAIR | Content Aware Image Resize. Seam Carving algorithm (Experimental). |
CROP | Crop Image (Use Carefully, watch out 2D connections sizes). |
EXTENT | Extent Canvas. |
EXTENT3 | Enlarge Canvas. |
EXTENT4 | Enlarge Canvas. |
SIZE2X | Resize Width and Height by 2X. |
SIZE2X_3 | Resize Width and Height by 2X (3 Channels). |
SIZEHALF | Resize Width and Height by Half. |
SIZEHALF3 | Resize Width and Height by Half (3 Channels). |
Module | Description |
LOCALOTSU | Experimental Local Nobuyuki Otsu Multi-level Thresholding (Faster with Bigger Radius since Thresholds are interpolated). |
LOCALTHR | Local Threshold (Imocha Singh). |
SAUVOLA | Sauvola Thresholding (Global or Local). |
SOFTTHRSH | 'Cut' values between thresholds ( Soft Thresholding ). |
SOFTTHRSH3 | 'Cut' values between thresholds ( Soft Thresholding ) (3 Channels). |
Module | Description |
BILAOA | Orientation-Aligned Bilateral Filter. |
BILAOA3 | Orientation-Aligned Bilateral Filter (3 channels). |
BILAOAEX | Extended Orientation-Aligned Bilateral Filter (WIP). |
BILATERAL | Edge preserving smoothing filter. |
BLUR | Gaussian/Box Blur. |
BLUR3 | 3 Channels Gaussian/Box Blur. |
FASTEPS | Fast Edge preserving Smoothing. IIR (Recursive). |
FASTEPS3 | Fast Edge preserving Smoothing. IIR (Recursive). |
FLOWPAINT | Compute 'Edge Tangent Flow' (ETF) and 'Paint' along direction. |
FLOWPAINT3 | Compute 'Edge Tangent Flow' (ETF) and 'Paint' along direction. |
KUWAHARA | Non-linear smoothing filter that preserves edges. |
KUWAHARA3 | Non-linear smoothing filter that preserves edges (3 channels). |
KUWANISO | Anisotropic Kuwahara (WIP). |
MARCHINGS | Experimental Marching Squares. |
MEAN-VAR | Compute mean and variance using Disk kernel. |
MEANSHIFT | MeanShift. Edge Preserve Smoothing. Use this instead of ThrBlur. |
MEANSHIFT3 | MeanShift. Edge Preserve Smoothing. Use this instead of ThrBlur3. |
MEDIAN | Median Filter. |
MEDIAN3 | Median Filter on 3 channels. |
MTBLUR | Motion BLUR (1 channel). |
MTBLUR3 | Motion BLUR 3 channels. |
PAINT | Set first 2 Input as Outputs of FLOW, and 3th as Source to 'paint' to. |
SHAPEBLUR | Blur using shapes like Circle Square Hexagon ecc. |
SHAPEBLUR3 | Blur using shapes like Circle Square Hexagon ecc on 3 channels. |
SNN | Symmetric Nearest Neighbour (Edge Preserving Smoothing). |
SNN3 | RGB Symmetric Nearest Neighbour (Edge Preserving Smoothing). |
SPINBLUR | Spin Blur. |
SPINBLUR3 | Spin Blur (3 channels). |
THRBLUR | Threshold Gaussian Blur. |
THRBLUR3 | Threshold Gaussian Blur, 3 channels. |
TILTSHIFT | Fake Miniature - ToyEffect - Good with 'Panoramas' Pictures. |
VMOTIONBLUR | Video Motion blur. Use only with videos frames. |
ZMBLUR | ZOOM BLUR (1 channel). |
ZMBLUR3 | ZOOM BLUR 3 channels. |
Module | Description |
DRAWTEXT | Basic Text Drawer. |
FLOW | Calc Gradient Flow - Outputs 1-Magnitude, 2-Angle (Range 0-1). |
HUE-HARM | HUE Harmonizer (Input 1 = HUE, Input 2 = Saturation). |
LENS | Camera Distorsion. |
MAGNIFIER | Magnifier Glass. |
PLASTICWRAP | Plastic Wrap Effect. |
ROTATE | Basic Rotate and Zoom. |
SKIN | Skin tone adjust (WIP). |
SPHERE | From flat picture to sphere (WIP). |
STRAIGHTEN | Auto Straighten ( Rotate along horizon ) WIP... |
TINYPLANET | Tiny Planet effect. |
VSPLIT | Split Before and after (Useful for Videos). |
Module | Description |
CARTOONIZE | Miorsoft CartoonizeMe V2 Effect. |
DICES | Dices effect. |
FRACTALIZE | Experimental picture to fractal. |
MOSAIC | Mosaic Effect. |
NNART | Experimental Neural network reconstruction (SLOW!). |
OILPAINT | Oil Painting classic effect. |
OILPAINT3 | Oil Painting classic effect (3Channels). |
PENCIL | Pencil Drawing (Still Developing). |
PHOTOMOSAIC | WIP DO NOT USE !!!! Tile Photo Mosaic Artwork (WIP). |
PIXELATE | Pixelate. |
POINTILLISM | Simple pointillism effect. |
PUZZLE | Jigsaw Puzzle. |
Q-BERTIFY | Q-Bert effect. |
SANDART | Experimental SandArt. Find Edges and fill. VERY VERY SLOW! (WIP). |
STIPPLE2 | Stipple effect. WIP. To use only with video frames. |
STIPPLING | Stippling (static) based on Poisson disc distribution. Module 'Stipple2' gives better output. |
STIPPLING2 | Stippling (voronoi based). Very good !. |
VORONOI | Experimental Voronoi Tassellation. |
XBIRO | Aristic Biro. |
XCHORD | 'Chord Effect'. |
XCHORDEX | WIP (Do Not use) 'Color Chord Effect'. |
XDROPS | Fluid Drops Marbling Effect Art. |
XFRACT | Do NOT Use WIP!!!. |
XMESH | Creates a Mesh by selecting the most relevant points and drawing them according to proximity. |
XPAINTER | Painter Effect. |
XPAINTER2 | Painter Effect (2nd). |
XPAINTER3 | Painter Effect (3rd). |
XPENCIL | Experimental Pencil. |
XPENCIL2 | Artistic Pencil effect. |
XPOIS | Experimental Pois Art. |
XSCRIBBLE | 'Messy curves draw effect'. |
XSKETCH | Sketch style Abstraction on RGB channels. |
XSTROKES | Experimental Art-Draw Strokes. |
ZDEFORM | Experimental deformation. |
ZMOTION | Experimental Motion. |
Module | Description |
HISTOEQU | HISTOGRAM Equalization. (CLHE - Contrast Limited Histogram Equalization). |
HISTOMATCH | Histogram Matching - Change Input1 to match Input2 Histogram. |
LOCALHE | Local Histogram Equalization (CLAHE - Contrast Limited Adaptive Histogram Equalization). |
LOCALHE3 | 3 channels Local Histogram Equalization (CLAHE - Contrast Limited Adaptive Histogram Equalization). |
LOCALHEII | Local Histogram Equalization[2] (CLAHE - Contrast Limited Adaptive Histogram Equalization) for each pixel. |
STRETCH | Histogram Contrast Stretch. |
STRETCH3 | Histogram Contrast Stretch (3 channels). |
Module | Description |
ACE | Adaptive Contrast Enhancement. |
ADVLC | Advanced Local Contrast (Still developing.. ). |
BCS | Brightness Contrast Saturation (RGB). |
COLORCONTRAST | Color Contrast: Make Lighter choosen hue and darker complementary hue (inspired by Luminar). |
FAKEHDR2 | Fake HDR: Adaptive Tone Mapping Algorithm. Make a low dynamic range(LDR) image looks high dynamic range(HDR). |
LCN | (Local) Contrast Normalization - Set Radius to 0 to do a Global Contrast Normalization. |
LCONTRAST | Set Radius. |
NEWNODETEST | New Node testEPS2 test WIP. |
NEWNODETEST2 | Testing... Do no use WIP. |
VRACE | Variable Radius Adaptive Contrast Enhancement. |
VRCLAHE | Variable Radius CLAHE (a sort of Fake HDR) - Very slow, since for each pixel is done a Contrast Limited Histogram Equalization using its pixel neighbour window. |
VRLC | Variable Radius Local Contrast. |
VRLC3 | Variable Radius Local Contrast (3 Channels). |
VRLCN | Variable Radius Local Contrast Normalization (WIP). |
Module | Description |
CUBICBEZIER | CubicBezier through 2 given points. |
CURVE | Simple 5Points Spline Curve transformation (X at every 1/4). |
CURVE9 | Simple 9Points Spline Curve transformation (X at every 1/8). |
GAMMA | Forward / Inverse Gamma Correction. |
GAMMA3 | RGB Forward / Inverse Gamma Correction. |
HEATMAP | Garyscale to HeatMap. |
LOCALMAP | Local Map range using Input Min and Max range values mapped to New Min and New Max Values. [0 - 100] = NORMALIZE (Output not Clamped). |
LOCALNORM | Change Local mean and variance to defined values. |
MAP | Map range using Input Min-Max range values mapped to New Min and New Max Values. [0 - 100] = NORMALIZE (Output not Clamped). |
MAP3 | Map range using Input Min and Max range values mapped to New Min and New Max Values. [0 - 100] = NORMALIZE (Output not Clamped). |
NORMALIZE | Image Normalization: Change global mean and variance to defined values. |
NORMALIZE3 | Image Normalization: Change 3Channels global mean and variance to defined values. |
NRMLZDVEC | 'Vector' Normalization. |
SMH | Shadows Midtones and Highlights single channel. |
SMH3 | Shadows Midtones and Highlights RGB. |
TONEMAP | Tone Mapping Single channel (Use ToneMap3 for all RGB channels). |
TONEMAP3 | Tone Mapping (3 channels). |
WHITEBAL | WhiteBalance using Gray-World assumption. |
Module | Description |
ABS | Absoulte Values. |
ABS3 | Absoulte Values (3 channels). |
ADD | Add a constant Value to Input. |
ADD3 | Add/Sub RGB Values (it can be used even with other channels types). |
CLAMP | Clamp between 2 values. |
CLAMP01 | Clamp channel values between 0 and 1 - The Outputs of some modules can be outside of 0-1 range. |
CLAMP3 | Clamp between 2 values (3 Channels). |
COLORMATRIX | Color Matrix. |
DCT | Pure Discrete Cosine Transform. |
EXP-LOG | Perform Exp() or Log() function. More precisely: EXP=(Exp(X)-1)/(Exp(1)-1), LOG=Log(X*(Exp(1)-1)+1). |
FALLOFF | Similar to Power but with a nicer curve. Can have S shape like PowerEX and Gain. (to be used as Contrast). |
FALLOFF3 | Similar to Power but with a nicer curve. Can have S shape like PowerEX and Gain. (to be used as Contrast). |
FORMULA | Formula - Custom Formula ... |
FORMULA2 | Formula2 - 2 inputs Custom Formula ... |
FORMULA3 | Formula3 - 3 inputs Custom Formula ... |
FORMURGB | FormulaRGB - 3 inputs 3 Outputs Custom Formulas. |
GAIN | Inigo Quilez Gain. |
GAIN3 | Inigo Quilez Gain (3 Channels). |
IDCT | Pure Inverse Discrete Cosine Transform. |
INVERT | Invert a channel: Output = 1 - Input. |
INVERT3 | Invert 3 channels: Output = 1 - Input. |
LOCALGAIN | Local (Inigo Quilez) Gain. |
LOCALGAIN3 | Local (Inigo Quilez) Gain (3 Channels). |
MEAN | Arithmetic Harmonic Contraharmonic and Geometric mean. |
MEAN3 | Arithmetic Harmonic Contraharmonic and Geometric mean. |
MUL | multiply by a Value. |
MUL3 | multiply 3 channels by a Value. |
POW | Standard Power. |
POW3 | Standard Power on 3 Channels. |
POWEX | high values decrease contrast, Low Values Increase Contrast - Special Kind of Power function (see PDF). |
POWEX3 | high values decrease contrast, Low Values Increase Contrast - Special Kind of Power function (see PDF). |
SCRIPT11 | Custom VB6 Script (1 Channel). |
SCRIPT33 | Custom VB6 Script (3 Channel). |
SMOOTHMM | Smooth Min/Max. |
SMOOTHSTP | Smooth Step (Threshold). |
STDDEV | Standard Deviation. |
STDDEV3 | Standard Deviation 3. |
VALUE | A constant Value (No input, only 1 output). |
VALUE3 | 3 constant Values (No input, only 3 outputs). |
Module | Description |
K-MEAN1D | Set N of Clusters. |
K-MEAN2D | Set N of Clusters. |
K-MEAN3D | Set N of Clusters. |
OTSU | Nobuyuki Otsu Multi-level Thresholding. |
QUANTGNG3 | Growning Neural Gas Quantization (Also available in Quantize3 Module). |
QUANTIZE | Simple quantization. |
QUANTIZE3 | Quantization of 3 channels. |
Module | Description |
8COLORS | Retro 8Colors style. |
CANNYEDGE | Canny Edge Detector (WIP). |
CORNERS | SUSAN corners detection. |
DCT-BP | EXPERIMENTAL Discrete Cosine Transform Band Pass. |
DCTEQU | Discrete Cosine Transform Equalizer. |
DCTFX | EXPERIMENTAL Discrete Cosine Transform FX. |
DIFFUSION | Iso/Anisotropic Diffusion. |
DISPARITY | Disparity Map WIP. |
DISTORTION | DISTORT, a set of spatial Deform algorithm (Rotate Too). |
DITHERING | Error Diffusion Dithering. |
DOG | Difference of Gaussians (R2=R*2). |
DOGBYF | Flow based DoG (Difference of Gaussians). |
DROSTE | WIP! Effect of a picture recursively appearing within itself, in a place where a similar picture would realistically be expected to appear. |
DXTESTNODE | Test of effect performed via DX HLSL Shader. (GPU). |
EDGES | Edges detector (Sobel Magnitude). |
FAKEHDR | HDR tone Mapping. VERY SLOW!!! Deprecated!. Instead use 'tonemap' or 'FakeHDR2' modules. |
FAKEHDR3 | Fake Hdr Durand (Known as ToneMap Durand) DEPRECATED: use 'tonemap' module instread. |
FLATSPACE | Experimental 3D to plane/sphere PCA. |
FLIP | Horizontal Vertical & Both Flip/Mirror. |
FLIP3 | Horizontal Vertical & Both Flip/Mirror. |
FLOW2 | Calc Gradient Flow - Outputs 1-Magnitude, 2-Angle (Range 0-1). |
GLASS | Glass effect (1 Channel). |
GLASS3 | Glass effect (3 Channels). |
GLOW | Glow Effect [Look projects 'Glow Constructed...' ] (also colled specular Bloom). |
HALFTONE | Halftone. |
HATCHING | Hatching-Stipple - Still developing. |
HAZE | Create Haze. |
HMAPD | Height Map Deform. Deform by Heightmap (4th input as heightmap). |
LCD-DISP | LCD Display Effect. |
MORPHO | Morphology. |
NOISE | NOISE - Fractional Brownian Motion. |
NOISE2 | Noise 2nd - Generate Noise tweaking 3 layers parameter. |
NOISER | Spatial Deform by Noise (Fractional Brownian Motion). |
OFFSET | Horizontal Vertical Offset. |
OFFSET3 | Horizontal vertical Offset. |
PALETTIZE | Single channel to RGB Palette using Cos functions. |
PYRAMIDD | Pyramid Based Level-Details Enhancement / Reduction. |
PYRAMRGB | Pyramid Based Level-Details Enhancement / Reduction. |
RAMP | Gradient Ramp. |
RENDER | Draw 2nd channel (Foreground) to the 1st Input (Background) at a given position and size. |
RENDER3 | Draw 2nd triplet of inputs (Foreground) to the 1st triplet (Background) at a given position and size. |
RENDER3EX | Draw 2nd triplet of inputs (Foreground) to the 1st triplet (Background) at given 4 CORNERS position. |
RENDEREX | Draw 2nd channel (Foreground) to the 1st Input (Background) at given 4 CORNERS position. |
RGBSCREEN | RGB screen effect NOT Ready |
SATURATION | Adjust a color saturation separately in each color (R G B). |
SCRATCHES | Scratches. to Simulate old film. |
SEPIA | Sepia - Vintage. |
SEPIAGRAY | Sepia - Vintage Starting from GrayScale Image. |
SHIFT | 'Shift' left/right - Very useful to HUE shift. |
SHOCK | Shock filter ... Still Developing. |
SKELETON | 'Skeletonize'. |
SOLARIZE | Classic Solarize effect (1 channel). |
SOLARIZE3 | Classic Solarize effect (3 channels). |
SORTING | Pixel Sorting. |
SPLIT | Vertical/Horizontal Half Split (Useful for Stereo Images). |
SPLIT3 | Vertical/Horizontal Half Split (Useful for Stereo Images). |
STEREO | Stereo Anaglyph. |
STIPPLE | Stipple effect. Most for Videos. For static Stippling use 'STIPPLE2' module. |
TEMPER | Temperature and tint. |
THINNING | Zhang Suen Thinning (Usually it't better to apply Otsu thresholding before) [Similar to Skeleton-Module]. |
TILEFY | Create a texture repetition DO NOT USE !!! (WRONG). |
TRACE | Trace WIP - Still developing!. |
USM | Unsharp Mask. |
VIBRANCE | Vibrance. |
VIGNETTE | Darker Borders / Vignetting (1 Channel). |
VIGNETTE3 | Darker Borders / Vignetting (3 Channels). |
VOPTICALFLOW | Experimental Video frames optical flow (WIP). |
WATERMAP | Water Height Map , to use as input for HMD (HeightMap Deformer). |
The Loaded Picture.
This is the Input Picture resized by current resize settings.
Inputs: 0 Outputs: 3 [red ] [green ] [blue ]
This is the main image.
It is resized according to the "resize by" option.
The outputs represent the RGB color values in the range from 0 to 1 in floating point notation (not from 0 to 255)
You can think of each connection (and applies to all modules) as a 2D surface. Where the X and Y coordinates identify the pixel coordinates and the height at that position rapresent the quantity of the current channel.
If you need to use the Alpha Channel instead of this module you can use INPUTA , that is the sampe plus the Alpha channel.
Secondary support Input picture.
With this you can mix and include any ''secondary'' picture you want in image manipulation.
It will be resized to Main input picture size.
Parameters (1):
- File Path Default 0
Inputs: 0
Outputs: 4 [R] [G] [B] [Alpha]
The Loaded Picture with Alpha Channel.
This is the Input Picture resized by current resize settings.
Inputs: 0
Outputs: 4 [red ] [green ] [blue ] [Alpha ]
The Output (saved as Jpg Picture). If you need Alpha channel use PNGOutA Module.
This is the Output Picture result that will be saved in OUT folder in Jpg format. If Alpha channel is needed instead of this Module use PNGOutA Module.
Inputs: 3 [red ] [green ] [blue ]
Outputs: 0
Save as PNG WITHOUT Alpha Channel.
This is the Output Picture result that will be saved in OUT folder in PNG format.
Inputs: 3 [red ] [green ] [blue ]
Outputs: 0
Save as PNG with Alpha Channel.
This is the Output Picture result that will be saved in OUT folder in PNG format.
Inputs: 4 [red ] [green ] [blue ] [Alpha ] Outputs: 0
-161- Chromaticity Space, No Intensity information. (Also called Normalized RGBs).
Inputs: 3 [R] [G] [B] Outputs: 3 [cR] [cG] [cB]
This is very similar to the NRMLZDVEC module. That sometimes is better
-170- Convert CMYK (Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, Black) colorspace to RGB.
Inputs: 4 [Cyan] [Magenta] [Yellow] [Black]
Outputs: 3 [red] [green] [blue]
Convert HCY (hue-chroma-Luma) colorspace to RGB Color space.
The HCY colorspace is similar to HSL. http://www.chilliant.com/rgb2hsv.html http://chilliant.blogspot.it/2012/08/rgbhcy-in-hlsl.html.
Inputs: 3 [Hue] [Chroma/Saturation] [Y Luma]
Outputs: 3 [red] [green] [blue]
-066- Convert HSL (Hue, Saturation, Luminance) to RGB colorspace with Standard HSL, quasimondo.com , 'Darel Rex Finley HSP' algorithm HSV, HCL or HSI.
Parameters (1):
- Algorithm : Default [Standard(HSL)]
- Quasimondo
- Standard(HSL)
Inputs: 3 [Hue] [Saturation] [Luma]
Outputs: 3 [red] [green] [blue]
-277- WIP Do not Use! Convert HSLuv colorspace to RGBv.
Inputs: 3 [H] [S] [L]
Outputs: 3 [red] [green] [blue]
Convert Lab colorspace to RGB Color space.
This apply to standard (CIE)Lab / OKLab colorspace the RGB Colorspace conversion.
Parameters (1):
- ColorSpace : Default [CIE Lab]
- CIE Lab
- OK Lab
Inputs: 3 [L] [a] [b]
Outputs: 3 [red ] [green ] [blue ]
-222- Convert Cie Lch colorspace to RGB Color space.
Inputs: 3 [L ] [c ] [H ]
Outputs: 3 [red ] [green ] [blue ]
-169- Convert RGB colorspace to CMYK (Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, Black).
Inputs: 3 [red] [green] [blue]
Outputs: 4 [Cyan] [Magenta] [Yellow] [Black]
Convert RGB colorspace to HCY (hue-Chroma-Luma) Color space - For simplicity consider it as HSL.
The HCY colorspace is similar to HSL. http://www.chilliant.com/rgb2hsv.html http://chilliant.blogspot.it/2012/08/rgbhcy-in-hlsl.html.
Inputs: 3 [red] [green] [blue]
Outputs: 3 [Hue] [Chroma/Saturation] [Y Luma]
-065- Convert RGB colorspace to HSL (Hue, Saturation, Luminance) with Standard HSL, quasimondo.com , 'Darel Rex Finley HSP' algorithm HSV, HCL or HSI.
Parameters (1):
- Algorithm : Default [Standard(HSL)]
- Quasimondo
- Standard(HSL)
Inputs: 3 [red] [green] [blue]
Outputs: 3 [Hue] [Saturation] [luminance]
-276- WIP Do not Use! Convert RGB colorspace to HSLuv.
Inputs: 3 [red] [green] [blue]
Outputs: 3 [H] [S] [L]
Convert RGB colorspace to Lab Color space.
This apply to RGB colorspace the standard CieLab / OKLab Colorspace conversion.
Parameters (1):
- ColorSpace : Default [CIE Lab]
- CIE Lab
- OK Lab
Inputs: 3 [red ] [green ] [blue ]
Outputs: 3 [L ] [a ] [b ]
-221- Convert RGB colorspace to Cie Lch Color space.
Inputs: 3 [red ] [green ] [blue ]
Outputs: 3 [L ] [c ] [H ]
-090- Convert RGB colorspace to XYZ and ryb.
Parameters (1):
- Colorspace : Default [RGB>XYZ]
- RGB>ryb
Inputs: 3 [red] [green] [blue]
Outputs: 3 [X,r] [Y,y] [Z,b]
Convert RGB colorspace to Y'UV Y(Luma)UV (PAL), YCbCr , YIQ (NTSC) or YCoCg.
Convert RGB to YCbCr, YUV , YIQ and YCoCg colorspaces.
YCbCr - Very similar to YUV. See Wikipedia.
YUV - Is the PAL/European Standard for color television broadcasting. See Wikipedia.
YIQ - Is the NTSC Standard for color television broadcasting. I -> Blu/Red. Q -> Green/Magenta.
YCoCg - Luminance , chrominance Orange and Green (normalized 0-1).
Parameters (1):
- ColorSpace : Default [YUV]
- YCbCr
- YCoCg
Inputs: 3 [red] [green] [blue]
Outputs: 3 [Y,Y,Y] [Cb,U,I,Co] [Cr,V,Q,Cg]
-152- Convert RGB colorspace to Yxy.
Parameters (1):
- ColorSpace : Default [Yxy]
- Yxy
- Yu'v'
Inputs: 3 [red] [green] [blue]
Outputs: 3 [Y] [X,u] [Y,v]
-204- Simulate old 2-strip and 3-strip technicolor films.
Parameters (1):
- Select Strip : Default [2-Strip]
- 2-Strip
- 3-Strip
Inputs: 3 [R] [G] [B]
Outputs: 3 [R] [G] [B]
-091- Convert XYZ and ryb colorspaces to RGB.
Parameters (1):
- Colorspace : Default [XYZ>RGB]
- ryb>RGB
Inputs: 3 [X,r] [Y,y] [Z,b]
Outputs: 3 [red] [green] [blue]
Convert Y'UV (PAL) , YCbCr , YIQ (NTSC) or YCoCg to Colorspace to RGB.
Convert from YCbCr, YUV , YIQ and YCoCg colorspaces to RGB.
YCbCr - Very similar to YUV. See Wikipedia.
YUV - Is the PAL/European Standard for color television broadcasting. See Wikipedia.
YIQ - Is the NTSC Standard for color television broadcasting. I -> Blu/Red. Q -> Green/Magenta.
YCoCg - Luminance , chrominance Orange and Green (normalized 0-1).
Parameters (1):
- ColorSpace : Default [YUV]
- YCbCr
- YCoCg
Inputs: 3 [Y,Y,Y] [Cb,U,I,Co] [Cr,V,Q,Cg]
Outputs: 3 [red] [green] [blue]
-153- Convert Yxy colorspace to RGB.
Parameters (1):
- ColorSpace : Default [Yxy]
- Yxy
- Yu'v'
Inputs: 3 [Y] [X,u] [Y,v] Outputs: 3 [red] [green] [blue]
Blend - Mix the first-channel with the 2nd-channel by an amount given by 3th Input.
Blend 2 Values using a 3th input-parameter. Inputs: A,B,C . Output = A*(1-C)+B*C.
Parameters (1):
- Power(0 or 100=Linear) (Integer) Default 100
Inputs: 3 [In 1] [In 2] [BLEND]
Outputs: 1 [Out]
Blend 3 - Mix the 3-first-channels with the 2nd-3-channels by an amount given by 7th Input.
7 Inputs: A1,A2,A3,B1,B2,B3,C . Output1 = A1*(1-C)+B1C , Output2 = A2(1-C)+B2C ,Output3 = A3(1-C)+B3*C.
Parameters (1):
- Power (0 or 100=Linear) (Integer) Default 100
Inputs: 7 [R 1] [G 1] [B 1] [R 2] [G 2] [B 2] [BLEND]
Outputs: 3 [R] [G] [B]
Chromakey Blend (1st 3 inputs: Main Image, Last 3 Input: BackGround Image) (The replacement is based on RGB-replace Hue).
The replacement is based on RGB-replace Hue.
Parameters (6):
- replace RED (From 0 to 255) Default 0
- replace GREEN (From 0 to 255) Default 0
- replace BLUE (From 0 to 255) Default 0
- Threshold (From 0 to 100) Default 0
- Smoothing (From 1 to 100) Default 1
- PNG Export (ON/OFF) Default OFF
Inputs: 6 [R] [G] [B] [R2] [G2] [B2]
Outputs: 3 [R] [G] [B]
Mix 2 channels.
A wide mix/Blend function. .
Parameters (4):
- Mix Mode: Default [Weighted SUM]
- Weighted SUM
- Lighten
- Darken
- Dissolve
- Screen(Dodge)
- Overlay
- Hard Light
- Soft Light (Cairo)
- Color Dodge
- Color Burn
- Linear Dodge
- Linear Burn
- Linear Light
- Pin Light
- Abs Diff.
- Exclusion
- SmoothMin
- SmoothMax
- Abs Greater
- Abs Smaller
- Vivid Light
- <<A - B>> (From 0 to 100) Default 50
- Swap Inputs (ON/OFF) Default OFF
- Clamp 0-1 (ON/OFF) Default OFF
Inputs: 2 [A] [B] Outputs: 1 [out]
You can see example of this blend modes by Expanding here:
See more ...
-218- Mix 2 inputs (1-2) by 2 weights (3-4).
Parameters (1):
- Weights mode : Default [Standard]
- Standard
- Exp(Wi)-1
- Wi^2
- Wi^0.5
Inputs: 4 [i 1 ] [i 2 ] [w 1 ] [w 2 ]
Outputs: 1 [Out]
Mix 6 channels 2 by 2 same way as MIX2 (First 3 Inputs as RGB-1 and 2nd 3 Inputs as RGB-2).
A wide mix/Blend function. .
Parameters (4):
- Mix Mode: Default [Weighted SUM]
- Weighted SUM
- Lighten
- Darken
- Dissolve
- Screen(Dodge)
- Overlay
- Hard Light
- Soft Light (Cairo)
- Color Dodge
- Color Burn
- Linear Dodge
- Linear Burn
- Linear Light
- Pin Light
- Abs Diff.
- Exclusion
- SmoothMin
- SmoothMax
- Abs Greater
- Abs Smaller
- Vivid Light
- <<A - B>> (From 0 to 100) Default 50
- Swap Inputs (ON/OFF) Default OFF
- Clamp 0-1 (ON/OFF) Default OFF
Inputs: 6 [R1] [G1] [B1] [R2] [G2] [B2] Outputs: 3 [out1] [out2] [out3]
For a detailed view of these blend modes look at MIX2 (They are the sames)
Mix 3 channels.
Mix 3 Channels by Weighted sum and several different ways.
Parameters (4):
- Mix Mode: Default [Weighted SUM]
- Weighted SUM
- Gray Desat.
- Gray BT.601
- GrayBT.709=sRGB
- Gray BT.2020
- Abs Greater
- Abs Smaller
- Gray HSP
- Gray PS like
- Global Mean
- Glb Gary BT601
- SmoothAbsGreater
- A (From 0 to 100) Default 50
- B (From 0 to 100) Default 50
- C (From 0 to 100) Default 50
Inputs: 3 [A] [B] [C]
Outputs: 1 [Out]
-205- Mix 3 inputs (1-2-3) by 3 weights (4-5-6).
Parameters (1):
- Weights mode : Default [Standard]
- Standard
- Exp(Wi)-1
- Wi^2
- Wi^0.5
Inputs: 6 [i 1 ] [i 2 ] [i 3 ] [w 1 ] [w 2 ] [w 3 ]
Outputs: 1 [Out]
-267- Mix 4 Channels by Weighted sum and several different ways.
Parameters (5):
- Mix Mode: Default [Weighted SUM]
- Weighted SUM
- Abs Greater
- Abs Smaller
- A (From 0 to 100) Default 50
- B (From 0 to 100) Default 50
- C (From 0 to 100) Default 50
- D (From 0 to 100) Default 50
Inputs: 4 [A] [B] [C] [D] Outputs: 1 [Out]
Content Aware Image Resize. Seam Carving algorithm (Experimental).
Seam Carving https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Seam_carving.
Parameters (1):
- Horizontal % (From 50 to 99) Default 80
Inputs: 3 [R] [G] [B]
Outputs: 3 [R] [G] [B]
Crop Image (Use Carefully, watch out 2D connections sizes).
Use carefully, remember that the 2D size of connections must the same for Input/Output of Modules.
Parameters (5):
- Choose Unit: ThousandthPart or Pixels unit : Default [ThousandthPart]
- ThousandthPart
- Pixels
- TOP (Integer) Default 0
- BOTTOM (Integer) Default 0
- LEFT (Integer) Default 0
- RIGHT (Integer) Default 0
Inputs: 3 [R] [G] [B]
Outputs: 3 [R] [G] [B]
-180- Extent Canvas.
Parameters (5):
- Choose Unit: ThousandthPart or Pixels unit : Default [ThousandthPart]
- ThousandthPart
- Pixels
- TOP (Integer) Default 0
- BOTTOM (Integer) Default 0
- LEFT (Integer) Default 0
- RIGHT (Integer) Default 0
Inputs: 1 [In]
Outputs: 1 [Out]
-179- Enlarge Canvas.
Parameters (5):
- Choose Unit: ThousandthPart or Pixels unit : Default [ThousandthPart]
- ThousandthPart
- Pixels
- TOP (Integer) Default 0
- BOTTOM (Integer) Default 0
- LEFT (Integer) Default 0
- RIGHT (Integer) Default 0
Inputs: 3 [R] [G] [B]
Outputs: 3 [R] [G] [B]
-181- Enlarge Canvas.
Parameters (5):
- Choose Unit: ThousandthPart or Pixels unit : Default [ThousandthPart]
- ThousandthPart
- Pixels
- TOP (Integer) Default 0
- BOTTOM (Integer) Default 0
- LEFT (Integer) Default 0
- RIGHT (Integer) Default 0
Inputs: 4 [R] [G] [B] [A]
Outputs: 4 [R] [G] [B] [a]
Resize Width and Height by 2X.
Doubles width and height.
Parameters (2):
- Kernel Mode : Default [1331 OK]
- deprecated(1)
- deprecated(2)
- deprecated(3)
- deprecated(4)
- 1331 OK
- Repeat (Works only with 1331): Default [Repeat 1 time]
- Repeat 1 time
- Repeat 2 times
- Repeat 3 Times
Inputs: 1 [In]
Outputs: 1 [Out]
Resize Width and Height by 2X (3 Channels).
Doubles width and height.
Parameters (2):
- Kernel Mode : Default [1331 OK]
- deprecated(1)
- deprecated(2)
- deprecated(3)
- deprecated(4)
- 1331 OK
- Repeat (Works only with 1331): Default [Repeat 1 time]
- Repeat 1 time
- Repeat 2 times
- Repeat 3 Times
Inputs: 3 [In] [] []
Outputs: 3 [Out] [] []
Resize Width and Height by Half.
Halfs width and height.
Parameters (2):
- Kernel Mode : Default [1331 OK]
- deprecated(1)
- deprecated(2)
- deprecated(3)
- deprecated(4)
- 1331 OK
- Repeat (Works only with 1331): Default [Repeat 1 time]
- Repeat 1 time
- Repeat 2 times
- Repeat 3 Times
Inputs: 1 [In]
Outputs: 1 [Out]
Resize Width and Height by Half (3 Channels).
Halfs width and height.
Parameters (2):
- Kernel Mode : Default [1331 OK]
- deprecated(1)
- deprecated(2)
- deprecated(3)
- deprecated(4)
- 1331 OK
- Repeat (Works only with 1331): Default [Repeat 1 time]
- Repeat 1 time
- Repeat 2 times
- Repeat 3 Times
Inputs: 3 [In] [] [] Outputs: 3 [Out] [] []
-163- Experimental Local Nobuyuki Otsu Multi-level Thresholding (Faster with Bigger Radius since Thresholds are interpolated).
Parameters (2):
- N of Levels : Default [2 Levels]
- 2 Levels
- 3 Levels
- 4 L. SLOW!
- 5 L. Very SLOW!
- Radius (Min=6) (Integer) Default 6
Inputs: 1 [in]
Outputs: 1 [out]
-162- Local Threshold (Imocha Singh).
Parameters (2):
- Radius (Integer) Default 4
- K (From 0 to 100) Default 67
Inputs: 1 [In]
Outputs: 1 [Out]
Sauvola Thresholding (Global or Local).
Parameters (4):
- Mode : Default [Local]
- Global
- Local
- Radius (Integer) Default 20
- K (From 1 to 100) Default 50
- R (From 1 to 100) Default 50
Inputs: 1 [Inp]
Outputs: 1 [Out]
'Cut' values between thresholds ( Soft Thresholding ).
Advanced Soft-Thresholding.
Parameters (4):
- Width Trsh.(lambda) (From 1 to 1000) Default 100
- (X)Center (From 0 to 1000) Default 500
- Cut / algo : Default [Inside Thr.(def.)]
- Inside Thr.(def.)
- Outside Thr.
- IntegralSmoothStep
- Smooth (From 0 to 100) Default 0
Inputs: 1 [in] Outputs: 1 [out]
This effect performs the soft threshold.
It is generally used with a center equal to 0.
But in our case the default is 0.5.
It suppresses low values in the neighborhood (determined by a threshold) of the central value.
Values not included in the "center minus threshold and center plus threshold" range are brought closer to the central value by an amount equal to the threshold value.
'Cut' values between thresholds ( Soft Thresholding ) (3 Channels).
Advanced Soft-Thresholding (3 Channels).
Parameters (4):
- Width Trsh.(lambda) (From 1 to 1000) Default 100
- (X)Center (From 0 to 1000) Default 500
- Cut / algo : Default [Inside Thr.(def.)]
- Inside Thr.(def.)
- Outside Thr.
- IntegralSmoothStep
- Smooth (From 0 to 100) Default 0
Inputs: 3 [I1] [I2] [I3] Outputs: 3 [o1] [o2] [o3]
Orientation-Aligned Bilateral Filter.
This is quite slow. You can use FlowPaint instead. (A bit different but Faster).
Parameters (6):
- Radius (Integer) Default 4
- Resistence (From 1 to 250) Default 1
- Extra Iterations (Integer) Default 1
- Tang Radius % (From 0 to 100) Default 0
- Recompute Flow (ON/OFF) Default ON
- Interpolate (ON/OFF) Default OFF
Inputs: 1 [in]
Outputs: 1 [out]
Orientation-Aligned Bilateral Filter (3 channels).
The same as BilaOA but on 3 Channels. The orientation is based on the computed Gray. This is quite slow. You can use FlowPaint3 instead. (A bit different but Faster).
Parameters (6):
- Radius (Integer) Default 4
- Resistence (From 1 to 250) Default 1
- Extra Iterations (Integer) Default 1
- Tang Radius % (From 0 to 100) Default 0
- Recompute Flow (ON/OFF) Default ON
- Interpolate (ON/OFF) Default OFF
Inputs: 3 [R] [G] [B]
Outputs: 3 [R] [G] [B]
-154- Extended Orientation-Aligned Bilateral Filter (WIP).
Parameters (8):
- Radius (Integer) Default 4
- Resistence (From 1 to 250) Default 1
- Extra Iterations (Integer) Default 0
- Tang Radius % (From 0 to 100) Default 10
- Recompute Flow (ON/OFF) Default ON
- Interpolate (ON/OFF) Default OFF
- Detail Weight (From 1 to 200) Default 40
- Per-Level Bila (ON/OFF) Default OFF
Inputs: 1 [in]
Outputs: 1 [out]
Edge preserving smoothing filter.
This apply the know edge preserving smoothing filter; Bilateral filter.
A lot of experimental optimizations. Try IIR (Recursize) it's the Faster. (It uses only Range and Extra iteration parameters). Availale also as standalone module as 'FastEPS'.
Parameters (4):
- Radius (Integer) Default 4
- Range (From 1 to 200) Default 30
- Extra Iterations (Integer) Default 0
- Select Approximation (Speed) : Default [Exact (Slow)]
- Exact (Slow)
- Separable
- PoissonDisk 6%R
- PoissonDisk 8%R
- PoissonDisk 10%R
- PoissonDisk 12%R
- PoissonDisk 15%R
- Exper.Polynomial
- Exper.manifolds
- IIR recurs TEST
Inputs: 1 [Input]
Outputs: 1 [Output]
Gaussian/Box Blur.
Gaussian Blur. The Main parameter is the Radius. The gaussian shape is choosen in a manner so that pixels that have a distance of half radius from center will have half weight.
Parameters (5):
- Radius (Integer) Default 3
- R Cents (From 0 to 99) Default 0
- Algorithm: Default [Fast (IIR)]
- Gaussian
- Box
- Fast (IIR)
- moving-average
- Scaled Radius (ON/OFF) Default OFF
- Gamma correction (ON/OFF) Default OFF
Inputs: 1 [Input]
Outputs: 1 [Output]
3 Channels Gaussian/Box Blur.
Gaussian Blur. The Main parameter is the Radius. The gaussian shape is choosen in a manner so that pixels that have a distance of half radius from center will have half weight.
Parameters (5):
- Radius (Integer) Default 4
- R Cents (From 0 to 99) Default 0
- Algorithm: Default [Fast (IIR)]
- Gaussian
- Box
- Fast (IIR)
- moving-average
- Scaled Radius (ON/OFF) Default OFF
- Gamma correction (ON/OFF) Default OFF
Inputs: 3 [R] [G] [B]
Outputs: 3 [R] [G] [B]
Fast Edge preserving Smoothing. IIR (Recursive).
Works better with some 'Extra iterations'. Available on (standard) 'Bilateral' module too.
Parameters (4):
- Edge Smooth (From 1 to 200) Default 30
- Extra Iterations (Integer) Default 0
- Passes : Default [STD+Diagonals]
- Standard
- STD+Diagonals
- Range Diff. Mode : Default [Linear]
- Linear
- Squared
- Gaussian(24)
- SmoothStep
Inputs: 1 [In]
Outputs: 1 [Out]
Fast Edge preserving Smoothing. IIR (Recursive).
Works better with some 'Extra iterations'. .
Parameters (4):
- Edge Smooth (From 1 to 200) Default 30
- Extra Iterations (Integer) Default 0
- Passes : Default [STD+Diagonals]
- Standard
- STD+Diagonals
- Range Diff. Mode : Default [Linear]
- Linear
- Squared
- Gaussian(24)
- SmoothStep
Inputs: 3 [R] [G] [B]
Outputs: 3 [R] [G] [B]
Compute 'Edge Tangent Flow' (ETF) and 'Paint' along direction.
Similar to BilaOA (Orientation-Aligned Bilateral Filter) but Faster.
Parameters (6):
- Radius (Integer) Default 6
- Flow Smooth (From 1 to 10) Default 4
- Extra Iterations (Integer) Default 1
- Recompute Flow (ON/OFF) Default ON
- Algorithm : Default [Default:Smoothed]
- Default:Smoothed
- ' Spiky '
- Kernel Mode (for Default Algorithm) : Default [Gaussian]
- Gaussian
- Gaussian * DOT
Inputs: 1 [in]
Outputs: 1 [out]
Compute 'Edge Tangent Flow' (ETF) and 'Paint' along direction.
Similar to BilaOA3 (Orientation-Aligned Bilateral Filter) but Faster.
Parameters (6):
- Radius (Integer) Default 6
- Flow Smooth (From 1 to 10) Default 4
- Extra Iterations (Integer) Default 1
- Recompute Flow (ON/OFF) Default ON
- Algorithm : Default [Default:Smoothed]
- Default:Smoothed
- ' Spiky '
- Kernel Mode (for Default Algorithm) : Default [Gaussian]
- Gaussian
- Gaussian * DOT
Inputs: 3 [R] [G] [B]
Outputs: 3 [R] [G] [B]
-041- Non-linear smoothing filter that preserves edges.
Parameters (3):
- Radius (Integer) Default 5
- Radius2 (<R1) (Integer) Default 0
- Mode : Default [Standard]
- Standard
- 4 Sectors
- 8 Sectors
- 12 Sectors
- 16 Sectors
Inputs: 1 [In] Outputs: 1 [Out]
Here you can find an explantion of this filter: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kuwahara_filter
Moreover, to the main algorithm that use 4 squared subregions, it has been added the use of a number of Circular (subregions) Sectors.
-252- Non-linear smoothing filter that preserves edges (3 channels).
Parameters (3):
- Radius (Integer) Default 5
- Radius2 (<R1) (Integer) Default 0
- Mode : Default [Standard]
- Standard
- 4 Sectors
- 8 Sectors
- 12 Sectors
- 16 Sectors
Inputs: 3 [R] [G] [B]
Outputs: 3 [R] [G] [B]
Anisotropic Kuwahara (WIP).
It uses 8 sectors with edge-flow angle orientation.
Parameters (1):
- Radius (Integer) Default 1
Inputs: 1 [In] Outputs: 1 [Out]
It works very similar to the standard Kuwahara filter
The difference is that it works anisotropically, that is, so that the orientation of the central pixel is also taken into account.
Practically, the 8 sectors of a circle are rotated according to the edge tangent flow.
However, at the moment this algorithm is not working properly.
-234- Experimental Marching Squares.
Parameters (3):
- Size/Radius (Integer) Default 20
- Use Box mean (ON/OFF) Default ON
- Precise (ON/OFF) Default OFF
Inputs: 1 [In]
Outputs: 1 [Out]
-279- Compute mean and variance using Disk kernel.
Parameters (3):
- Radius Mean (Integer) Default 5
- Radius Variance (Integer) Default 5
- Var. Map to 0-1 (ON/OFF) Default ON
Inputs: 1 [In]
Outputs: 2 [mean] [Variance]
MeanShift. Edge Preserve Smoothing. Use this instead of ThrBlur.
Since 3/2022 is better to use this instead of ThrBlur. Very much faster.
Parameters (4):
- Radius (Integer) Default 12
- Threshold (From 1 to 500) Default 100
- Extra Iterations (Integer) Default 0
- Scaled Radius (ON/OFF) Default OFF
Inputs: 1 [In]
Outputs: 1 [Out]
MeanShift. Edge Preserve Smoothing. Use this instead of ThrBlur3.
Since 3/2022 is better to use this instead of ThrBlur3. Very much faster.
Parameters (4):
- Radius (Integer) Default 12
- Threshold (From 1 to 500) Default 100
- Extra Iterations (Integer) Default 0
- Scaled Radius (ON/OFF) Default OFF
Inputs: 3 [R] [G] [B]
Outputs: 3 [R] [G] [B]
-047- Median Filter.
Parameters (6):
- Radius (Integer) Default 5
- No more used (Integer) Default 1
- Circle Shaped (ON/OFF) Default OFF
- Extra Iterations (Integer) Default 0
- Threshold (From 2 to 100) Default 50
- Precision: Default [Standard (255)]
- Fast (128)
- Standard (255)
- Slow (512)
Inputs: 1 [In]
Outputs: 1 [Out]
-235- Median Filter on 3 channels.
Parameters (6):
- Radius (Integer) Default 5
- No more used (Integer) Default 1
- Circle Shaped (ON/OFF) Default OFF
- Extra Iterations (Integer) Default 0
- Threshold (From 2 to 100) Default 50
- Precision: Default [Standard (255)]
- Fast (128)
- Standard (255)
- Slow (512)
Inputs: 3 [1] [2] [3]
Outputs: 3 [1] [2] [3]
-112- Motion BLUR (1 channel).
Parameters (2):
- Angle (From -90 to 90) Default 0
- Blur Amount (From 5 to 100) Default 5
Inputs: 1 [Input]
Outputs: 1 [Output]
-113- Motion BLUR 3 channels.
Parameters (2):
- Angle (From -90 to 90) Default 0
- Blur Amount (From 5 to 100) Default 5
Inputs: 3 [Input1] [Input2] [Input3]
Outputs: 3 [Output1] [Output2] [Output3]
Set first 2 Input as Outputs of FLOW, and 3th as Source to 'paint' to.
This must be used using the 2 output of FLOW Module and as 3rd input what we want to change
Pratically it ''Blurs'' along the pixel flow angle.
The ''Brush'' used is thin if pixels have an high magnitude, and trends to a disk if pixels have low magnitude (flat areas).
Parameters (3):
- Brush Size (Integer) Default 3
- Extra Iterations (Integer) Default 0
- Smoothed (From 0 to 100) Default 0
Inputs: 3 [Magnitude] [Angle] [Source Channel]
Outputs: 1 [Result]
-231- Blur using shapes like Circle Square Hexagon ecc.
Parameters (3):
- Size/Radius (Integer) Default 20
- Angle (From 0 to 180) Default 0
- Shape : Default [Disk]
- Disk
- Triangle
- Box
- Pentagon
- Hexagon
- Line 2
- Line 4
- Line 8
- Star
- Moon
- Heart
- Eye
Inputs: 1 [In]
Outputs: 1 [Out]
-232- Blur using shapes like Circle Square Hexagon ecc on 3 channels.
Parameters (3):
- Size/Radius (Integer) Default 20
- Angle (From 0 to 180) Default 0
- Shape : Default [Disk]
- Disk
- Triangle
- Box
- Pentagon
- Hexagon
- Line 2
- Line 4
- Line 8
- Star
- Moon
- Heart
- Eye
Inputs: 3 [1] [2] [3]
Outputs: 3 [1] [2] [3]
-067- Symmetric Nearest Neighbour (Edge Preserving Smoothing).
Parameters (2):
- Radius (Integer) Default 1
- Extra Iterations (Integer) Default 0
Inputs: 1 [In]
Outputs: 1 [Out]
-068- RGB Symmetric Nearest Neighbour (Edge Preserving Smoothing).
Parameters (2):
- Radius (Integer) Default 1
- Extra Iterations (Integer) Default 0
Inputs: 3 [R] [G] [B]
Outputs: 3 [R] [G] [B]
-150- Spin Blur.
Parameters (4):
- Tenths of Angle (Integer) Default 40
- Center X (From 0 to 1000) Default 500
- Center Y (From 0 to 1000) Default 500
- high Quality (ON/OFF) Default OFF
Inputs: 1 [In]
Outputs: 1 [Out]
-151- Spin Blur (3 channels).
Parameters (4):
- Tenths of Angle (Integer) Default 40
- Center X (From 0 to 1000) Default 500
- Center Y (From 0 to 1000) Default 500
- high Quality (ON/OFF) Default OFF
Inputs: 3 [R] [G] [B]
Outputs: 3 [R] [G] [B]
-107- Threshold Gaussian Blur.
- Since 3/2022 is better to use MeanShift module. It's very much faster.
Parameters (5):
- Radius (Integer) Default 2
- R Cents (From 0 to 99) Default 0
- Threshold (From 1 to 999) Default 1
- Extra Iterations (Integer) Default 0
- Select Approximation (Speed) : Default [Exact (Slow)]
- Exact (Slow)
- Separable
- PoissonDisk 6%R
- PoissonDisk 8%R
- PoissonDisk 10%R
- PoissonDisk 12%R
- PoissonDisk 15%R
Inputs: 1 [Input]
Outputs: 1 [Output]
-108- Threshold Gaussian Blur, 3 channels.
- Since 3/2022 is better to use MeanShift3 module. It's very much faster.
Parameters (5):
- Radius (Integer) Default 2
- R Cents (From 0 to 99) Default 0
- Threshold (From 1 to 999) Default 1
- Extra Iterations (Integer) Default 0
- Select Approximation (Speed) : Default [Exact (Slow)]
- Exact (Slow)
- Separable
- PoissonDisk 6%R
- PoissonDisk 8%R
- PoissonDisk 10%R
- PoissonDisk 12%R
- PoissonDisk 15%R
Inputs: 3 [Input1] [Input2] [Input3]
Outputs: 3 [Output1] [Output2] [Output3]
Fake Miniature - ToyEffect - Good with 'Panoramas' Pictures.
Classic Fake Miniature - ToyEffect .
Parameters (4):
- Horizon (From 1 to 99) Default 50
- Amount (From 1 to 200) Default 100
- Saturation (From 0 to 100) Default 25
- Shape : Default [Horizontal]
- Horizontal
- Circle (Gaussian)
- Ellipse
- Circle (Flat)
Inputs: 3 [R] [G] [B]
Outputs: 3 [R] [G] [B]
-201- Video Motion blur. Use only with videos frames.
Parameters (1):
- Motion (From 1 to 99) Default 80
Inputs: 3 [R] [G] [B]
Outputs: 3 [R] [G] [B]
-110- ZOOM BLUR (1 channel).
Parameters (4):
- Center X (From -200 to 200) Default 0
- Center Y (From -200 to 200) Default 0
- Blur Amount (From 1 to 100) Default 1
- Progressive = Blur More far from center : Default [Constant]
- Constant
- Progressive
- Prog. Squared
- Prog. Squared 2
Inputs: 1 [Input]
Outputs: 1 [Output]
-111- ZOOM BLUR 3 channels.
Parameters (4):
- Center X (From -200 to 200) Default 0
- Center Y (From -200 to 200) Default 0
- Blur Amount (From 1 to 100) Default 1
- Progressive = Blur More far from center : Default [Constant]
- Constant
- Progressive
- Prog. Squared
- Prog. Squared 2
Inputs: 3 [Input1] [Input2] [Input3] Outputs: 3 [Output1] [Output2] [Output3]
-249- Basic Text Drawer.
Parameters (10):
- Text Default 0
- Font : Default [Segoe UI]
- Segoe UI
- Segoe UI B
- Courier New
- Courier New B
- Comic Sans
- Comic Sans B
- Font Height (Integer) Default 12
- color R (From 0 to 1000) Default 500
- color G (From 0 to 1000) Default 500
- color B (From 0 to 1000) Default 500
- rect X (From 0 to 1000) Default 250
- rect Y (From 0 to 1000) Default 250
- rect Width (From 0 to 1000) Default 250
- rect Height (From 0 to 1000) Default 250
Inputs: 3 [R] [G] [B]
Outputs: 3 [R] [G] [B]
Calc Gradient Flow - Outputs 1-Magnitude, 2-Angle (Range 0-1).
This compute for the given input the Angle and Magnitude of the pixels Flow. .
Parameters (2):
- Smooth (Integer) Default 0
- Smooth Mode : Default [Standard]
- Standard
- Advanced
Inputs: 1 [Input]
Outputs: 2 [Magnitude] [Angle]
HUE Harmonizer (Input 1 = HUE, Input 2 = Saturation).
Harmonize HUE in several ways. (Input 1 = HUE, Input 2 = Saturation)
It creates a circular Histogram of Hue weighted by Saturation.
Then Finds the Scheme rotation that best match the histogram.
And changes the Hue according to Scheme angles.
(Works better with Quasimondo-HSL colorspace)
Auto: Auto select best scheme to apply.
Parameters (2):
- Scheme : Default [Auto (Scheme)]
- Auto (Scheme)
- [1]X 90 90 90 90
- [2]X 120 60 120 60
- [3]Y 90 135 135
- [4]Y 120 120 120
- [5]L 60 300
- [6]L 90 270
- [7]L 120 240
- [8]L 138 222
- [9]I 180 180
- [10] Penta
- [11] Hexa
- Interpolate (ON/OFF) Default OFF
Inputs: 2 [HUE] [Saturation]
Outputs: 1 [HUE]
-208- Camera Distorsion.
Parameters (2):
- Stength (From -250 to 3000) Default 150
- Quality mode : Default [raw]
- raw
- bilinear
Inputs: 3 [R ] [G ] [B ]
Outputs: 3 [R ] [G ] [B ]
-209- Magnifier Glass.
Parameters (4):
- Size (From 2 to 100) Default 10
- Zoom Factor (From 100 to 1000) Default 400
- Pos X (From -1000 to 1000) Default 0
- Pos Y (From -1000 to 1000) Default 0
Inputs: 3 [R ] [G ] [B ]
Outputs: 3 [R ] [G ] [B ]
-197- Plastic Wrap Effect.
Parameters (5):
- Light X (From -100 to 100) Default 100
- Light Y (From -100 to 100) Default -100
- Details (From 0 to 100) Default 50
- Ref. Power (From 2 to 50) Default 10
- Intensity (From 10 to 100) Default 100
Inputs: 3 [R] [G] [B]
Outputs: 3 [R] [G] [B]
-262- Basic Rotate and Zoom.
Parameters (4):
- X Center (From -100 to 100) Default 0
- Y Center (From -100 to 100) Default 0
- Rotation (From -180 to 180) Default 45
- Zoom (From 100 to 5000) Default 1000
Inputs: 3 [R] [G] [B]
Outputs: 3 [R] [G] [B]
-239- Skin tone adjust (WIP).
Parameters (5):
- SkinAdjust (From -100 to 100) Default 20
- MaxHueShift (From 0 to 100) Default 25
- SkinHue (From 0 to 100) Default 5
- SkinHueThreshold (From 0 to 100) Default 40
- MaxSaturationShift (From 0 to 100) Default 0
Inputs: 3 [R] [G] [B]
Outputs: 3 [R] [G] [B]
-236- From flat picture to sphere (WIP).
Parameters (6):
- Rot X (From -180 to 180) Default 0
- Rot Z (From -180 to 180) Default 0
- Amplitude (X) (From 180 to 360) Default 180
- BackGround: Default [Black]
- Black
- Blurred
- Hi Quality (ON/OFF) Default OFF
- Video Rot. Speed (From -200 to 200) Default 0
Inputs: 3 [1] [2] [3]
Outputs: 3 [1] [2] [3]
-244- Auto Straighten ( Rotate along horizon ) WIP...
Inputs: 3 [R] [G] [B]
Outputs: 3 [R] [G] [B]
-256- Tiny Planet effect.
Parameters (9):
- Mode : Default [Full Circle]
- Full Circle
- Half Circle
- Planet Size (From 50 to 200) Default 100
- Center X (From -100 to 100) Default 0
- Center Y (From -100 to 100) Default 0
- Sky Repeat (ON/OFF) Default OFF
- Inverse (ON/OFF) Default OFF
- Falloff (From -200 to 200) Default 0
- Overlap ends (From 0 to 100) Default 0
- Antialias (ON/OFF) Default OFF
Inputs: 3 [R] [G] [B] Outputs: 3 [R] [G] [B]
See more ...
Here you can see some images created using TinyPlanet Module.
-226- Split Before and after (Useful for Videos).
Parameters (1):
- (ON/OFF) Default OFF
Inputs: 6 [R left] [G left] [B left] [R right] [G right] [B right] Outputs: 3 [red ] [green ] [blue ]
Miorsoft CartoonizeMe V2 Effect.
Effect like Miorsoft CartoonizeMe V2 ( https://miorsoft.github.io/Site/CartoonizeMe/index.html ).
Parameters (1):
- Iterations : Default [2 Iter]
- 1 Iter
- 2 Iter
- 3 Iter
- 4 Iter
- 5 Iter
Inputs: 3 [R] [G] [B]
Outputs: 3 [R] [G] [B]
Dices effect.
Convert image to grayscale and quantize it to 6 levels. Each one is drawn as a Dice.
In 'OUT' folder an info file named Dices.txt is created.
Parameters (3):
- Dice Size (Integer) Default 24
- B or W: Default [Black]
- White
- Black
- Quantizer : Default [OTSU]
- Histogram Based
Inputs: 3 [R] [G] [B]
Outputs: 1 [Out]
-211- Experimental picture to fractal.
Parameters (3):
- Real (From -200 to 200) Default -78
- Imm. (From -200 to 200) Default -12
- Randomize (ON/OFF) Default OFF
Inputs: 3 [R ] [G ] [B ]
Outputs: 3 [R ] [G ] [B ]
-121- Mosaic Effect.
Parameters (3):
- Algorithm : Default [V 0.3.3600]
- V 0.3.1600
- V 0.3.3600
- Tile Size (From 7 to 50) Default 9
- Voronoi (ON/OFF) Default ON
Inputs: 3 [R] [G] [B]
Outputs: 3 [R] [G] [B]
-202- Experimental Neural network reconstruction (SLOW!).
Parameters (1):
- View Progress (ON/OFF) Default OFF
Inputs: 3 [R] [G] [B]
Outputs: 3 [R] [G] [B]
-159- Oil Painting classic effect.
Parameters (2):
- Radius (Integer) Default 4
- Fast Mode (ON/OFF) Default ON
Inputs: 1 [In]
Outputs: 1 [Out]
-160- Oil Painting classic effect (3Channels).
Parameters (2):
- Radius (Integer) Default 4
- Fast Mode (ON/OFF) Default ON
Inputs: 3 [R] [G] [B]
Outputs: 3 [R] [G] [B]
-044- Pencil Drawing (Still Developing).
Inputs: 1 [In]
Outputs: 1 [Out]
-122- WIP DO NOT USE !!!! Tile Photo Mosaic Artwork (WIP).
Parameters (5):
- Folder Path Default 0
- Tile Size (From 8 to 40) Default 8
- : Default [As Source]
- As Source
- 4:3
- 3:4
- Tile Placement mode : Default [Standard]
- Standard
- Brick
- Circle
- OutPut Size (From 200 to 5000) Default 200
Inputs: 3 [R] [G] [B]
Outputs: 3 [R] [G] [B]
Just a simple Pixelate filter (including gap).
Parameters (2):
- Dot Size (From 1 to 32) Default 8
- Gap Size (From 0 to 16) Default 0
Inputs: 3 [R] [G] [B]
Outputs: 3 [R] [G] [B]
Simple pointillism effect.
If you need a more advanced algorithm use 'Stippling2' module.
Parameters (10):
- Spacing (From 5 to 100) Default 20
- Radius (From 2 to 100) Default 15
- BCKGRND White (From 0 to 100) Default 50
- Light (From 0 to 100) Default 50
- Flatness (From 25 to 500) Default 100
- Light X (From -100 to 100) Default -40
- Light Y (From -100 to 100) Default -40
- Shiness (From 0 to 100) Default 25
- Color : Default [Surface]
- central Pixel
- Surface
- Sunflower (ON/OFF) Default OFF
Inputs: 3 [R] [G] [B]
Outputs: 3 [R] [G] [B]
Jigsaw Puzzle.
Thanks to Olaf Schmidt.
Parameters (1):
- N Pieces (Integer) Default 6
Inputs: 3 [R] [G] [B]
Outputs: 3 [R] [G] [B]
-223- Q-Bert effect.
Parameters (2):
- Block Size (From 5 to 50) Default 20
- Just hexagons (ON/OFF) Default OFF
Inputs: 3 [R ] [G ] [B ]
Outputs: 3 [red ] [green ] [blue ]
Experimental SandArt. Find Edges and fill. VERY VERY SLOW! (WIP).
To test the first time select as output 'SIMPLIFIED'.
So you can see the edges.
Then set ouput as 'FULL' and run.
It will take very long. Number of iteration affects quality and speed.
Parameters (6):
- Output : Default [SIMPLIFIED]
- Blur (From 0 to 1000) Default 450
- LOW Threshold (From 0 to 1000) Default 50
- high Threshold (From 0 to 1000) Default 100
- Polygon Simplify (From 5 to 100) Default 20
- Iterations (Integer) Default 10
Inputs: 3 [In] [] []
Outputs: 3 [Out] [] []
-213- Stipple effect. WIP. To use only with video frames.
Inputs: 1 [In ]
Outputs: 1 [Out ]
-210- Stippling (static) based on Poisson disc distribution. Module 'Stipple2' gives better output.
Parameters (6):
- Dot Size (From 25 to 100) Default 25
- 'White' Distance (From 10 to 50) Default 25
- Contrast (From 100 to 400) Default 100
- 'White' Threshold (From 800 to 1000) Default 1000
- Black background (ON/OFF) Default OFF
- Display N Points (ON/OFF) Default ON
Inputs: 1 [In ]
Outputs: 1 [Out ]
Stippling (voronoi based). Very good !.
Basically this algorithm adds and removes points according to their density (Darkness) of area. Movement of the points is done by iterating the computation of the Voronoi diagram.
You can adjust gamma connecting module 'Gamma' 'Pow' or other mapping ones before this module.".
Parameters (8):
- Dot Size (From 30 to 100) Default 30
- Previous State (ON/OFF) Default OFF
- dot type : Default [Fixed Radii]
- Variable Radii
- Fixed Radii
- Quality : Default [[1.5] Medium]
- [1.0] Basic (Faster)
- [1.5] Medium
- [2.0] High
- Density Adjust (From 50 to 200) Default 100
- Gamma Correction (From 50 to 200) Default 100
- Export as: Default [No Export]
- No Export
- Show Steps (ON/OFF) Default OFF
Inputs: 1 [In ] Outputs: 1 [Out ]
See more ...
Here you can see an example of the Effect.
-175- Experimental Voronoi Tassellation.
Parameters (2):
- Density (From 25 to 1000) Default 100
- Triangulate (ON/OFF) Default OFF
Inputs: 3 [R] [G] [B]
Outputs: 3 [R] [G] [B]
-261- Aristic Biro.
Inputs: 1 [In]
Outputs: 1 [Out]
'Chord Effect'.
Petros Vrellis Chord Effect .
Parameters (7):
- Passes Density (From 50 to 150) Default 120
- N of Nails (From 180 to 540) Default 360
- Precision : Default [Medium]
- Fast
- Medium
- Exact (Slow)
- Shape : Default [Circle]
- Circle
- Ellipse
- Rect
- (4)Square
- 5 Side
- 6 Side
- 7 Side
- 8 Side
- 9 Side
- 10 Side
- 11 Side
- 12 Side
- Contrast (From 20 to 180) Default 100
- String Thickness (From 10 to 150) Default 12
- Output TXT (ON/OFF) Default OFF
Inputs: 3 [R] [G] [B]
Outputs: 1 [out]
WIP (Do Not use) 'Color Chord Effect'.
Color Petros Vrellis Chord Effect .
Parameters (7):
- Passes Density (From 50 to 150) Default 120
- N of Nails (From 180 to 540) Default 360
- Precision : Default [Medium]
- Fast
- Medium
- Exact (Slow)
- Shape : Default [Circle]
- Circle
- Ellipse
- Rect
- (4)Square
- 5 Side
- 6 Side
- 7 Side
- 8 Side
- 9 Side
- 10 Side
- 11 Side
- 12 Side
- Contrast (From 20 to 180) Default 100
- String Thickness (From 10 to 150) Default 12
- Output TXT (ON/OFF) Default OFF
Inputs: 3 [R] [G] [B]
Outputs: 3 [1] [2] [3]
Fluid Drops Marbling Effect Art.
This effect is still Work In Progress (It Could be modified in succesive Verion) .
Parameters (2):
- Mode : Default [2nd]
- 1st
- 2nd
- Experimental (1)
- Aspect : Default [Flat]
- Flat
- 3D
Inputs: 3 [R] [G] [B]
Outputs: 3 [R] [G] [B]
-237- Do NOT Use WIP!!!.
Inputs: 3 [1] [2] [3]
Outputs: 3 [1] [2] [3]
-100- Creates a Mesh by selecting the most relevant points and drawing them according to proximity.
Parameters (1):
- N Points (From 1000 to 10000) Default 1000
Inputs: 1 [in]
Outputs: 1 [out]
-193- Painter Effect.
Parameters (2):
- Tool : Default [Brush]
- Brush
- Felt-tip pen
- Opacity (From 10 to 100) Default 55
Inputs: 3 [R] [G] [B]
Outputs: 3 [R] [G] [B]
-238- Painter Effect (2nd).
Parameters (2):
- Coarse Length (From 3 to 20) Default 6
- Fine Length (From 6 to 20) Default 10
Inputs: 3 [R] [G] [B] Outputs: 3 [R] [G] [B]
See more ...
Here you can see some images created using xPAINTER2 00 project.
Painter Effect (3rd).
Painter Art.
Parameters (9):
- Brush Type & Strokes start position : Default [BRISTLY DoG]
- SOLID variance
- BRISTLY variance
- ColorSpace : Default [RYB OK]
- RYB (Equations)
- RYB basic
- RYB lighten
- RYB Trained1
- RYB Trained2
- Strokes 'Density' (From 50 to 200) Default 100
- Strokes Opacity (From 20 to 100) Default 70
- Strokes Border Opacity (From 20 to 100) Default 50
- Max Curvature (From 5 to 40) Default 15
- Color Randomness (From 0 to 50) Default 10
- Emboss (From 0 to 200) Default 100
- Display/Preview : Default [Nothing]
- Nothing
- Levels
- Strokes (Slow)
Inputs: 3 [R] [G] [B] Outputs: 3 [R] [G] [B]
This is the third version of the painter effect. It is more advanced than the others and has many settings available. Let's take a look at them. The first option is to select the type of brush which can be "solid" or "bristly", in addition you can choose the technique of the starting point of the strokes which can be based on Variance or "Difference of Gaussian blur" (DoG)[Difference of Gaussian].
The second option allows us to choose the color space to operate with. If the normal RGB color space allows us to obtain hues equal to those in the source image, the RYB (red, yellow,blue) color space gives more interesting results in the gradients between brushstrokes. For example, if there is a border defined by yellow and blue in the source image, using the RYB color space will cause the brushstrokes to fade and some green will be visible between these two colors. As actually happens by blending yellow and blue. The RYB color space currently has no unique conversion, so various types of conversion have been implemented. Most are based on Trilinear Interpolation while one (formula) is based on some equations. Choose the one you like best based on your taste.
Then we have Stroke Density which basically defines the number of strokes. Then we work in the opacity setting with Strokes Opacity and Strokes Border Opacity. The first option determines the opacity of the strokes whether they are SOLID or BRISTLY. The second works only if the brush is "SOLID" and determines the opacity of the outer part of the strokes.
Succeeding in the options we have "Max curvature," which determines how much a single brushstroke can curve, and "Color Randomness," which randomly "shifts" the starting colors of the brushstrokes.
Finally we have the "Emboss" option that adds an amount of relief to the final result (as if the brush strokes had a thickness highlighted by light).
This effect gives very pleasing results. A certain (perhaps unique?) way by which to get better results would be to implement a full simulation where the color is simulated as a Fluid. If you have suggestions please write to: r e e x r e @ g m a i l . c o m
Some Examples here:https://www.vbforums.com/showthread.php?792225-Program-Testers&p=5628092&viewfull=1#post5628092
-104- Experimental Pencil.
Inputs: 3 [red] [green] [blue]
Outputs: 3 [red] [green] [blue]
-248- Artistic Pencil effect.
Parameters (3):
- Edges (From 500 to 1000) Default 900
- BackGround (From 0 to 1000) Default 333
- BG Mode : Default [Algo 1]
- Algo 1
- Algo 2
Inputs: 3 [R] [G] [B]
Outputs: 3 [R] [G] [B]
-105- Experimental Pois Art.
Parameters (3):
- Max Radius (From 20 to 99) Default 20
- BackGround: Default [Gray]
- Gray
- White
- Black
- Source
- Fill Gaps: Default [Low x1]
- Low x1
- Medium x2
- High x4
- SuperHigh x8
Inputs: 3 [red] [green] [blue]
Outputs: 3 [red] [green] [blue]
-192- 'Messy curves draw effect'.
Parameters (7):
- Density (From 5 to 300) Default 100
- Length (From 10 to 200) Default 100
- 'Curveness' (From 10 to 400) Default 100
- Noise (From 0 to 100) Default 0
- Pressure (From 10 to 100) Default 35
- Random seed (ON/OFF) Default OFF
- Background : Default [white]
- white
- black
Inputs: 1 [in]
Outputs: 1 [out]
-077- Sketch style Abstraction on RGB channels.
Parameters (5):
- Edge Darkness (From -100 to 100) Default 0
- bkgrnd Darkness (From -100 to 100) Default 0
- BackGround (ON/OFF) Default OFF
- bkgrnd Angle (From 0 to 100) Default 0
- BackGround Density : Default [3-Sparse1]
- 2-Normal
- 3-Sparse1
- 4-Sparse2
- 1-Dense
Inputs: 3 [R] [G] [B]
Outputs: 3 [R] [G] [B]
-101- Experimental Art-Draw Strokes.
Parameters (5):
- Density (From 20 to 1000) Default 20
- 'Curvature' (From 20 to 500) Default 20
- Pressure (Alpha) (From 10 to 100) Default 10
- BackGround: Default [White]
- White
- Black
- PenSize (From 1 to 100) Default 1
Inputs: 3 [red] [green] [blue]
Outputs: 3 [red] [green] [blue]
Parameters (5):
- Output : Default [SIMPLIFIED]
- Blur (From 0 to 1000) Default 450
- LOW Threshold (From 0 to 1000) Default 50
- high Threshold (From 0 to 1000) Default 100
- Polygon Simplify (From 5 to 100) Default 20
Inputs: 3 [R] [G] [B]
Outputs: 3 [R] [G] [B]
-212- Experimental deformation.
Parameters (3):
- pre-Blur (From 2 to 200) Default 33
- Steps (From 1 to 50) Default 20
- mode : Default [+S-C]
- +S-C
- -S+C
Inputs: 3 [R] [G] [B]
Outputs: 3 [R] [G] [B]
-215- Experimental Motion.
Parameters (5):
- Density (From 4 to 32) Default 16
- FlowSmooth (From 10 to 60) Default 20
- Max Life (From 40 to 160) Default 80
- Spread (From 0 to 20) Default 10
- (ON/OFF) Default OFF
Inputs: 3 [R] [G] [B] Outputs: 3 [R] [G] [B]
HISTOGRAM Equalization. (CLHE - Contrast Limited Histogram Equalization).
Perform a Contrast Limited Histogram Equalization. Parameter Extremes Cut means how much (in 1/1000) of histogram low and high values to ignore.
Parameters (2):
- Max Slope (From 0 to 100) Default 25
- Extremes Cut (From 0 to 200) Default 5
Inputs: 1 [Input]
Outputs: 1 [Output]
Histogram Matching - Change Input1 to match Input2 Histogram.
Inputs: 2 [Reference] [Target (Histogram)]
Outputs: 1 [out]
Local Histogram Equalization (CLAHE - Contrast Limited Adaptive Histogram Equalization).
Perform Contrast Limited Histogram Equalization using only Pixels neigboorhood.
Parameters (6):
- Radius (Integer) Default 1
- Step (<=R) (Integer) Default 1
- Max Slope (From 0 to 200) Default 10
- Blend % (From 0 to 100) Default 10
- Circle Shaped (ON/OFF) Default OFF
- Extremes Cut (From 0 to 200) Default 5
Inputs: 1 [In]
Outputs: 1 [Out]
3 channels Local Histogram Equalization (CLAHE - Contrast Limited Adaptive Histogram Equalization).
Perform Contrast Limited Histogram Equalization using only Pixels neigboorhood.
Parameters (6):
- Radius (Integer) Default 1
- Step (<=R) (Integer) Default 1
- Max Slope (From 0 to 200) Default 10
- Blend % (From 0 to 100) Default 10
- Circle Shaped (ON/OFF) Default OFF
- Extremes Cut (From 0 to 200) Default 5
Inputs: 3 [R] [G] [B]
Outputs: 3 [R] [G] [B]
Local Histogram Equalization[2] (CLAHE - Contrast Limited Adaptive Histogram Equalization) for each pixel.
Perform Contrast Limited Histogram Equalization using only Pixels neigboorhood window for each pixel.
Parameters (3):
- Radius (Integer) Default 1
- Clip Level (From 100 to 3000) Default 1
- Blend % (From 0 to 100) Default 0
Inputs: 1 [In]
Outputs: 1 [Out]
-185- Histogram Contrast Stretch.
Parameters (1):
- Extremes Cut (From 0 to 200) Default 5
Inputs: 1 [Inp ]
Outputs: 1 [Out ]
-186- Histogram Contrast Stretch (3 channels).
Parameters (1):
- Extremes Cut (From 0 to 200) Default 5
Inputs: 3 [Inp1 ] [Inp2 ] [Inp3 ] Outputs: 3 [Out1 ] [Out2 ] [Out3 ]
Adaptive Contrast Enhancement.
Adaptive Contrast Enhancement (Advanced Version of LCN: Local Contrast Normalization) .
Parameters (5):
- Window Radius (Integer) Default 10
- MIN Gain % (From 0 to 200) Default 100
- MAX Gain % (From 100 to 1000) Default 250
- Local Gain (From 0 to 500) Default 100
- Source% (From 0 to 100) Default 100
Inputs: 1 [In]
Outputs: 1 [Out]
-021- Advanced Local Contrast (Still developing.. ).
Parameters (3):
- Radius (Integer) Default 2
- Amount (From 1 to 800) Default 150
- Limit (From 10 to 50) Default 10
Inputs: 1 [Input]
Outputs: 1 [Output]
-081- Brightness Contrast Saturation (RGB).
Parameters (3):
- Brightness (From -100 to 100) Default 0
- Contrast (From -100 to 100) Default 0
- Saturation (From -100 to 200) Default 0
Inputs: 3 [R] [G] [B]
Outputs: 3 [R] [G] [B]
-206- Color Contrast: Make Lighter choosen hue and darker complementary hue (inspired by Luminar).
Parameters (4):
- Amount (From 0 to 1000) Default 500
- Hue (From 0 to 1000) Default 0
- Brightness (From -1000 to 1000) Default 0
- Contrast (From -1000 to 1000) Default 0
Inputs: 3 [R ] [G ] [B ]
Outputs: 3 [R ] [G ] [B ]
Fake HDR: Adaptive Tone Mapping Algorithm. Make a low dynamic range(LDR) image looks high dynamic range(HDR).
Quite Fast Algorithm. Effect Similar to 'ToneMap' module.
Parameters (3):
- Coarseness (From 5 to 100) Default 40
- Strength (From 100 to 1000) Default 100
- What to Enhance (From 0 to 100) Default 50
Inputs: 1 [In]
Outputs: 1 [Out]
-099- (Local) Contrast Normalization - Set Radius to 0 to do a Global Contrast Normalization.
Parameters (4):
- Radius (From 0 to 100) Default 1
- 'Source' vs Half (From 0 to 100) Default 1
- Norm Strength (From 25 to 300) Default 100
- SQR: Attenuate low constrast regions
Linear: Standard, enphasize low constrast regions : Default [Linear]
- Square Root
- Linear
Inputs: 1 [in]
Outputs: 1 [out]
Set Radius.
Deprecated : Use VRLC instead. .
Parameters (1):
- Radius (Integer) Default 5
Inputs: 1 [Input]
Outputs: 1 [Output]
-268- New Node testEPS2 test WIP.
Parameters (2):
- Radius (Integer) Default 5
- Preserve Edges (From 1 to 100) Default 50
Inputs: 1 [In]
Outputs: 1 [Out]
-280- Testing... Do no use WIP.
Parameters (2):
- Strength (From 25 to 200) Default 65
- Iterations (From 4 to 8) Default 4
Inputs: 1 [In]
Outputs: 1 [Out]
Variable Radius Adaptive Contrast Enhancement.
Variable Radius Adaptive Contrast Enhancement (Very similar to VRLCN: Variable Radius Local Contrast Normalization) .
Parameters (6):
- Max Radius (From 1 to 100) Default 20
- MIN Gain % (From 0 to 200) Default 100
- MAX Gain % (From 100 to 1000) Default 250
- Local Gain (From 0 to 500) Default 200
- Source% (From 0 to 100) Default 100
- Radius Sensitivity (From -100 to 100) Default 0
Inputs: 1 [In]
Outputs: 1 [Out]
Variable Radius CLAHE (a sort of Fake HDR) - Very slow, since for each pixel is done a Contrast Limited Histogram Equalization using its pixel neighbour window.
This perform for each pixel a Contrast Limited Histogram Equalization using its pixel neighbour window. The pixel Radius to use is choosen automatically .
Parameters (2):
- Max Contrast (From 20 to 100) Default 20
- Max Radius (From 20 to 80) Default 20
Inputs: 1 [In]
Outputs: 1 [Out]
Variable Radius Local Contrast.
Very Good Local Contrast. Can be used for a sorf of FakeHDR.
Parameters (7):
- Max Radius (Integer) Default 80
- Stength (From 1 to 400) Default 100
- Hi-Low Boost (From 0 to 100) Default 0
- Coarseness (From 18 to 100) Default 60
- 0.5 Based (From 0 to 100) Default 0
- % R Increment (From 101 to 130) Default 120
- Kernel : Default [Flat (Faster)]
- Flat (Faster)
- Gaussian
Inputs: 1 [In]
Outputs: 1 [Out]
Variable Radius Local Contrast (3 Channels).
Very Good Local Contrast. Can be used for a sorf of FakeHDR.
Parameters (7):
- Max Radius (Integer) Default 80
- Stength (From 1 to 400) Default 100
- Hi-Low Boost (From 0 to 100) Default 0
- Coarseness (From 18 to 100) Default 60
- 0.5 Based (From 0 to 100) Default 0
- % R Increment (From 101 to 130) Default 120
- Kernel : Default [Flat (Faster)]
- Flat (Faster)
- Gaussian
Inputs: 3 [R] [G] [B]
Outputs: 3 [R] [G] [B]
-093- Variable Radius Local Contrast Normalization (WIP).
Parameters (5):
- Max Radius (From 1 to 100) Default 1
- 'Source' vs Half (From 0 to 100) Default 1
- Norm Strength (From 50 to 300) Default 100
- SQR: Attenuate low constrast regions
Linear: Standard, enphasize low constrast regions : Default [Linear]
- Square Root
- Linear
- Radius Sensitivity (From -100 to 100) Default 0
Inputs: 1 [in] Outputs: 1 [out]
-183- CubicBezier through 2 given points.
Parameters (4):
- X1 / 100 (Integer) Default 25
- Y1 / 100 (Integer) Default 50
- X2 / 100 (Integer) Default 75
- Y2 / 100 (Integer) Default 50
Inputs: 1 [Inp ]
Outputs: 1 [Out ]
Simple 5Points Spline Curve transformation (X at every 1/4).
Map input according to a 5Points Spline Curve. The points X are fixed: 0, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1. For each of them set the corrisponding output (Y).
Parameters (5):
- 000 (From 0 to 100) Default 0
- 025 (From 0 to 100) Default 25
- 050 (From 0 to 100) Default 50
- 075 (From 0 to 100) Default 75
- 100 (From 0 to 100) Default 100
Inputs: 1 [In]
Outputs: 1 [Out]
Simple 9Points Spline Curve transformation (X at every 1/8).
Map input according to a 9Points Spline Curve. The points X are fixed: 0, 0.125, 0.25, 0.375, 0.5, 0.625, 0.75, 0.875, 1. For each of them set the corrisponding output (Y).
Parameters (9):
- 0/8 (000) (From 0 to 1000) Default 0
- 1/8 (125) (From 0 to 1000) Default 125
- 2/8 (250) (From 0 to 1000) Default 250
- 3/8 (375) (From 0 to 1000) Default 375
- 4/8 (500) (From 0 to 1000) Default 500
- 5/8 (625) (From 0 to 1000) Default 625
- 6/8 (750) (From 0 to 1000) Default 750
- 7/8 (875) (From 0 to 1000) Default 875
- 8/8 (1000) (From 0 to 1000) Default 1000
Inputs: 1 [In]
Outputs: 1 [Out]
-088- Forward / Inverse Gamma Correction.
Parameters (1):
- Correction : Default [Inverse]
- Forward
- Inverse
Inputs: 1 [Input]
Outputs: 1 [Output]
-089- RGB Forward / Inverse Gamma Correction.
Parameters (1):
- Correction : Default [Inverse]
- Forward
- Inverse
Inputs: 3 [inR] [inG] [inB]
Outputs: 3 [outR] [outG] [outB]
-158- Garyscale to HeatMap.
Inputs: 1 [Gray]
Outputs: 3 [R] [G] [B]
Local Map range using Input Min and Max range values mapped to New Min and New Max Values. [0 - 100] = NORMALIZE (Output not Clamped).
Useful to 'Stretch': NewMin=0 NewMax=100, to raw Contrast: NewMin=-20 NewMax=120, to Invert: NewMin=100 NewMax=0 or other things... .
Parameters (5):
- Window Radius (Integer) Default 5
- New MIN (From -100 to 200) Default 0
- New MAX (From -100 to 200) Default 100
- Max Contrast (From 10 to 500) Default 20
- Source Presence (From 0 to 100) Default 0
Inputs: 1 [In]
Outputs: 1 [Out]
-167- Change Local mean and variance to defined values.
Parameters (6):
- Radius (Integer) Default 20
- New mean (From -1 to 1000) Default 500
- New Variance (From 1 to 1000) Default 100
- Limit (From 0 to 500) Default 18
- Source (From 0 to 100) Default 0
- Quality : Default [medium]
- medium
- high
- higher
- low
Inputs: 1 [in]
Outputs: 1 [out]
Map range using Input Min-Max range values mapped to New Min and New Max Values. [0 - 100] = NORMALIZE (Output not Clamped).
Useful to 'Stretch': NewMin=0 NewMax=100, to raw Contrast: NewMin=-20 NewMax=120, to Invert: NewMin=100 NewMax=0 or other things... .
Parameters (2):
- New MIN (From -100 to 200) Default 0
- New MAX (From -100 to 200) Default 100
Inputs: 1 [In]
Outputs: 1 [Out]
Map range using Input Min and Max range values mapped to New Min and New Max Values. [0 - 100] = NORMALIZE (Output not Clamped).
Useful to 'Stretch': NewMin=0 NewMax=100, to raw Contrast: NewMin=-20 NewMax=120, to Invert: NewMin=100 NewMax=0 or other things... .
Parameters (3):
- New MIN (From -100 to 200) Default 0
- New MAX (From -100 to 200) Default 100
- Global MinMax (ON/OFF) Default ON
Inputs: 3 [R] [G] [B]
Outputs: 3 [R] [G] [B]
-165- Image Normalization: Change global mean and variance to defined values.
Parameters (4):
- New mean (From -1 to 1000) Default 500
- New Variance (From -1 to 1000) Default 100
- Do Not Clamp (ON/OFF) Default OFF
- Prop. Variance (ON/OFF) Default OFF
Inputs: 1 [in]
Outputs: 1 [out]
-166- Image Normalization: Change 3Channels global mean and variance to defined values.
Parameters (4):
- New mean (From -1 to 1000) Default 500
- New Variance (From -1 to 1000) Default 100
- Do Not Clamp (ON/OFF) Default OFF
- Prop. Variance (ON/OFF) Default OFF
Inputs: 3 [in1] [in2] [in3]
Outputs: 3 [out1] [out2] [out3]
'Vector' Normalization.
Make input vector to have a length of 1 (with same direction). .
Parameters (2):
- Origin : Default [Origin 0 0 0]
- Origin 0 0 0
- Origin 0.5 0.5 0.5
- Low values Desatur. (From 0 to 100) Default 5
Inputs: 3 [R] [G] [B] Outputs: 3 [R] [G] [B]
As said this take the 3 inputs value and normalize them like a 3D Vector. So each pixel 'vector' will be of length equal to 1.
This is very similar to the CHROMA module.
Shadows Midtones and Highlights single channel.
Single channel Shadows Midtones and Highlights Tweak.
Parameters (3):
- Shadows (From -100 to 100) Default 0
- Midtones (From -100 to 100) Default 0
- Highlights (From -100 to 100) Default 0
Inputs: 1 [In]
Outputs: 1 [Out]
Shadows Midtones and Highlights RGB.
Shadows Midtones and Highlights Tweak.
Parameters (4):
- Shadows (From -100 to 100) Default 0
- Midtones (From -100 to 100) Default 0
- Highlights (From -100 to 100) Default 0
- Lum. Preserve (ON/OFF) Default OFF
Inputs: 3 [R] [G] [B]
Outputs: 3 [R] [G] [B]
Tone Mapping Single channel (Use ToneMap3 for all RGB channels).
LDR Tonemapping. This reduces the global contrast and increases the local contrast .
Parameters (4):
- Blur (From 1 to 100) Default 20
- Weight (From 1 to 100) Default 30
- Blur Mode : Default [NoHalo(FastEPS)]
- Standard
- Threshold(0.5)
- NoHalo(FastEPS)
- pre stretch (ON/OFF) Default OFF
Inputs: 1 [Inp]
Outputs: 1 [Out]
Tone Mapping (3 channels).
LDR Tonemapping. This reduces the global contrast and increases the local contrast .
Parameters (5):
- Blur (From 1 to 100) Default 20
- Weight (From 1 to 100) Default 30
- Blur Mode : Default [NoHalo(FastEPS)]
- Standard
- Threshold(0.5)
- NoHalo(FastEPS)
- Desaturation (From 0 to 100) Default 0
- pre stretch (ON/OFF) Default OFF
Inputs: 3 [R] [G] [B]
Outputs: 3 [R] [G] [B]
WhiteBalance using Gray-World assumption.
The Gray World Assumption is a white balance method that assumes that your scene, on average, is a neutral gray.
So it Moves a and b of CieLab colorspace so that their averages stay at middle values (Gray).
Inputs: 3 [R] [G] [B] Outputs: 3 [R] [G] [B]
-219- Absoulte Values.
Inputs: 1 [In]
Outputs: 1 [Out]
-233- Absoulte Values (3 channels).
Inputs: 3 [1] [2] [3]
Outputs: 3 [1] [2] [3]
-085- Add a constant Value to Input.
Parameters (2):
- value (From -100 to 100) Default 0
- Do Clamp 0-1 (ON/OFF) Default OFF
Inputs: 1 [Input]
Outputs: 1 [Output]
Add/Sub RGB Values (it can be used even with other channels types).
An easy way to tweak RGB(or 3 channels) by specifing values to add/subtract.
Parameters (4):
- RED / Ch1 (From -100 to 100) Default 0
- GREEN / Ch2 (From -100 to 100) Default 0
- BLUE / Ch3 (From -100 to 100) Default 0
- Do Clamp 0-1 (ON/OFF) Default OFF
Inputs: 3 [red ] [green ] [blue ]
Outputs: 3 [R ] [G ] [B ]
-214- Clamp between 2 values.
Parameters (3):
- value FROM (Integer) Default 0
- value TO (Integer) Default 1000
- Outside (From -1 to 1000) Default -1
Inputs: 1 [In]
Outputs: 1 [Out]
-052- Clamp channel values between 0 and 1 - The Outputs of some modules can be outside of 0-1 range.
Inputs: 1 [In]
Outputs: 1 [Out]
-220- Clamp between 2 values (3 Channels).
Parameters (3):
- value FROM (Integer) Default 0
- value TO (Integer) Default 1000
- Outside (From -1 to 1000) Default -1
Inputs: 3 [I1] [I2] [I3]
Outputs: 3 [O1] [O2] [O3]
-168- Color Matrix.
Parameters (10):
- Red > Red (From 0 to 1000) Default 1000
- Red > Green (From 0 to 1000) Default 0
- Red > Blu (From 0 to 1000) Default 0
- Green > Red (From 0 to 1000) Default 0
- Green > Green (From 0 to 1000) Default 1000
- Green > Blu (From 0 to 1000) Default 0
- Blu > Red (From 0 to 1000) Default 0
- Blu > Green (From 0 to 1000) Default 0
- Blu > Blu (From 0 to 1000) Default 1000
- Normalize : Default [None]
- None
- Input
- Output
- Both
Inputs: 3 [in1] [in2] [in3]
Outputs: 3 [out1] [out2] [out3]
-224- Pure Discrete Cosine Transform.
Inputs: 1 [In]
Outputs: 1 [Out]
-046- Perform Exp() or Log() function. More precisely: EXP=(Exp(X)-1)/(Exp(1)-1), LOG=Log(X(Exp(1)-1)+1).*
Parameters (1):
- Exp or Log : Default [Exp]
- Exp
- Log
Inputs: 1 [X]
Outputs: 1 [Y]
Similar to Power but with a nicer curve. Can have S shape like PowerEX and Gain. (to be used as Contrast).
Falloff y= x / ( (2^-k-1) * (1-x) + 1 ) .
Parameters (5):
- Power (From -500 to 500) Default 0
- ' S ' Shaped (ON/OFF) Default OFF
- pass through (From 1 to 99) Default 50
- Through Mean (ON/OFF) Default OFF
- 0-1 Input Clamp (ON/OFF) Default OFF
Inputs: 1 [in] Outputs: 1 [out]
Similar to Power but with a nicer curve. Can have S shape like PowerEX and Gain. (to be used as Contrast).
Falloff y= x / ( (2^-k-1) * (1-x) + 1 ) .
Parameters (5):
- Power (From -500 to 500) Default 0
- ' S ' Shaped (ON/OFF) Default OFF
- pass through (From 1 to 99) Default 50
- Through Mean (ON/OFF) Default OFF
- 0-1 Input Clamp (ON/OFF) Default OFF
Inputs: 3 [R] [G] [B]
Outputs: 3 [R] [G] [B]
-076- Formula - Custom Formula ...
Parameters (1):
- Formula Default 0
Inputs: 1 [X]
Outputs: 1 [Out]
-079- Formula2 - 2 inputs Custom Formula ...
Parameters (1):
- Formula Default 0
Inputs: 2 [Inp1 [X] ] [Inp2 [X2] ]
Outputs: 1 [Out]
-080- Formula3 - 3 inputs Custom Formula ...
Parameters (1):
- Formula Default 0
Inputs: 3 [Inp1 [X] ] [Inp2 [X2] ] [Inp3 [X3] ]
Outputs: 1 [Out]
-203- FormulaRGB - 3 inputs 3 Outputs Custom Formulas.
Parameters (3):
- Formula Default 0
- Formula Default 0
- Formula Default 0
Inputs: 3 [Inp1 [R] ] [Inp2 [G] ] [Inp3 [B] ]
Outputs: 3 [Out [R]] [Out [G]] [Out [B]]
Inigo Quilez Gain.
Similar to PowEX. Remapping the unit interval into the unit interval by expanding the sides and compressing the center.
This was a common function in RSL tutorials (the Renderman Shading Language). k=1 is the identity curve, k<1 produces the classic gain() shape, and k>1 produces "s" shaped curces. The curves are symmetric (and inverse) for k=a and k=1/a.
Parameters (3):
- Power (Integer) Default 100
- pass through (From 1 to 99) Default 50
- Through Mean (ON/OFF) Default OFF
Inputs: 1 [In] Outputs: 1 [Out]
This works so:
k is the power and h is the center (pass through)
if X < h
if X >= h
The function always pass through point x = y = h
You can play with the graph of this function here: https://www.desmos.com/calculator/paecaxbh4v
Inigo Quilez Gain (3 Channels).
Remapping the unit interval into the unit interval by expanding the sides and compressing the center.
This was a common function in RSL tutorials (the Renderman Shading Language). k=1 is the identity curve, k<1 produces the classic gain() shape, and k>1 produces "s" shaped curces. The curves are symmetric (and inverse) for k=a and k=1/a.
Parameters (3):
- Power (Integer) Default 100
- pass through (From 1 to 99) Default 50
- Through Mean (ON/OFF) Default OFF
Inputs: 3 [1] [2] [3] Outputs: 3 [1] [2] [3]
Works the same as GAIN but on 3 channels.
-225- Pure Inverse Discrete Cosine Transform.
Inputs: 1 [In]
Outputs: 1 [Out]
Invert a channel: Output = 1 - Input.
Just invert the input. (Output = 1 - input , Eg : out = 1 - 0.2 = 0.8 ).
Parameters (1):
- ByPass (ON/OFF) Default OFF
Inputs: 1 [Input]
Outputs: 1 [Output]
Invert 3 channels: Output = 1 - Input.
Just invert the input. (Output = 1 - input , Eg : out = 1 - 0.2 = 0.8 ).
Parameters (1):
- ByPass (ON/OFF) Default OFF
Inputs: 3 [R] [G] [B]
Outputs: 3 [R] [G] [B]
-229- Local (Inigo Quilez) Gain.
Parameters (2):
- Power (Integer) Default 100
- Local Size (From 1 to 100) Default 25
Inputs: 1 [In] Outputs: 1 [Out]
Works the same as GAIN but 'locally'.
-230- Local (Inigo Quilez) Gain (3 Channels).
Parameters (2):
- Power (Integer) Default 100
- Local Size (From 1 to 100) Default 25
Inputs: 3 [1] [2] [3] Outputs: 3 [1] [2] [3]
Works the same as GAIN but 'locally' on 3 channels.
Arithmetic Harmonic Contraharmonic and Geometric mean.
Parameters (4):
- Radius (Integer) Default 5
- Select mode : Default [Arithmetic]
- Arithmetic
- Harmonic
- Geometric
- Contraharmonic
- AlphaTrimmed
- Round (ON/OFF) Default OFF
- Alpha trim (From 1 to 48) Default 20
Inputs: 1 [In]
Outputs: 1 [Out]
Arithmetic Harmonic Contraharmonic and Geometric mean.
Parameters (3):
- Radius (Integer) Default 5
- Select mode : Default [Arithmetic]
- Arithmetic
- Harmonic
- Geometric
- Contraharmonic
- Round (ON/OFF) Default OFF
Inputs: 3 [R] [G] [B]
Outputs: 3 [R] [G] [B]
multiply by a Value.
This simply multiply the input by a given value. The Value is expressed in % , so 200 means multiply by 2.
Parameters (2):
- Value/100 (Integer) Default 100
- Origin shift by BASE; Y = (X-BASE) * MUL + BASE : Default [0 Based (default)]
- 0 Based (default)
- 0.5 Based
- Mean Based
Inputs: 1 [X]
Outputs: 1 [Y]
multiply 3 channels by a Value.
This simply multiply the 3 input by 3 given values. The Values are expressed in % , so 200 means multiply by 2.
Parameters (4):
- Ch1 Mul by XXX% (Integer) Default 100
- Ch2 Mul by XXX% (Integer) Default 100
- Ch3 Mul by XXX% (Integer) Default 100
- Origin shift by BASE; Y = (X-BASE) * MUL + BASE : Default [0 Based (default)]
- 0 Based (default)
- 0.5 Based
- Mean Based
Inputs: 3 [X1] [X2] [X3]
Outputs: 3 [Y1] [Y2] [Y3]
Standard Power.
Standard Power. It can be used for forward/inverse Gamma correction. Or, using it with Saturation channel, saturate/desaturate in a manner similar to other softwares known clarity filter.
Parameters (2):
- Value/100 (Integer) Default 100
- Negative Inputs (ON/OFF) Default OFF
Inputs: 1 [In]
Outputs: 1 [Out]
Standard Power on 3 Channels.
Standard Power. It can be used for forward/inverse Gamma correction. Or, using it with Saturation channel, saturate/desaturate in a manner similar to other softwares known clarity filter.
Parameters (2):
- Value/100 (Integer) Default 100
- Negative Inputs (ON/OFF) Default OFF
Inputs: 3 [1] [2] [3]
Outputs: 3 [1] [2] [3]
high values decrease contrast, Low Values Increase Contrast - Special Kind of Power function (see PDF).
This special Kind of power work so: It divide the input in Above 0.5 or mean and Below 0.5 or mean.
Then each part is consider as in a range 0-1 and the Power applied to Lower Part is the Inverse of the Power applied to higher part.
It is very useful to Increase values above 0.5/mean and decrease the values below this value.
Look PDF for a graph of this function.
Parameters (2):
- Based on Mean (ON/OFF) Default OFF
- Value/100 (Integer) Default 100
Inputs: 1 [X] Outputs: 1 [Y]
You can play with the graph of this function here: https://www.desmos.com/calculator/tltqysz0aa
high values decrease contrast, Low Values Increase Contrast - Special Kind of Power function (see PDF).
This special Kind of power work so: It divide the input in Above 0.5 or mean and Below 0.5 or mean.
Then each part is consider as in a range 0-1 and the Power applied to Lower Part is the Inverse of the Power applied to higher part.
It is very useful to Increase values above 0.5/mean and decrease the values below this value.
Look PDF for a graph of this function.
Parameters (2):
- Mean point: Default [Per channel means]
- 0.5
- Global Mean
- Per channel means
- Value/100 (Integer) Default 100
Inputs: 3 [1] [2] [3] Outputs: 3 [1] [2] [3]
You can play with the graph of this function here: https://www.desmos.com/calculator/tltqysz0aa
Custom VB6 Script (1 Channel).
Here you can perform full custom effect using VB6 Script using 1 input and 1 output channel.
Parameters (6):
- Text Default 0
- Param 1 (From -1000 to 1000) Default 0
- Param 2 (From -1000 to 1000) Default 0
- Param 3 (From -1000 to 1000) Default 0
- Param 4 (From -1000 to 1000) Default 0
- Param 5 (From -1000 to 1000) Default 0
Inputs: 1 [In]
Outputs: 1 [out]
Custom VB6 Script (3 Channel).
Here you can perform full custom effect using VB6 Script using 3 input and 3 output channels.
You can use it even for only 1 output since outputs can be disconnected.
Parameters (6):
- Text Default 0
- Param 1 (From -1000 to 1000) Default 0
- Param 2 (From -1000 to 1000) Default 0
- Param 3 (From -1000 to 1000) Default 0
- Param 4 (From -1000 to 1000) Default 0
- Param 5 (From -1000 to 1000) Default 0
Inputs: 3 [C1] [C2] [C3]
Outputs: 3 [C1] [C2] [C3]
Smooth Min/Max.
Cubic polynomial Smooth Min(Max) function.
Parameters (1):
- min <-> max (From -200 to 200) Default -10
Inputs: 2 [1 ] [2 ]
Outputs: 1 [Out ]
Smooth Step (Threshold).
Perform smoothStep look C/C++ example at https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Smoothstep.
(It can be used as threshold).
Parameters (2):
- To (From 0 to 1000) Default 750
- From (From 0 to 1000) Default 250
Inputs: 1 [X]
Outputs: 1 [Y]
-102- Standard Deviation.
Parameters (5):
- Radius (Integer) Default 5
- Mul Factor (From 10 to 100) Default 1
- Output Invert (ON/OFF) Default OFF
- Scaled Radius (ON/OFF) Default OFF
- Circle Shaped (ON/OFF) Default OFF
Inputs: 1 [In]
Outputs: 1 [out]
-103- Standard Deviation 3.
Parameters (3):
- Radius (Integer) Default 5
- Mul Factor (From 10 to 100) Default 1
- Output Invert (ON/OFF) Default OFF
Inputs: 3 [red] [green] [blue]
Outputs: 3 [red] [green] [blue]
A constant Value (No input, only 1 output).
Just a constant value (a flat surface).
Parameters (1):
- Constant Value /100 (Integer) Default 100
Inputs: 0
Outputs: 1 [Constant]
3 constant Values (No input, only 3 outputs).
Just 3 constant values (3 flat surfaces).
Parameters (5):
- Constant Value /100 (Integer) Default 100
- Constant Value /100 (Integer) Default 100
- Constant Value /100 (Integer) Default 100
- Use below List (ON/OFF) Default OFF
- Color List : Default [aliceblue]
- aliceblue
- antiquewhite
- aqua
- aquamarine
- azure
- beige
- bisque
- black
- blanchedalmond
- blue
- blueviolet
- brown
- burlywood
- cadetblue
- chartreuse
- chocolate
- coral
- cornflowerblue
- cornsilk
- crimson
- cyan
- darkblue
- darkcyan
- darkgoldenrod
- darkgray
- darkgreen
- darkgrey
- darkkhaki
- darkmagenta
- darkolivegreen
- darkorange
- darkorchid
- darkred
- darksalmon
- darkseagreen
- darkslateblue
- darkslategray
- darkslategrey
- darkturquoise
- darkviolet
- deeppink
- deepskyblue
- dimgray
- dimgrey
- dodgerblue
- firebrick
- floralwhite
- forestgreen
- fuchsia
- gainsboro
- ghostwhite
- gold
- goldenrod
- gray
- green
- greenyellow
- grey
- honeydew
- hotpink
- indianred
- indigo
- ivory
- khaki
- lavender
- lavenderblush
- lawngreen
- lemonchiffon
- lightblue
- lightcoral
- lightcyan
- lightgoldenrodyellow
- lightgray
- lightgreen
- lightgrey
- lightpink
- lightsalmon
- lightseagreen
- lightskyblue
- lightslategray
- lightslategrey
- lightsteelblue
- lightyellow
- lime
- limegreen
- linen
- magenta
- maroon
- mediumaquamarine
- mediumblue
- mediumorchid
- mediumpurple
- mediumseagreen
- mediumslateblue
- mediumspringgreen
- mediumturquoise
- mediumvioletred
- midnightblue
- mintcream
- mistyrose
- moccasin
- navajowhite
- navy
- oldlace
- olive
- olivedrab
- orange
- orangered
- orchid
- palegoldenrod
- palegreen
- palevioletred
- papayawhip
- peachpuff
- peru
- pink
- plum
- powderblue
- purple
- red
- rosybrown
- royalblue
- saddlebrown
- salmon
- sandybrown
- seagreen
- seashell
- sienna
- silver
- skyblue
- slateblue
- slategray
- slategrey
- snow
- springgreen
- steelblue
- tan
- teal
- thistle
- tomato
- turquoise
- violet
- wheat
- white
- whitesmoke
- yellow
- yellowgreen
Inputs: 0 Outputs: 3 [K 1] [K 2] [K 3]
Set N of Clusters.
Perform a K-Mean clusterization. Initial clusters are choosen in a way (not random) to have always the same output.
Parameters (1):
- Clusters (Integer) Default 2
Inputs: 1 [Input]
Outputs: 1 [Output]
Set N of Clusters.
Perform a 2D K-Mean clusterization. Initial clusters are choosen in a way (not random) to have always the same output.
Parameters (1):
- Clusters (Integer) Default 2
Inputs: 2 [Input 1] [Input 2]
Outputs: 2 [Output 1] [Output 2]
Set N of Clusters.
Perform a 3D K-Mean clusterization. Initial clusters are choosen in a way (not random) to have always the same output.
Parameters (1):
- Clusters (Integer) Default 2
Inputs: 3 [Input 1] [Input 2] [Input 3]
Outputs: 3 [Output 1] [Output 2] [Output 3]
-132- Nobuyuki Otsu Multi-level Thresholding.
Parameters (1):
- N of Levels : Default [2 Levels]
- 2 Levels
- 3 Levels
- 4 Levels
- 5 Levels (Slow)
- 6 Levels (Slow)
Inputs: 1 [in]
Outputs: 1 [out]
-190- Growning Neural Gas Quantization (Also available in Quantize3 Module).
Parameters (1):
- Levels (Integer) Default 8
Inputs: 3 [R] [G] [B]
Outputs: 3 [R] [G] [B]
-078- Simple quantization.
Parameters (2):
- N of segments (min=2) (Integer) Default 2
- Method : Default [Histogram Based]
- Uniform
- Histogram Based
- U Soft Sin
- U Soft Stair 1
- U Soft Stair 2
- U Soft Stair 4
- NeuQuant
Inputs: 1 [In]
Outputs: 1 [Out]
Quantization of 3 channels.
NeuQuant,GNG and KMean quantization algorithms.
Parameters (2):
- N of segments (min=2) (Integer) Default 8
- Algorithm : Default [NeuQuant]
- NeuQuant
- KMean
Inputs: 3 [R] [G] [B] Outputs: 3 [R] [G] [B]
-059- Retro 8Colors style.
Parameters (2):
- Dot Size (From 1 to 32) Default 50
- Gap Size (From 0 to 16) Default 50
Inputs: 3 [R] [G] [B]
Outputs: 3 [R] [G] [B]
Canny Edge Detector (WIP).
Standard Canny Edge Detector .
Parameters (5):
- Blur (From 0 to 1000) Default 0
- LOW Threshold (From 0 to 1000) Default 0
- high Threshold (From 0 to 1000) Default 0
- Invert (ON/OFF) Default OFF
- Thinning (ON/OFF) Default OFF
Inputs: 1 [In]
Outputs: 1 [Out]
-173- SUSAN corners detection.
Parameters (2):
- Algorithm: Default [SUSAN]
- Diff.Threshold (From 1 to 99) Default 10
Inputs: 1 [in]
Outputs: 1 [out]
EXPERIMENTAL Discrete Cosine Transform Band Pass.
This is an interesting experimental Discrete Cosine Transform Band Pass/cut. It can be used to extract only some ''Frequencies'' from the input.
Parameters (6):
- Pass Band or Cut Band: Default [Pass]
- Pass
- Cut
- Peak (From 0 to 1000) Default 500
- Low (From -1 to 1000) Default 0
- High (From 0 to 1001) Default 700
- Base Mode
KEEP BASE = No overall luminance change NO BASE = Positve and negative output values HALF = Halftone Overall luminance value : Default [Keep Base]
- Keep Base
- No Base
- 0.5 (Half)
- Amplify (From 100 to 400) Default 200
Inputs: 1 [in]
Outputs: 1 [out]
-164- Discrete Cosine Transform Equalizer.
Parameters (10):
- 0/8 (000) (From 0 to 2000) Default 1000
- 1/8 (125) (From 0 to 2000) Default 1000
- 2/8 (250) (From 0 to 2000) Default 1000
- 3/8 (375) (From 0 to 2000) Default 1000
- 4/8 (500) (From 0 to 2000) Default 1000
- 5/8 (625) (From 0 to 2000) Default 1000
- 6/8 (750) (From 0 to 2000) Default 1000
- 7/8 (875) (From 0 to 2000) Default 1000
- 8/8 (1000) (From 0 to 2000) Default 1000
- Keep Base (ON/OFF) Default ON
Inputs: 1 [In]
Outputs: 1 [Out]
-082- EXPERIMENTAL Discrete Cosine Transform FX.
Parameters (1):
- Angle (From -25 to 25) Default 0
Inputs: 1 [in]
Outputs: 1 [out]
-097- Iso/Anisotropic Diffusion.
Parameters (4):
- Radius (Integer) Default 1
- Resistence (From 1 to 500) Default 1
- Extra Iterations (Integer) Default 0
- Anisotropy Mode : Default [Simplified]
- None
- Simplified
- Advanced(E)
- Advanced(B)
Inputs: 1 [in]
Outputs: 1 [out]
-147- Disparity Map WIP.
Parameters (1):
- Radius (Integer) Default 4
Inputs: 2 [1] [2]
Outputs: 1 [Out]
DISTORT, a set of spatial Deform algorithm (Rotate Too).
Wide range of distortion functions. .
Parameters (5):
- Deform Mode (# = N of Parameters used) : Default [FishEye]
- Pinch
- FishEye
- Sin Radial
- Radius to Power #
- Sin Cartesian
- Sqr Cartesian
- ArcSin Cartesian
- (1-ar^2) Cart.#
- LENS #
- Log # #
- 3rd Ord.Poly.###
- WideAngle #
- Rotate #
- Swirl1 #
- Swirl2 #
- Param1 (From 1 to 200) Default 50
- Param2 (From 1 to 100) Default 50
- Param3 (From 1 to 100) Default 50
- Antialiased (ON/OFF) Default OFF
Inputs: 1 [In]
Outputs: 1 [Out]
Error Diffusion Dithering.
Error Diffusion Dithering.
Parameters (1):
- Dither Algorithm: Default [jarvis]
- floyd-steinberg
- jarvis
- stucki
- atkinson
- sierra
- RobertoMior
Inputs: 1 [In]
Outputs: 1 [Out]
Difference of Gaussians (R2=R2).*
Perform the Difference of Gaussians. This is an approximation of the Laplacian of Gaussian. It detect Edges.
Parameters (6):
- Radius (Integer) Default 2
- multiply Output (From 100 to 5000) Default 100
- Output Part: Default [Both (+0.5)]
- Both (+0.5)
- Positive
- Negative
- Both (+/-)
- R Cents (From 0 to 99) Default 0
- Invert output (ON/OFF) Default OFF
- R Ratio% (From 110 to 1000) Default 200
Inputs: 1 [in]
Outputs: 1 [out]
Flow based DoG (Difference of Gaussians).
Flow Based Difference of gaussians. Similar to DoG, but more coherent with pixels flow angles. Also called 'Coherent Line Drawing'.
Parameters (6):
- Radius (Integer) Default 3
- R Cents (From 0 to 99) Default 0
- Length Mul (From 100 to 999) Default 100
- multiply Output (From 100 to 5000) Default 300
- Output Part: Default [Both (+0.5)]
- Both (+0.5)
- Positive
- Negative
- Both (+/-)
- Invert output (ON/OFF) Default OFF
Inputs: 1 [In]
Outputs: 1 [Out]
-243- WIP! Effect of a picture recursively appearing within itself, in a place where a similar picture would realistically be expected to appear.
Parameters (2):
- Ratio % (From 110 to 1000) Default 200
- Zero Angle (ON/OFF) Default OFF
Inputs: 3 [R] [G] [B]
Outputs: 3 [R] [G] [B]
-273- Test of effect performed via DX HLSL Shader. (GPU).
Parameters (2):
- Smooth (From 0 to 175) Default 25
- Extra Iterations (Integer) Default 0
Inputs: 3 [R] [G] [B]
Outputs: 3 [R] [G] [B]
Edges detector (Sobel Magnitude).
Detect edges usging 5x5 sobel magnitude.
Parameters (3):
- Blur (From 0 to 5000) Default 0
- Invert (ON/OFF) Default OFF
- Do Not Strecth (ON/OFF) Default OFF
Inputs: 1 [In]
Outputs: 1 [Out]
-092- DO NOT USE!!! WIP.
Inputs: 1 [in]
Outputs: 3 [out] [] []
HDR tone Mapping. VERY SLOW!!! Deprecated!. Instead use 'tonemap' or 'FakeHDR2' modules.
This is a simple fake HDR. I suggest to use ''Incremental Radius'' Setting (Better quality and no need to use parameters Radius and Extra Iterations).
Parameters (6):
- Radius (Integer) Default 2
- Range (From 0 to 200) Default 50
- Extra Iterations (Integer) Default 0
- Amount (From 0 to 800) Default 100
- Flatness (From 0 to 800) Default 100
- Radius Mode
-Fixed: All params are used
-Incremental: Radius and Iterations are Unused : Default [Fixed Radius]
- Fixed Radius
- Incremental Radius
Inputs: 1 [Input]
Outputs: 1 [Output]
-109- Fake Hdr Durand (Known as ToneMap Durand) DEPRECATED: use 'tonemap' module instread.
Parameters (2):
- Strenght (From 1 to 100) Default 10
- Base (From 0 to 100) Default 50
Inputs: 1 [in]
Outputs: 1 [out]
-106- EXPERIMENTAL fft Not Ready!.
Parameters (1):
- Direction : Default [Forward]
- Forward
- Inverse
Inputs: 1 [in]
Outputs: 1 [Real Out]
Experimental 3D to plane/sphere PCA.
Simplify RGB pixels cloud to a PLANE or Sphere. (Principal component analysis).
Parameters (2):
- Component Type : Default [Sphere]
- Plane
- Sphere
- 'flatness' (From -400 to 100) Default 100
Inputs: 3 [R] [G] [B] Outputs: 3 [R] [G] [B]
Sort of Principal Component Analysis.
Reduces the color space from 3 dimensions to an oriented plane or sphere.
Find the oriented plane (or sphere) that best fits the RGB pixel values cloud.
The 3D (RGB) values are projected onto the (best fitting) plane/sphere.
The parameter indicates the "projection amount". When this is negative it means that the pixels are moved away from the plane sphere surface.
-069- Horizontal Vertical & Both Flip/Mirror.
Parameters (1):
- Flip Mode : Default [Vertical]
- Horizontal
- Vertical
- Both
Inputs: 1 [In]
Outputs: 1 [Out]
-070- Horizontal Vertical & Both Flip/Mirror.
Parameters (1):
- Flip Mode : Default [Vertical]
- Horizontal
- Vertical
- Both
Inputs: 3 [1] [2] [3]
Outputs: 3 [1] [2] [3]
Calc Gradient Flow - Outputs 1-Magnitude, 2-Angle (Range 0-1).
This compute for the given input the Angle and Magnitude of the pixels Flow. .
Parameters (1):
- Smooth Kernel (Integer) Default 5
Inputs: 1 [Input]
Outputs: 2 [Magnitude] [Angle]
Inputs: 1 [in]
Outputs: 4 [Mag] [Ang] [Dx] [Dy]
-072- Glass effect (1 Channel).
Parameters (3):
- Size (Integer) Default 1
- Style : Default [Diamond]
- Square
- Diamond
- Diamond2
- Diamond3
- Antialiased (ON/OFF) Default OFF
Inputs: 1 [In]
Outputs: 1 [Out]
-073- Glass effect (3 Channels).
Parameters (3):
- Size (Integer) Default 1
- Style : Default [Diamond]
- Square
- Diamond
- Diamond2
- Diamond3
- Antialiased (ON/OFF) Default OFF
Inputs: 3 [1] [2] [3]
Outputs: 3 [1] [2] [3]
-048- Glow Effect [Look projects 'Glow Constructed...' ] (also colled specular Bloom).
Parameters (3):
- Radius (Integer) Default 1
- Amount (From 25 to 200) Default 25
- Threshold (From 50 to 100) Default 0
Inputs: 1 [In]
Outputs: 1 [Out]
-086- Halftone.
Parameters (3):
- Size (From 30 to 150) Default 0
- Dot Mode : Default [White Rounded]
- Black Rounded
- White Rounded
- Black Box
- Box 2
- Leaf
- Angle (From 0 to 180) Default 0
Inputs: 1 [in]
Outputs: 1 [out]
-053- Hatching-Stipple - Still developing.
Parameters (3):
- Size (From 40 to 100) Default 60
- Iterations (From 1 to 200) Default 50
- Previous State (ON/OFF) Default OFF
Inputs: 1 [In]
Outputs: 1 [Out]
-120- Create Haze.
Parameters (5):
- RED (From 0 to 255) Default 0
- GREEN (From 0 to 255) Default 0
- BLUE (From 0 to 255) Default 0
- Slope (From -100 to 100) Default 0
- Distance (From -100 to 100) Default 0
Inputs: 3 [R] [G] [B]
Outputs: 3 [R] [G] [B]
Height Map Deform. Deform by Heightmap (4th input as heightmap).
Look at HMD07Self.txt, HMD07Self2.txt Flow-projects.
Parameters (2):
- Amount (Integer) Default 1
- Antialiased (ON/OFF) Default OFF
Inputs: 4 [1] [2] [3] [HeightMap]
Outputs: 3 [1] [2] [3]
LCD Display Effect.
Old calculator LCD display effect...
Parameters (2):
- Dot Size (8) (Integer) Default 8
- Threshold (From 0 to 100) Default 50
Inputs: 3 [In] [] []
Outputs: 3 [Out] [] []
-124- Morphology.
Parameters (3):
- Morphology operation : Default [Erosion]
- Erosion
- Dilation
- Opening
- Closing
- Radius (From 0 to 25) Default 0
- Extra Iterations (Integer) Default 0
Inputs: 1 [in]
Outputs: 1 [out]
-038- NOISE - Fractional Brownian Motion.
Parameters (1):
- Frequency (From 5 to 3000) Default 100
Inputs: 0
Outputs: 1 [Out]
-116- Noise 2nd - Generate Noise tweaking 3 layers parameter.
Parameters (8):
- Frequency (From 0 to 99) Default 85
- Amplitude (From 0 to 100) Default 100
- Frequency (From 0 to 99) Default 85
- Amplitude (From 0 to 100) Default 50
- Frequency (From 0 to 99) Default 90
- Amplitude (From 0 to 100) Default 0
- Presence (From 1 to 100) Default 100
- Reseed (ON/OFF) Default OFF
Inputs: 0
Outputs: 1 [out]
-039- Spatial Deform by Noise (Fractional Brownian Motion).
Parameters (4):
- X Frequency (From 5 to 100) Default 100
- Y Frequency (From 5 to 100) Default 100
- X Amount (From 0 to 100) Default 10
- Y Amount (From 0 to 100) Default 10
Inputs: 1 [In]
Outputs: 1 [Out]
-083- Horizontal Vertical Offset.
Parameters (3):
- Offset Mode : Default [Pixels]
- Percentage
- Pixels
- Horizontal (From -50 to 50) Default 0
- Vertical (From -50 to 50) Default 0
Inputs: 1 [in]
Outputs: 1 [out]
-084- Horizontal vertical Offset.
Parameters (3):
- Offset Mode : Default [Pixels]
- Percentage
- Pixels
- Horizontal (From -50 to 50) Default 0
- Vertical (From -50 to 50) Default 0
Inputs: 3 [in1] [in2] [in3]
Outputs: 3 [out1] [out2] [out3]
-177- Single channel to RGB Palette using Cos functions.
Parameters (10):
- RED Amp. (From 0 to 100) Default 50
- RED Freq. (From 0 to 400) Default 100
- RED Phase (From -100 to 100) Default 0
- GREEN Amp. (From 0 to 100) Default 50
- GREEN Freq. (From 0 to 400) Default 100
- GREEN Phase (From -100 to 100) Default 0
- BLUE Amp. (From 0 to 100) Default 50
- BLUE Freq. (From 0 to 400) Default 100
- BLUE Phase (From -100 to 100) Default 0
- Base Value : Default [0.5]
- 0.5
- Zero
Inputs: 1 [in]
Outputs: 3 [R] [G] [B]
Pyramid Based Level-Details Enhancement / Reduction.
Decompose the image in Laplacian pyramid. It has 4 levels: Fine (/2)(/2)(/2), Medium (/2)(/2) , Coarse (/2) and Base (1).
So we can Increase/Decrease Details.
Parameters (5):
- Fine (From 1 to 1000) Default 100
- Medium (From 1 to 1000) Default 100
- Coarse (From 1 to 1000) Default 100
- BASE (From 0 to 100) Default 50
- Threshold (From 0 to 100) Default 50
Inputs: 1 [In]
Outputs: 1 [Out]
Pyramid Based Level-Details Enhancement / Reduction.
Like Pyramid but using 3 Channels.
Parameters (5):
- Fine (From 1 to 1000) Default 100
- Medium (From 1 to 1000) Default 100
- Coarse (From 1 to 1000) Default 100
- BASE (From 0 to 100) Default 50
- Threshold (From 0 to 100) Default 50
Inputs: 3 [R] [G] [B]
Outputs: 3 [R] [G] [B]
Gradient Ramp.
Wide range of Gradient functions.
Parameters (4):
- Ranp Mode : Default [Right-Left]
- Left-Right
- Right-Left
- Up-Down
- Down-Up
- Cone Up
- Cone Down
- Pyramid Up
- Pyramid Down
- Auger Right
- Auger Left
- Repeat (Integer) Default 1
- Repeat Mode : Default [Countinous]
- Standard
- Countinous
- Shape Mode : Default [Linear]
- Linear
- Sin90
- Sin180
- Cubic
- Sqr
- Pow2
Inputs: 0
Outputs: 1 [Out]
-138- Draw 2nd channel (Foreground) to the 1st Input (Background) at a given position and size.
Parameters (6):
- Choose Unit: ThousandthPart or Pixels unit : Default [ThousandthPart]
- ThousandthPart
- Pixels
- Dest. X (Integer) Default 0
- Dest. Y (Integer) Default 0
- Dest. Width (Integer) Default 0
- Dest. Height (Integer) Default 0
- Where to apply inversion : Default [No Inversion]
- No Inversion
- Background
- Foreground
Inputs: 2 [BKgrnd] [FRgrnd]
Outputs: 1 [Out]
-137- Draw 2nd triplet of inputs (Foreground) to the 1st triplet (Background) at a given position and size.
Parameters (6):
- Choose Unit: ThousandthPart or Pixels unit : Default [ThousandthPart]
- ThousandthPart
- Pixels
- Dest. X (Integer) Default 0
- Dest. Y (Integer) Default 0
- Dest. Width (Integer) Default 0
- Dest. Height (Integer) Default 0
- Where to apply inversion : Default [No Inversion]
- No Inversion
- Background
- Foreground
Inputs: 6 [BKgrnd red] [BKgrnd green] [BKgrnd blue] [FRgrnd red] [FRgrnd green] [FRgrnd blue]
Outputs: 3 [red] [green] [blue]
-143- Draw 2nd triplet of inputs (Foreground) to the 1st triplet (Background) at given 4 CORNERS position.
Parameters (10):
- Choose Unit: ThousandthPart or Pixels unit : Default [ThousandthPart]
- ThousandthPart
- Pixels
- Dest. X1 (Integer) Default 250
- Dest. Y1 (Integer) Default 250
- Dest. X2 (Integer) Default 750
- Dest. Y2 (Integer) Default 300
- Dest. X3 (Integer) Default 750
- Dest. Y3 (Integer) Default 700
- Dest. X4 (Integer) Default 250
- Dest. Y4 (Integer) Default 750
- Where to apply inversion : Default [No Inversion]
- No Inversion
- Background
- Foreground
Inputs: 6 [BKgrnd red] [BKgrnd green] [BKgrnd blue] [FRgrnd red] [FRgrnd green] [FRgrnd blue]
Outputs: 3 [red] [green] [blue]
-142- Draw 2nd channel (Foreground) to the 1st Input (Background) at given 4 CORNERS position.
Parameters (10):
- Choose Unit: ThousandthPart or Pixels unit : Default [ThousandthPart]
- ThousandthPart
- Pixels
- Dest. X1 (Integer) Default 250
- Dest. Y1 (Integer) Default 250
- Dest. X2 (Integer) Default 750
- Dest. Y2 (Integer) Default 300
- Dest. X3 (Integer) Default 750
- Dest. Y3 (Integer) Default 700
- Dest. X4 (Integer) Default 250
- Dest. Y4 (Integer) Default 750
- Where to apply inversion : Default [No Inversion]
- No Inversion
- Background
- Foreground
Inputs: 2 [BKgrnd] [FRgrnd]
Outputs: 1 [Out]
RGB screen effect NOT Ready|.
A sort of RGB split... NOT READY!!!.
Inputs: 3 [In] [] []
Outputs: 3 [Out] [] []
-242- Adjust a color saturation separately in each color (R G B).
Parameters (3):
- Red % (From -200 to 200) Default 100
- Green % (From -200 to 200) Default 100
- Blu % (From -200 to 200) Default 100
Inputs: 3 [R] [G] [B]
Outputs: 3 [R] [G] [B]
-058- Scratches. to Simulate old film.
Parameters (2):
- Amount (From 1 to 100) Default 0
- Density (From 50 to 1000) Default 0
Inputs: 0
Outputs: 1 [Out]
-056- Sepia - Vintage.
Inputs: 3 [In] [] []
Outputs: 3 [Out] [] []
-057- Sepia - Vintage Starting from GrayScale Image.
Parameters (1):
- Blend Mode : Default [Overlay]
- Standard
- Overlay
- Screen
Inputs: 1 [In]
Outputs: 3 [Red Out] [Green Out] [Blue Out]
'Shift' left/right - Very useful to HUE shift.
Shift value to left or right (1/1000). Think about values placed into a wheel. EG shift 200 = 0.2 (Values results: 0.1 => 0.3, 0.5 => 0.7, 0.9 => 0.1).
Parameters (1):
- Value (From -500 to 500) Default 0
Inputs: 1 [In]
Outputs: 1 [Out]
-014- Shock filter ... Still Developing.
Parameters (2):
- Length (Integer) Default 1
- Extra Iterations (Integer) Default 0
Inputs: 1 [Input]
Outputs: 1 [Output]
-123- 'Skeletonize'.
Parameters (1):
- Threshold (From 1 to 99) Default 1
Inputs: 1 [in]
Outputs: 1 [out]
Classic Solarize effect (1 channel).
Parameters (2):
- Percentage (From 1 to 100) Default 50
- Threshold (From 0 to 100) Default 50
Inputs: 1 [In]
Outputs: 1 [Out]
-157- Classic Solarize effect (3 channels).
Parameters (4):
- Percentage (From 1 to 100) Default 50
- T 1 (From 0 to 100) Default 50
- T 2 (From 0 to 100) Default 50
- T 3 (From 1 to 100) Default 50
Inputs: 3 [R] [G] [B]
Outputs: 3 [R] [G] [B]
-155- Pixel Sorting.
Parameters (3):
- Threshold (From 0 to 100) Default 50
: Default [Up]
- Up
- Down
- Each channel (ON/OFF) Default OFF
Inputs: 3 [R] [G] [B]
Outputs: 3 [R] [G] [B]
-148- Vertical/Horizontal Half Split (Useful for Stereo Images).
Parameters (1):
- Mode : Default [Verical]
- Verical
- Horizontal
Inputs: 1 [1]
Outputs: 2 [1st half] [2nd half]
-149- Vertical/Horizontal Half Split (Useful for Stereo Images).
Parameters (1):
- Mode : Default [Verical]
- Verical
- Horizontal
Inputs: 3 [R] [G] [B]
Outputs: 6 [R1] [G1] [B1] [R2] [G2] [B2]
Stereo Anaglyph.
Create 3D image visible with glasses with Red filter over Left eye and Cyan filter over Right. .
Parameters (1):
- Stereo Anaglyph Algorithm: : Default [True]
- True
- Gray
- Color
- HalfColor
- Optimized
Inputs: 6 [Left Red] [Left Green] [Left Blue] [Right Red] [Right Green] [Right Blue]
Outputs: 3 [Red] [Green] [Blue]
-051- Stipple effect. Most for Videos. For static Stippling use 'STIPPLE2' module.
Parameters (3):
- Dot Size (From 40 to 100) Default 60
- Iterations (From 1 to 200) Default 50
- Previous State (ON/OFF) Default OFF
Inputs: 1 [In]
Outputs: 1 [Out]
-118- Temperature and tint.
Parameters (2):
- Temperature (From -1000 to 1000) Default 0
- Tint (From -100 to 100) Default 0
Inputs: 3 [R] [G] [B]
Outputs: 3 [R] [G] [B]
Zhang Suen Thinning (Usually it't better to apply Otsu thresholding before) [Similar to Skeleton-Module].
Parameters (1):
- Invert Input (ON/OFF) Default OFF
Inputs: 1 [In]
Outputs: 1 [Out]
Create a texture repetition DO NOT USE !!! (WRONG).
Create a texture repetition .
Parameters (1):
- N Repeat (From 2 to 200) Default 20
Inputs: 3 [R] [G] [B]
Outputs: 3 [B] [] []
-087- Trace WIP - Still developing!.
Inputs: 1 [in]
Outputs: 1 [out]
Unsharp Mask.
The classic unsharp mask filter.
Parameters (3):
- Radius (Integer) Default 2
- Amount (From 1 to 300) Default 150
- Threshold (From 0 to 100) Default 0
Inputs: 1 [Input]
Outputs: 1 [Output]
-117- Vibrance.
Parameters (1):
- Amount (From -500 to 500) Default 0
Inputs: 3 [R] [G] [B]
Outputs: 3 [R] [G] [B]
Darker Borders / Vignetting (1 Channel).
A nice kind of Borders/Vignetting. It can be smoothed and Black/White.
Parameters (3):
- Inner (From 1 to 100) Default 60
- Outer (From 1 to 200) Default 80
- Choose type : Default [White]
- Black
- White
Inputs: 1 [In]
Outputs: 1 [Out]
Darker Borders / Vignetting (3 Channels).
A nice kind of Borders/Vignetting. It can be smoothed and Black/White.
Parameters (3):
- Inner (From 1 to 100) Default 60
- Outer (From 1 to 200) Default 80
- Choose type : Default [White]
- Black
- White
Inputs: 3 [R] [G] [B]
Outputs: 3 [R] [G] [B]
-247- Experimental Video frames optical flow (WIP).
Inputs: 1 [In]
Outputs: 3 [R] [G] [B]
-075- Water Height Map , to use as input for HMD (HeightMap Deformer).
Parameters (4):
- Water Mode : Default [Pool]
- Pool
- Pre Iterations (Integer) Default 0
- Rain Density (Integer) Default 1
- Speed(For Video Frames) (Integer) Default 1
Inputs: 0 Outputs: 1 [Out]