CryptoCurrency in an example digital currency written in C++ using the CryptoKernel library ( Eventually I aim to use this to write an algorithm for implementing monetary policy in a decentralised manner.
First build and install CryptoKernel using the instructions here:
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install libcurl4-openssl-dev libmicrohttpd-dev libjsonrpccpp-dev
git clone
cd CryptoCurrency
chmod +x
Run CryptoCurreny to start downloading blocks, mining and listening for commands.
screen ./CryptoCurrency
Here I use screen to have it dissapear into the background.
Use "getinfo" to retrieve various information about the state of the client
./CryptoCurrency getinfo
"balance" : "150",
"connections" : 0,
"height" : 4,
"version" : "1.0.0"
Use "account" to create or retrieve information about an address
./CryptoCurrency account myaccount
"address" : "BImZrsfI0IsKl3Cm/MikTGMfuh/m113FvuDd2sGNZzz6+Cf+oLlq5/AZhNM0K77eFHwKEdvvSUoH9F6MCRghtdc=",
"balance" : "0",
"name" : "myaccount"
Use "sendtoaddress" to send funds to a public key. The first operand in the address to send to, the second is the amount, and the third is the fee
./CryptoCurrency sendtoaddress BImZrsfI0IsKl3Cm/MikTGMfuh/m113FvuDd2sGNZzz6+Cf+oLlq5/AZhNM0K77eFHwKEdvvSUoH9F6MCRghtdc= 10 0.001
./CryptoCurrency account myaccount
"address" : "BImZrsfI0IsKl3Cm/MikTGMfuh/m113FvuDd2sGNZzz6+Cf+oLlq5/AZhNM0K77eFHwKEdvvSUoH9F6MCRghtdc=",
"balance" : "10",
"name" : "myaccount"