NovaSFTP2 is Windows file change monitor that uploads to a remote SFTP server or docker container when it detects changes to local files.
- Monitor a local folder (or sub folders) for changes
- Supports windows jump lists
- Will ignore .svn, .git, .tmp, mrgtmp, and ~ files by default (can change the regex, and note the regex ignores spaces)
- Supports windows taskbar progress support (only SFTP servers currently get full progress, docker does not report upload progress)
- Can save defaults, or save as a profile
- SFTP Features:
- Paegent support for publickey auth (in addition to password)
- TCP Keep alive support
- Uses Renci.SshNet
- Docker Features:
- Certificate based authentication
- Basic HTTP authentication
- Anonymous Authentication
- Optional manual CA cert specification (otherwise uses computer's store)
- Can ignore TLS hostname mis-mismatches
- Option to use bzip2 compression (for files up to 5MB)
- Uses Docker.DotNet
- Will not create remote folders if they don't exist
- To create a profile, set the settings as you like then hit save as to give it a name.