Allows VR locomotion by running in place. CoolFontWin receives IMU data from mobile devices over WiFi. This is done in a few steps: open a UDP listen socket, register a network service discoverable through Bonjour on the same socket, acquire and manage physical Xbox controllers, virtual gamepads, and joysticks to send input to the user's applications.
v1.1 moved most of the functions from the crowded context menu into their own window (WPF/MVVM).
v1.0 added support for virtual virtual Xbox 360 controllers.
v0.2 began support for multiple sources of input (two mobile phones) and introduced custom sound effects, automatic ClickOnce update-checking in the background. Version 0.2.3 enabled an enlarged context menu when VR is running on the user's system.
Run attached setup.exe, Windows x64 only.
I use VS 2015. All of the required binaries are included in the git repo (lib folder).
Check out my GitHub stars for the many open source libraries that I used. A few of the key ones for this application include vJoy, ScpVBus, and Material Design in XAML Toolkit.