- ESP32
- HC-SR04 Ultrasonic Sensor
- 5VDC Relay
- Water Pump
- Tokens
- GPIO Pins
- Go to https://blynk.cloud and create a new account. Log into your account.
- Create a template named "Water Tank".
- In the datastream tab create two virtual data streams:
V0: Name: Water Pump Switch Data Type: Integer
V4: Name: Water Level Data Type: Double Max: 100 Units: Percentage
- Go to the web dashboard tab and create a suitable web dashboard. For that, I used a button and one gauge widget.
- Assign Datastream V4 to guage and V0 to Switch.
- For Switch, change OFF value to 1 and ON value to 0.
- Get BLYNK_AUTH_TOKEN token from mail, BLYNK_TEMPLATE_ID and BLYNK_DEVICE_NAME from Info tab in dashboard.
- Web Dashboard: https://i.imgur.com/BMVSPYp.png
- Android App: https://i.imgur.com/LeixN6b.jpeg