Stock Portfolio Dashboard provides tools for investors to quickly analyze an investment portfolio to help inform potential investment decisions (e.g., asset allocation based on some common investment patterns such as sector based allocation, market capitalization based allocation, and portfolio tilt).
The product is available at
To avoid the inherent security issues in managing brokerage credentials, this product requires the user to upload a CSV file that contains investment information. These files can typically be exported directly from a brokerage. The template below shows the required fields of a well-formed CSV. The user can upload a master CSV file containing all their accounts from all their brokerages or, they can upload individual CSV files on a per brokerage basis.
Account | Symbol | Quantity |
1234-5678 | GS | 1000 |
1234-5678 | JPM | 500 |
q34268 | TSLA | 2000 |
Portfolio Overview
Portfolio Overview uses a combination of IEX Cloud's
endpoints to populate the portfolio with relevant market data. Investors can use this snapshot to quickly understand a portfolio before diving into further analysis using the "Breakdown" features. Importantly, this snapshot gives investors the current Consensus Analyst Recommendations and Price Targets for each symbol in the portfolio, which is a helpful data point when comparing portfolio composition in relation to expectations from professional Wall Street analysts. -
is a paid core data endpoint. As a result, developers who want to extend this application need access to a token with a paid subscription.
Stock Breakdown
- Stock Breakdown uses IEX Cloud's
attribute to calculate the total market value for each symbol in the portfolio and then builds market value based allocation visualizations. ThelatestPrice
refers to the latest relevant price of the security which is derived from multiple sources. IEX Cloud first looks for an IEX based real time price. If an IEX real time price is older than 15 minutes, the 15-minute delayed price is used. If a 15-minute delayed price is not available, then the current day close price is used. Otherwise, the last available closing price will be used.
Sector Breakdown
- Sector Breakdown uses IEX Cloud's
attribute to build sector allocation visualizations. Thesector
refers to the sector a security belongs to.
Market Cap Breakdown
- Market Cap Breakdown uses IEX Cloud's
attribute to build market cap allocation visualizations for each company in the portfolio. ThemarketCap
of a security is calculated as shares outstanding * previous day close.
Each "Breakdown" feature GETS
data from IEX Cloud's /stock
endpoint using a batch call. Batch calls can return data
on up to one hundred symbols per request, significantly reducing network traffic.
Spring Cloud:
- Spring Data JPA provides abstraction over the Data Access Layer using Java Persistence API and Hibernate as the ORM.
- Spring Security provides a powerful and highly customizable framework authentication, authorization, and protection against common exploits (e.g. Cross-Site Request Forgery).
- Spring Web module provides basic web-oriented integration features such as multipart file upload functionality and the initialization of the IoC container using Servlet listeners and a web-oriented application context. It also contains an HTTP client, and the web-related parts of Spring’s remoting support.
- Thymeleaf is a Java template engine for processing and creating HTML, JavaScript, and CSS that is integrated with Spring MVC to serve the View Layer.
- Jackson-Databind is a convenient data-binding (to/from POJOs) tool. This product uses Jackson to deserialize JSON
data from IEX Cloud and construct POJOs used throughout the product. For example, this application uses market data
from IEX Cloud to construct
objects representing thelatestPrice
(and other attributes) of a security.
IEX Cloud
IEX Cloud is a financial data infrastructure platform that connects this application to financial data creators. This application uses the IEX Cloud batch calls for its real-time and historical market data needs.
This application is deployed on AWS and is available at However, developers interested in compiling the program need to establish an IEX Cloud account to make API calls. IEX Cloud offers both free and paid accounts. After establishing an account, navigate to the
endpoint and copy and paste the token into
file. The key-value pair should beIexCloudApiKey=YOUR_IEX_CLOUD_TOKEN
- Maven is a build automation tool that is used with Jenkins to facilitate the automated build process. Additionally,
Maven manages the products dependencies through a
- Jenkins is an open source automation server that orchestrates the entire software delivery pipeline for this product. When a developer opens a PR, Jenkins will automatically integrate, deliver, and deploy successful builds to the products AWS Elastic Beanstalk instance.
- AWS Elastic Beanstalk is an easy-to-use service for deploying and scaling web applications. The service handles all the deployment needs for this application including provisioning, load balancing, auto-scaling, and health monitoring.
- AWS RDS is a distributed relational database service designed to simplify the setup, operation, and scaling of a relational database. Stock Portfolio Dashboard uses a MySQL database engine.
We use Apache Maven to compile and run this project.
You need to install Apache Maven ( on your system.
Type on the command line:
mvn clean compile
mvn -B -Dmaven.clean.skip=true -DskipTests package
This application runs on AWS Elastic Beanstalk. New versions can be uploaded to Elastic Beanstalk environment and deployed into production.
This application uses the surefire plugin to execute unit tests during the test
phase of the build lifecycle.
mvn clean compile test
Spotbugs is an open-source static code analyzer used to detect possible bugs in this product. It automatically scans the code to look for potential bug patterns and makes the build fail if any bugs are found. Spotbugs will also provide the developer with a helpful report that contains the errors and potential solutions.
mvn spotbugs:check
This application uses the failsafe plugin, which has been configured to run integration tests during the verify
of the build lifecycle.
mvn -DskipSurefire=true verify
This application uses Jenkins to orchestrate the entire software delivery pipeline. As a result, we recommend that developers avoid the manual steps outlined above and simply open a PR in the project's repo. Jenkins will automatically test, build, and deploy the application. The development team will be notified of any test failures and, the deployment will fail (allowing the developer to fix the build before a new version is deployed into production).