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Easily encrypt data at rest in relational databases using drop-in Gorm Serializers.


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Easily encrypt data at rest in relational databases using drop-in Gorm Serializers.

Ok, but how?

This library draws inspiration from how SOPS handles encrypting fields in a simple configuration file as well as how BadgerDB implements its encryption key management behind the scenes. When a []byte field is encrypted using this library, it's formatted as follows: ENC:algorithm,fingerprint,ciphertext. The algorithm is a single byte representing aes (1) or aes-gcm (2). This indicates which serializer was used when storing the fields in the database. fingerprint identifies which encryption key was used to encrypt the field. This can allow multiple to be chained together in order to handle multiple keys or even migrations (TBD). Finally, the ciphertext block is the encrypted value.

The aes serializer uses direct key encryption. It is recommended that the aes serializer not be used to encrypt values that may be repeated. This is because the aes serializer does not factor a unique seed in with each entry. Instead, it's expected that the values being encrypted are unique (for example, other encryption keys).

The aes-gcm serializer uses intermediary keys that are stored in the encryption_keys table to encrypt data across the entire database. Unlike the aes serializer, the aes-gcm serializers is safe to use on values that may be repeated. The key itself is encrypted using the aes serializer, making it easy to rotate the root key without needing to read, decrypt, and re-encrypt every field in the database. This makes rotations quick and strongly protects the core encryption keys from attackers.


Driver Supported Notes Support since day one. - #3 -


go get

Tagging fields for encryption

Gorm uses tags to communicate which serializer should be used when reading and writing the field to the database. This library only supports using the aes and aes-gcm serializers on []byte fields.

package main

type Model struct {
	UniqueValue    []byte `gorm:"...;serializer:aes"`
	NonUniqueValue []byte `gorm:"...;serializer:aes-gcm"`

A few notes...

First, when using fixed size []byte fields, you'll need to consider the length added by the additional metadata of the encrypted fields. The equations below roughly communicate how much additional length will be needed.

  • aes = data length + 50
  • aes-gcm = data length + 62

The various lengths for the additional metadata are as follows:

  • prefix = 4 bytes
  • algorithm = 1 byte
  • separator = 1 byte
  • fingerprint = 43 bytes
  • separator = 1 byte
  • data = x bytes (aes) | x + 12 bytes (aes-gcm)

Second, you need to be mindful of how indexes are used in conjunction with encrypted fields. For example, if you're encrypting an email_address using aes-gcm, then you can't use a unique index on that field. You can however use a unique index on a semi-representative field such as an email_hash. Which can be in plaintext in the database. While you could encrypt your email_address using the aes serializer, the field would require explicit rotation.

With database migrations

package main

import (

func migrate(encryptionKey []byte) error {
	var dialector gorm.Dialector

	db, err := gorm.Open(dialector, nil)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	err = encryption.Register(db, encryption.WithKey(encryptionKey), encryption.WithMigration())
	if err != nil {
		return err

	return db.AutoMigrate(
		// your application models...

Without database migrations

package main

import (

func run(encryptionKey []byte) error {
	var dialector gorm.Dialector

	db, err := gorm.Open(dialector, nil)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	err = encryption.Register(db, encryption.WithKey(encryptionKey))
	if err != nil {
		return err

	// your business logic

	return nil

Custom AES serializer

package main

import (

func run(customKey []byte) error {
	schema.RegisterSerializer("custom-aes", aes.New(customKey))
	// now you have `serializer:custom-aes`

	var dialector gorm.Dialector

	db, err := gorm.Open(dialector, nil)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	// your business logic

	return nil

Rotating keys

The code below hasn't been tested, but conveys the basic idea on how to rotate the primary encryption key.

package main

import (


func rotate(oldKey, newKey []byte) error {
	var dialector gorm.Dialector

	db, err := gorm.Open(dialector, nil)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	// to do this in batches, you simply need to paginate the following block until you iterate through the entire table

	err = encryption.Register(db, encryption.WithKey(oldKey))
	if err != nil {
		return err

	allKeys := make([]database.Key, 0)
	err = db.Find(&allKeys).Error
	if err != nil {
		return err

	err = encryption.Register(db, encryption.WithKey(newKey))
	if err != nil {
		return err

	return db.Transaction(func(txn *gorm.DB) error {
		for _, key := range allKeys {
			err := txn.Save(key).Error
			if err != nil {
				return err

		return nil


MIT. See LICENSE for more details.


Easily encrypt data at rest in relational databases using drop-in Gorm Serializers.





