// Create a simple 2-layer SupervisedFeedForwardNeuralNetwork
// First, construct a MatrixFactory implementation.
MatrixFactory matrixFactory = new JBlasMatrixFactory();
// First Layer, takes a 28 * 28 grey-scale image as input (plus bias) - with every input Neuron connected to all 100 hidden Neurons
// This Layer applies a sigmoid non-linearity and does not use batch-norm
FeedForwardLayer<?, ?> firstLayer = new FullyConnectedFeedForwardLayerImpl(
new Neurons3D(28, 28 ,1, true), new Neurons(100, false),
new SigmoidActivationFunction(), matrixFactory, false);
// Second Layer, takes the activations of the 100 hidden Neurons as input and produces activations of the 10 softmax output Neurons.
FeedForwardLayer<?, ?> secondLayer =
new FullyConnectedFeedForwardLayerImpl(new Neurons(100, true),
new Neurons(10, false), new SoftmaxActivationFunction(), matrixFactory, false);
// Neural Network
SupervisedFeedForwardNeuralNetwork neuralNetwork
= new SupervisedFeedForwardNeuralNetworkImpl(firstLayer, secondLayer);
double[][] trainingData = ... ; // Our training data - one row per training example.
double[][] trainingLabels = ... ; // Our training label activations - one row per training example.
// Create NeuronsActivation instances for the inputs and desired outputs.
NeuronsActivation trainingDataActivations = new NeuronsActivation(matrixFactory.createMatrix(trainingData), NeuronsActivationFeatureOrientation.COLUMNS_SPAN_FEATURE_SET);
NeuronsActivation desiredOutputActivations = new NeuronsActivation(matrixFactory.createMatrix(trainingLabels), NeuronsActivationFeatureOrientation.COLUMNS_SPAN_FEATURE_SET);
// Create a context to train the network from Layer 0 to the final Layer.
FeedForwardNeuralNetworkContext context =
new FeedForwardNeuralNetworkContextImpl(matrixFactory, 0, null);
// Configure the context to train in mini-batches of 32 and to run for 100 Epochs
// and specify the learning rate
// Train the NeuralNetwork
neuralNetwork.train(trainingDataActivations, desiredOutputActivations, context);
// Use the NeuralNetwork, to obtain output activations for test set data activations.
double[][] testSetData = ... ; // Our test set data - one row per training example.
// Create NeuronsActivation instance from this test set data.
NeuronsActivation testSetDataActivations = new NeuronsActivation(matrixFactory.createMatrix(trainingData), NeuronsActivationFeatureOrientation.COLUMNS_SPAN_FEATURE_SET);
// Obtain the output NeuronsActivation by forward propagating the input activations through the Network
NeuronsActivation outputActivations =
neuralNetwork.forwardPropagate(testSetDataActivations, context).getOutputs();
// Use the output activations (eg. to classify, by taking the argmax of each row)