- php5.6 or higher
- MySql
- Composer
- Create an empty Database.
- Create the directory cache into \bootstrap
- Create .env file into QueueManager. Then copy and paste .env.example content into .env. After that change DB_DATABASE= and DB_USERNAME= from homestead to your data and DB_PASSWORD= from secret to your password.
- From a command line go to QueueManager path and run composer update. Then run php artisan serve and when server starts press Ctrl+C to stop it.
- Go to \app\storage and create app, framework and logs directories. Then go to the framework folder that you just create and create cache, sessions and views subfolders.
- Run php artisan key:generate, composer update again and php artisan serve.
- Open a browser and type: http://localhost:8000/
The Laravel framework is open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license.