Rate Your Music is a web-site dedicated to cataloguing and rating music records in a way similiar to IMDB.
RYM has an ability to extract user scores into a .txt file. This Python console application allows you to parse the data from the .txt file and get statistics on your RYM scores.
You need Python 3 installed on your computer ro run the programm.
Fill list of features (and commands)
- basic-stats - Basic statistics based on all the data
- album-spreadsheet - List of all albums
- album-spreadsheet-top - List of all albums (best to worst)
- album-spreadsheet-bottom - List of all albums (worst to best)
- album-spreadsheet-year - List of all albums of a certain year
- album-spreadsheet-year-top - List of all albums of a certain year (best to worst)
- artist-stats - Basic statistic on artist
- artist-stats-top - Same as above, but the albums are best to worst
- top-artists - The Top of Artists by avg. rating
- top-artists-count - The Top of Artists by Number of Albums
- top-years - The Top of Years by avg. rating
- top-decades - The Top of Decades by avg. rating
- change-filename - Change the data file name
- set-top-art - Change the amount of albums to check for The Top of Artists
- set-top-years - Change the amount of albums to check for The Top of Years
- set-top-decades - Change the amount of albums to check for The Top of Decades
- add-art-replace - Add artist name for replacement
- exit - Exit the program