This repository contains my configuration files and some simple automation for setting everything up for the first time on computers running macOS. It lives in a Dropbox folder which takes care of automatically syncing changes between my computers. On occasion, updates are committed and pushed up to GitHub. None of the automation is produciton-ready but it provides a good starting point.
Clone the repository and run the init script from the root directory:
$ ./bin/init
This script installs Homebrew, configures a default shell,
links the dotfiles in this repository, and creates an empty .bash_profile
which is intentionally not tracked here as that file contains any configuration
specific to that computer such as environment variables or path changes. Files
are linked automatically from ./src
by Thoughtbot's
rcm program.
Add the new configuration file ./src
without a leading period, then run:
$ ./bin/link
This invokes rcup
to update and install any dotfiles managed by rcm.
If the macOS developer tools need to be installed or reinstalled, the following command should work to install them without installing all of XCode:
$ sudo xcode-select --install
Sometimes a software update is needed first if the OS is outdated:
$ softwareupdate --all --install --force
Should the above two not work, this will delete and reinstall them:
$ sudo rm -rf /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools
$ sudo xcode-select --install
At this point, my editor settings across both VS Code and GoLand are synced automatically and no longer need to be managed here. The VS Code configuration files within are kept around as a reference and do not update automatically.
To install the goland
command line program, download the
Toolbox App.
When using the Vim extension on macOS, run this command to fix key repeat rates:
$ defaults write ApplePressAndHoldEnabled -bool false
This action to install the code
command line program is helpful:
Shell Command: Install 'code' command in PATH