A powerful front-end framework for developing beautiful websites faster.
To add Shuttle-UI to your project, include the following stylesheet link in your head tag before all other stylesheets.
<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://shuttle-ui.netlify.app/Components/main.css">
- Default alert
- Alert statuses
- Alert variants
- Alert with links
- Alert with icon
- Dismissible alert
- Default avatar
- Avatar sizes
- Avatar with icons
- Avatar with initials
- Avatar with badge
- Default badge
- Coloured badges
- Badge variants
- Pill badges
- Button with badge
- Text with badge
- Badge on icons
- Badge on avatars
- Default button
- Coloured buttons
- Button sizes
- Button variants
- Button with icons
- Floating button
- Vertical Card
- Card with badges
- Card with dismiss
- Card with text overlay
- Text only card
- Horizontal card
- Card with shadow
- Horizontal resizable image
- Vertical resizable image
- Rounded image
- Default Input
- Input sizes
- Input styles
- Input validations
- Spaced lists
- Stacked lists
- Default navigation
- Navigation with only menu items
- E-commerce navigation example
- Social media navigation example
- Headings
- Text alignments
- Text sizes
- Bold, italics, underlined and strikethrough texts
- Font colours
- 3 column grid
- 2 column grid
- Default Modal
- Default toast
- Translucent toast
- Toast placement
- Star rating
- Radio button rating
You can checkout the documentation at Shuttle-UI
Component library is made using HTML and CSS and it is hosted on Netlify