Connect to Redis and other compatible databases (KeyDB, DragonflyDB, LedisDB, SSDB, ARDB) from your Streamlit app.
pip install git+
import streamlit as st
from st_redis_connection import RedisConnection
redis = st.experimental_connection("my_redis", type=RedisConnection)
db = redis.client()
cnt = db.incr('my-counter')
st.metric('Views', cnt)
connection.client() -> redis.Redis | redis.Sentinel | redis.RedisCluster
Get Redis client object that will be used to issue commands to the server.
More info about it's methods here.
connection.lock(name, timeout=None, sleep=0.1, blocking=True, blocking_timeout=None, thread_local=True) -> redis.lock.Lock
A shared, distributed Lock using Redis.
More info here.
The connection configuration can be:
- passed via connection kwargs
- passed through environmental variables
- stored in Streamlit's secrets.toml file (~/.streamlit/secrets.toml on Linux)
You can find more information about managing connections in this section of Streamlit documentation and some examples below.
Most important parameters:
- server host (default: 'localhost')port
- server port (default: 6379)username
- user name (default: default)password
- user passworddb
- numeric id of the database (default: 0)from_url
- configuration passed via URL. More info heremode
- Redis client type used in the connection:redis
(default) - redis.Redissentinel
- redis.Sentinelcluster
- redis.RedisCluster
You can read more about connecting to Redis here.
import streamlit as st
from st_redis_connection import RedisConnection
redis = st.experimental_connection("my_redis", type=RedisConnection)
db = redis.client()
cnt = db.incr('my-counter')
st.metric('Views', cnt)
import streamlit as st
from st_redis_connection import RedisConnection
from random import randint
redis = st.experimental_connection("redis_dev", type=RedisConnection)
db = redis.client()
# Lua Scripting example - atomic CTR calculation
# REF:
recalc_ctr = db.register_script("""
local clicks ='INCRBY', KEYS[1], ARGV[1])
local views ='INCRBY', KEYS[2], ARGV[2])
local ctr = 1000 * clicks / views'SET', KEYS[3], ctr)
return ctr
new_clicks = randint(0,5)
new_views = 5
ctr = recalc_ctr(keys=['x:clicks','x:views','x:ctr'], args=[new_clicks, new_views])
st.metric('CTR', ctr/1000)
import streamlit as st
from st_redis_connection import RedisConnection
from random import randint
redis = st.experimental_connection("redis_dev", type=RedisConnection)
db = redis.client()
new_clicks = randint(0,5)
new_views = 5
pipe = db.pipeline()
pipe.incrby('x:clicks', new_clicks)
pipe.incrby('x:views', new_views)
clicks,views = pipe.execute()
ctr = clicks / views
st.metric('CTR', ctr)
You can find live demo of this app here
# NOTE: for simplicity, this is far from being a good example of *how* to use Redis.
import streamlit as st
from st_redis_connection import RedisConnection
N_CLICKS = 100 # number of clicks to enable the reset button
redis = st.experimental_connection("redis", type=RedisConnection)
db = redis.client()
clicks1 = int(db.get('clicks1') or 0)
clicks2 = int(db.get('clicks2') or 0)
views = int(db.get('views') or 1)
st.markdown('# Redis connection demo')
c1,c2,c3 = st.columns(3)
b1 = c1.button('Click me.')
b2 = c2.button('No! Click me!')
b3 = c3.button('Reset stats',
disabled = clicks1 + clicks2 < N_CLICKS,
help = f'Reset all stats to zero. Enbled after {N_CLICKS} clicks.')
if b1: db.incr('clicks1')
if b2: db.incr('clicks2')
if b3:
db.set('clicks1', 0)
db.set('clicks2', 0)
db.set('views', 1)
if b1 or b2 or b3:
c1.metric('button 1 clicks', clicks1)
c2.metric('button 2 clicks', clicks2)
c3.metric('total views', views)
REDIS_URL = "rediss://default:this-is-my-password@my-redis-host:25061"
redis = st.experimental_connection('', type=RedisConnection, from_url=REDIS_URL)
redis = st.experimental_connection('', type=RedisConnection, host='my-host', port=1234, password='my-password', db=2)
from_url = "rediss://default:this-is-my-password@my-redis-host:25061/1"
host = "my-redis-host2"
port = 6379
password = "password-for-this-instance"
db = 3
mode = "sentinel"
sentinels = [["localhost", 26379]]
password = "another-password"
mode = "cluster"
my_redis_from_url = "rediss://default:this-is-my-password@my-redis-host:25061/1"
redis2_db3_host = "my-redis-host2"
redis2_db3_port = 25061
redis2_db3_password = "password-for-this-instance"
redis2_db3_db = 3
# NOTE: currently Redis sentinels cannot be configured via env. variables
# NOTE: currently Redis clusters cannot be configured via env. variables