CLI to export invoices into PDF format for long-term storage purposes. Also generates a summary of exported invoices in CSV format.
Install like this:
sudo npm install -g
Use like this:
mkdir invoices
harvest-invoice-export -k 1234.abababbkks33cret -a 12345 -o invoices -f 20150101 -t 20150331
Full usage instructions:
Usage: harvest-invoice-export [options]
-V, --version output the version number
-o, --out <dir> Output directory. Must exist.
-k, --access-token <access-token> Harvest personal access token (
-a, --account-id <account-id> Harvest account ID (
-f, --from <YYYYMMDD> Starting issue date (inclusive)
-t, --to <YYYYMMDD> Ending issue date (inclusive)
-h, --help display help for command
Note from the author: this is my first Javascript in ages. Please don't judge me by this code :)