#Our Plans —
1)Breaking the whole project into the smallest divisions according to skills of individual.
2)Setting up the particular time for particular module.
3)Helping team mate when he/she is not able to finish the task within a specified time.
4)Proper commits in Github.
5)Along with every standup forming meeting’s as needed.
#We were team of 2 have done
1)Homepage,Bag,checkout,Backend, Navbar and footer -Mobin Memon
2)Login ,SignUp ,Backend, address and payment - Faisal Khan
Netlify Link - https://myglammprojectunit5.netlify.app/ medium Link - https://medium.com/@faisal.z.khan5538/clone-of-myglamm-com-4101b57e8448
#Teck Stacks-
React, Redux, Chakra-Ui, HTML, CSS, Javascript, GitHub