Now you have an opportunity to independently evaluate the performance of IoTBroker.Cloud. Besides this test suite can be used to measure the performance of your own software. The following instruction will explain how to run the performance tests by yourself.
The following programs should be installed before starting to clone the project:
- JDK (version 8+);
- Maven.
First of all, you should clone Performance MQTT-SN Test Suite.
Then you have to build the project. For this purpose run in console "mvn clean install -Dgpg.skip=true"
Now you have the controller (in mqtt-sn-test-suite/controller/target folder)) and the test runner
(in mqtt-sn-test-suite/runner/target folder) jar files on your computer.
To make the work more convenient, create performance_test folder containing
and mqttsn-scenario-runner.jar
Also you should add JSON files and to this very performance_test folder.
Modify scenario file by setting "controller.1.ip" and "broker.ip" with public IP addresses used on controller and broker.
In set "localHostname" property with local ip address of the machine running the controller.
First you should open the terminal and cd
to performance_test folder. You should start the controller by running
the command which is given below (do not forget to indicate your path):
Now you can start the controller by running the following command :
java -Xmx1024m -Xms1024m -jar mqttsn-controller.jar
Here is a brief explanation:
Xmx1024m – maximum memory allocation;
Xmx1024m – initial memory allocation;
controller.jar – controller which is inside the performance_test folder;
Now you should open the second terminal window and cd
to performance_test folder.
Now you can run the test by running the following command:
java -jar test-runner.jar publishers_qos0.json
The command mentioned above is an example of running the test scenario which is described in publishers_qos0.json
Each JSON file contains different test scenarios. You can separately run each test scenario by indicating the name of a specific JSON file. When the test is over you will get the report for each test scenario:
+---------- Scenario-ID: 8bfe7e26-f2af-4980-a403-59b82e07188c ---------- Result: SUCCESS ----------+
| Start Time | 2019-01-04 15:08:49.871 | 1546607329871 |
| Finish Time | 2019-01-04 15:09:21.112 | 1546607361112 |
| Current Time | 2019-01-04 15:09:23.234 | 1546607363234 |
| Total clients 1 | Total commands 3 | Errors occured 0 |
| Successfuly finished 1 | Successfuly finished 3 | Duplicates received 0 |
| Failed 0 | Failed 0 | Duplicates sent 0 |
+--------------- Outgoing counters ---------------+--------------- Incoming counters ---------------+
| Counter Name | Counter Value | Counter Name | Counter Value |
| CONNECT | 1 | CONNECT | 0 |
| CONNACK | 0 | CONNACK | 1 |
| SUBACK | 0 | SUBACK | 1 |
| PUBLISH | 0 | PUBLISH | 10000 |
| PUBACK | 10000 | PUBACK | 0 |
| PINGREQ | 5 | PINGREQ | 0 |
+---------- Scenario-ID: c519e67c-5c37-4c33-b086-2f298a90d6b5 ---------- Result: SUCCESS ----------+
| Start Time | 2019-01-04 15:08:51.006 | 1546607331006 |
| Finish Time | 1970-01-01 15:09:21.109 | 1546607361109 |
| Current Time | 2019-01-04 15:09:23.237 | 1546607363237 |
| Total clients 1000 | Total commands 13000 | Errors occured 0 |
| Successfuly finished 1000 | Successfuly finished 13000 | Duplicates received 0 |
| Failed 0 | Failed 0 | Duplicates sent 0 |
+--------------- Outgoing counters ---------------+--------------- Incoming counters ---------------+
| Counter Name | Counter Value | Counter Name | Counter Value |
| CONNECT | 1000 | CONNECT | 0 |
| CONNACK | 0 | CONNACK | 1000 |
| REGISTER | 1000 | REGISTER | 0 |
| REGACK | 0 | REGACK | 1000 |
| PUBLISH | 10000 | PUBLISH | 0 |
| PUBACK | 0 | PUBACK | 10000 |
| PINGREQ | 2000 | PINGREQ | 0 |
| PINGRESP | 0 | PINGRESP | 2000 |
| DISCONNECT | 1000 | DISCONNECT | 1000 |
Each test can be run in its current form. Besides you can change the existing test scenarios or add the new ones.
Performance MQTT-SN Test Suite is developed by Mobius Software.