Plugin for kotlin js annotation processing
The plugin allows you to not be disappointed when you see the message "Unsupported [This reflection API is not supported yet in JavaScript]"
Plugin for the moment can process hider-ordered functions, classes and methods annotations.
Apache 2.0
For MAVEN: pom.xml
<!-- unpack kotlin.js to target/classes/lib for example index.html -->
<!-- unpack kotlin2js-reflection-api.js to target/classes/lib for example index.html -->
<pom.xml directory>/index.html
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset='utf-8'>
<title>Test page</title>
<!-- include kotlin runtime (run mvn package to get it there) -->
<script type="text/javascript" src="target/classes/lib/kotlin.js"></script>
<!-- include kotlin reflection api (run mvn package to get it there) order must be observed (after kotlin.js) -->
<script type="text/javascript" src="target/classes/lib/kotlin2js-reflection-api.js"></script>
<!-- your compiled script (run mvn compile to get it up to date) -->
<script type="text/javascript" src="target/classes/<your-file>.js"></script>
use package maven task
For GRADLE: build.gradle
plugins {
id 'kotlin2js' version '1.3.0'
id 'org.decembrist.kotlin2js.reflection' version '0.1.0-beta-1'
group '<your-group>'
version '<your-version>'
repositories {
dependencies {
compile "org.decembrist:kotlin2js-reflection-api:0.1.0-beta-1"
compile "org.jetbrains.kotlin:kotlin-stdlib-js"
kotlin2JsReflection {
generatedSourcesDir = file("${project.buildDir}/generated/decembrist")
sourceSets.main.kotlin.srcDirs += kotlin2JsReflection.generatedSourcesDir
//unpack kotlin.js and reflection-api dependencies
task assembleWeb(type: Sync) {
configurations.compile.each { File file ->
from(zipTree(file.absolutePath), {
includeEmptyDirs = false
include { fileTreeElement ->
def path = fileTreeElement.path
path.endsWith(".js") && (path.startsWith("META-INF/resources/") ||
from compileKotlin2Js.destinationDir
into "${projectDir}/web"
dependsOn classes
assemble.dependsOn assembleWeb
pluginManagement {
resolutionStrategy {
eachPlugin {
if ( == "kotlin2js") {
} = <your project name>
<build.gradle directory>/index.html
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset='utf-8'>
<title>Test page</title>
<!-- include kotlin runtime -->
<script type="text/javascript" src="web/kotlin.js"></script>
<!-- include kotlin reflection api, order must be observed (after kotlin.js) -->
<script type="text/javascript" src="web/kotlin2js-reflection-api.js"></script>
<!-- your compiled script -->
<script type="text/javascript" src="web/<your-file>.js"></script>
use build gradle task
import org.decembrist.utils.jsReflect
import kotlin.browser.document
import kotlin.browser.window
annotation class MyFirstAnnotation(val text: String)
fun main() {
val annotations = ::main.jsReflect.getAnnotations()
val myFirstAnnotation = annotations.first { it is MyFirstAnnotation } as MyFirstAnnotation
window.onload = {
document.body!!.innerHTML = myFirstAnnotation.text
Let's open index.html in browser
- KClass.jsReflect - extention property, returns JsClassReflect type
val <T : Any> KClass<T>.jsReflect
- KFunction.jsReflect - extention property, returns JsFunctionReflect for hider-ordered function or JsMethodReflect for method
val KFunction<*>.jsReflect
- JsClassReflect interface
* Reflection data annotations
val annotations: List<Annotation>
* @return class name from compiled js file
val jsName: String
* @return class js constructor function
val jsConstructor: dynamic
* @return class methods reflection data list
val methods: List<JsMethodReflect<T>>
* Create a new class instance through js constructor
fun createInstance(arguments: Array<Any> = js("[]")): T
- JsFunctionReflect interface
* Reflection data annotations
val annotations: List<Annotation>
* Return function js name
val jsName: String
* Get function annotations
* @param kClass should be provided if this is method
fun getAnnotations(kClass: KClass<*>? = null): List<Annotation>
- JsMethodReflect interface
* Reflection data annotations
val annotations: List<Annotation>
* Return method name
val name: String
* Invoke function with arguments
* @param receiver object
* @param args arguments
* @return function result
operator fun invoke(receiver: T, vararg args: Any): Any
Reflection object
* Get annotations for class
* @param kClass
* @return annotations list
fun getAnnotations(kClass: KClass<*>): List<Annotation>
* Get annotations for function or class method (if present)
* @param kClass class
* @param kFunction function or method
* @return annotations list
fun getAnnotations(kFunction: KFunction<*>, kClass: KClass<*>? = null): List<Annotation>
* Get methods for class
* @param kClass
* @return methods list
fun getMethods(kClass: KClass<*>): List<MethodInfo>
You can use our test as example
The plugin works with raw code and therefore has some limitations at the moment.
- Annotations can be processed for public members only
- KotlinJs Annotations won't be processed (@JsName, @JsModule e.t.c)
- Only primitive type annotation params allowed (and arrays of them)
- Cross-project annotations will be added in upcoming patches
We plan to fix these limitations in the future.
annotation class Annotation(val name: String)
annotation class ZeroParamsAnnotation
annotation class ZeroParamsBracesAnnotation()
fun test() {
annotation class Annotation(val string: String,
val byte: Byte,
val short: Short,
val int: Int,
val long: Long,
val float: Float,
val double: Double,
val char: Char,
val bool: Boolean)
@Annotation("test1", 1, 1, 1, 1L, 1.0f, 1.0, 't', true)
fun main(args: Array<String>) {
annotation class Annotation(val string: Array<String>,
val byte: ByteArray,
val short: ShortArray,
val int: IntArray,
val long: LongArray,
val float: FloatArray,
val double: DoubleArray,
val char: CharArray,
val bool: BooleanArray)
@Annotation(["test1", "test2"], [1, 2], [1, 2], [1, 2], [1L, 2L], [1.0f, 2.0f], [1.0, 2.0], ['1', '2'], [true, false])
fun main(args: Array<String>) {
annotation class Annotation1(vararg val string: String)
annotation class Annotation2(vararg val byte: Byte)
annotation class Annotation3(vararg val short: Short)
annotation class Annotation4(vararg val int: Int)
annotation class Annotation5(vararg val long: Long)
annotation class Annotation6(vararg val float: Float)
annotation class Annotation7(vararg val double: Double)
annotation class Annotation8(vararg val char: Char)
annotation class Annotation9(vararg val bool: Boolean)
@Annotation1(*arrayOf("test1", "test2"))
@Annotation2(1, 2)
@Annotation3(1, 2)
@Annotation4(*[1, 2])
@Annotation5(*[1L, 2L])
@Annotation6(*[1.0f, 2.0f])
@Annotation7(*[1.0, 2.0])
@Annotation8(*['1', '2'])
@Annotation9(*[true, false])
fun main(args: Array<String>) {
annotation class StringVarargAnnotation(vararg val string: String)
annotation class ByteVarargAnnotation(vararg val byte: Byte)
annotation class ShortVarargAnnotation(vararg val short: Short)
annotation class IntVarargAnnotation(vararg val int: Int)
annotation class LongVarargAnnotation(vararg val long: Long)
annotation class FloatVarargAnnotation(vararg val float: Float)
annotation class DoubleVarargAnnotation(vararg val double: Double)
annotation class CharVarargAnnotation(vararg val char: Char)
annotation class BooleanVarargAnnotation(vararg val bool: Boolean)
@StringVarargAnnotation("test1", "test2")
@ByteVarargAnnotation(1, 2)
@ShortVarargAnnotation(1, 2)
@IntVarargAnnotation(1, 2)
@LongVarargAnnotation(1L, 2L)
@FloatVarargAnnotation(1.0f, 2.0f)
@DoubleVarargAnnotation(1.0, 2.0)
@CharVarargAnnotation('1', '2')
@BooleanVarargAnnotation(true, false)
fun main(args: Array<String>) {
annotation class SpreadVarargAnnotation(vararg val string: String)
annotation class SquaredAnnotation(val string: Array<String>)
annotation class BracedAnnotation(val string: Array<String>)
annotation class SquaredVarargsAnnotation(vararg val string: String)
@SpreadVarargAnnotation(*arrayOf("test1", "test2"))
@SquaredAnnotation(["test1", "test2"])
@BracedAnnotation((["test1", "test2"]))
@SquaredVarargsAnnotation(*["test1", "test2"])
fun main(args: Array<String>) {
annotation class StringTemplate(val string: String)
annotation class MultiStringTemplate(val string: String)
fun main(args: Array<String>) {
Your issue tickets or any help will be very appreciated.