Dice - is a fake data generator for .NET.
PM> Install-Package ModernDev.Dice
var dice = new Dice();
// Generate random primitives
bool randBool = dice.NextBool();
char randChar = dice.NextChar();
string randStr = dice.NextString();
// Generate random sentence
var sentence = dice.NextSentence();
// Generate random city name
var city = dice.NextCity();
// Basic
dice.NextBool(likelihood: 50); // true
dice.NextInt(min: -500, max: 500); // -235
dice.NextLong(min: 0, max: 500); // 127
dice.NextNatural(min: 10, max: 300); // 189
dice.NextChar(symbols: true); // "t"
dice.NextDouble(min: 0.0, max: 1.0, decimals: 4); // 0.2364
dice.NextString(length: 7); // "datorex
// Text
dice.NextSyllable(length: 2, capitalize: false); // "re"
dice.NextWord(capitalize: false, syllablesCount: 2);// "fane"
dice.NextSentence(wordsCount: 2, punctuation: true);// "Damy wilo."
dice.NextParagraph(sentencesCount: 2); // "Damy wilo. Ride goke."
// Person
dice.NextAge(types: AgeRanges.Adult); // 24
dice.NextCPF(); // "547.314.248-55"
dice.NextFirstName(isFemale: false); // "John"
dice.NextLastName(); // "Smith"
dice.NextSex(); // "Male"
dice.NextName(isMale: true, prefix: true); // "Dr. Jerry Murphy"
dice.NextSSN(ssnFour: false, dashes: true); // "354-65-4576"
dice.NextNameSuffix(); // "Juris Doctor"
dice.NextNamePrefix(full: true, gender: "male"); // "Doctor"
dice.NextNationality(); // "Dutch"
// Mobile
dice.NextAndroidId(); // "APA91kEW1fYs7e-CUjoZl2ykG0I67TUNCUg5I3qfuSUO6E9CBOS25gvwxK5Dj3QXqtf9R1YUzm-cRlGwwF8AlLjKWq_Pflf_Nz7CUg8SDjQx9JFplrI0YYh9PlURsioMh0u0mfSC9yzR8828KkPcA1-Sl6CmPCMHYhbWEnL1hgR9aeTQzisqyHp"
dice.NextApplePushToken(); // "23cc396d4b0375b2925e89b8604b047f3a73e5ef917d9e030c2eb810bf8c3a5d"
dice.NextWP7ANID(); // "A=E68C53BE05E25637A95EF4CF701572D9&E=012&W=5"
dice.NextBlackBerryPIN(); // "237655c1"
// Web
dice.NextDomainName(); // "cibtuzu.aq"
dice.NextTopLevelDomain(); // "vi"
dice.NextEmail(domain: null, length: 8); // "nidketsu@zeg.mg"
dice.NextGoogleAnalyticsId(); // "UA-634818-71"
dice.NextHashtag(); // "#fipsec"
dice.NextIP(); // ""
dice.NextIPv6(); // "cca3:e25d:1229:4f7e:d166:f878:be15:b2de"
dice.NextTwitterName(); // "@re"
dice.NextUrl(protocol: "https"); // "https://uhuavo.mw/zagajra"
dice.NextColor(format: ColorFormats.RGBA); // "rgba(162,150,44,0.8257)"
// Location
dice.NextZipCode(plusFour: true); // "55445-9037"
dice.NextStreet(syllables: 2, shortSuffix: true); // "Pircu Hts"
dice.NextState(fullName: false); // "WI"
dice.NextPostalCode(); // "R65 8X0"
dice.NextLongitude(min: -180.0, max: 180.0); // 63.4474
dice.NextLatitude(min: -90.0, max: 90); // -59.34598
dice.NextGeohash(length: 7); // "frunwmv"
dice.NextCountry(fullName: true); // "Bhutan"
dice.NextCity(); // "Munsihto"
dice.NextAddress(syllables: 2, shortSuffix: true); // "1183 Okhak Place"
// Date\Time
dice.NextYear(min: 1992, max: 2016); // 2004
dice.NextMonth(min: 1, max: 12); // 5
dice.NextSecond(); // 26
dice.NextMinute(min: 0, max: 59); // 47
dice.NextHour(twentyfourHours: true); // 3
dice.NextMillisecond(); // 654
dice.NextDate(dateTimeMin, dateTimeMax); // DateTime object
// Finance
dice.NextCurrency(returnCode: false); // "Azerbaijan New Manat"
dice.NextCreditCardNumber(); // "4260473867278166"
// Miscellaneous
dice.NextGUID(version: 5); // "85f16c07-4ea5-5d97-95f7-b8bab06a169b"
dice.NextHash(length: 40); // "25ac28d4559ca6a31a029df954d9ab1f127b9ecb"
Returns a list of n random terms using given generator function.
var generator = new Func<string>(methodThatReturnsString);
var randomList = dice.NextList<string>(generator, 10);
Given a function that generates something random and a number of items to generate.
var generator = new Func<int>(dice.NextNatural);
var listOfUniqueNumbers = dice.GenerateUniqueList<int>(generator, 10, 0, 1000);
Given a list, scramble the order and return it.
var shuffledList = dice.ShuffleList(new List<int> {1, 2, 3, 4, 5});
Given a list, returns a single random element.
int randomItem = dice.PickRandomItem(new List<int> {1, 2, 3, 4, ,5 , 6, 7, 8, 9});
Given a list, returns a random set with count elements.
List<int> randomSet = dice.PickRandomSet(new List<int> {1, 2, 3, 4, ,5 , 6, 7, 8, 9});
All the helpers methods belongs to the Utils
static class.
Calculates checksum for credit card number using 🔗Luhn Algorithm.
int cheksum = Utils.LuhnCalcualte(6304038511073827);
Checks whether the given credit card number is valid.
bool isValid = Utils.LuhnCheck(6304038511073827);
Pad a number with some string until it reaches a desired width.
Assert.That(Utils.NumberPadding(45, 5, 'x'), Is.EqualTo("xxx45"));
Converts DateTime
object to Unix timestamp.
long timestamp = Utils.DateTimeToUnixTimestamp(new DateTime(2016, 1, 1);
Converts Unix timestamp to the DateTime
DateTime dateTime = Unix.UnixTimestampToDateTime(1451606400);
Dice uses 🔗Mersenne Twister pseudorandom number generator in core.
If you want to use a specific seed in order to get a repeatable random sequence:
var dice = new Dice(123);
You may use your own generator function in order to get a repeatable random sequence:
var dice = new Dice(new Func<double>(randomGenFunc));
Heavily inspired by https://github.com/chancejs/chancejs/. The icon was taken from here.
Licensed under the MIT license.
Copyright (c) 2017-2020 Bohdan Shtepan
modern-dev.com  · GitHub @virtyaluk  · Twitter @virtyaluk