Build compiled react files in the many projects.
- Install
or with installer in the page - Create the file
- Config your react names folders depending your local:
project_names = {
'cu': 'contest-user-react',
'cp': 'contest-panel-react',
'au': 'ask-apply',
'ap': 'ask-panel-react',
'mar': 'mybusiness-affiliate-react'
- Config your project in your local where the compiled files will be included.
project_dst_path_dev = {
'cu': 'contest-backend',
'cp': 'core',
'au': 'ask-backend',
'ap': 'core',
'mar': 'core'
- Config the temp path, this directory will be the place to process the file.
temp_path = "/Users/josemoguel/Documents/"
- Config the base local source, this directory has all your swapwink's proyects.
base_path_local_source = '/Users/josemoguel/Documents/fuentes/swapwink/'
- Generate a link to file
ln -s /Users/josemoguel/Documents/scripts-python/ rpr
- Search your python3 path with
which python3
- Move the file
to access the command globally.
mv rpr /usr/bin/rpr
- Run rpr
- You can release all projects in the environment
- You can release the project in the environment
rpr {project_key}
- You can release the project in the environment specified.
rpr {project_key} {environment}
- You can release all projects in the environment.
rpr all {environment}
- You can release the project in all environments.
rpr {project_key} all
- You can release all projects in all environments.
rpr all
- You can release the project in the environment and version specified.
rpr {project_key} {environment} {tag_version}
- You can release many projects in the environment and version specified.
rpr {project_key_1,project_key_2} {environment}
#Projects Keys
cu - contest.user.react
cp - contest.panel.react
au - ask.apply.react
ap - ask.panel.react
mar - mybusiness.affiliate.react
ru - rewards.user.react
tp - trivia.panel.react
mpr - mybusiness.product.react