A very small project written in .Net Core and Angular 10, which covers the followings:
*Presentation Layer: Provides an interface to the user. Uses the Application Layer to achieve user interactions.
*Application Layer: Mediates between the Presentation and Domain Layers. Orchestrates business objects to perform specific application tasks.
*Domain Layer: Includes business objects and their rules. This is the heart of the application.
*Infrastructure Layer: Provides generic technical capabilities that support higher layers mostly using 3rd-party libraries.
-Repository pattern
-Dependency Injection
-Integrating to Swagger for Web Api documentation
Running instruction:
Employee Api:
-.Netcore 3.1
-.EntityFrameworkCore 3.1.6
-Open the Employee solution
-Run (Ctrl+F5) the solution
-Browse to https://localhost:44336/swagger/index.html
Employee Angular:
-Angular 10
-Browse to the Employee \Angular\Employee.Client\ClientApp folder in CMD
-You need to restore package.json via npm or Yarn
-execute the "npm start" command
-Browse to https://localhost:4200
and ... DONE!