The goal of this project was to build a multi-label text classification model that can predict movie genres from its description. The project includes data collection, cleaning, model training, deployment, and API integration.
The model can classify 21 different types of book genres
The keys of deployment\genre_types_encoded.json
shows the book genres
Data was collected from IMDB official Website Listing.
Movie Details Scraping: movie title, description and genres are scraped using selenium library. The code can be found in scraper/
In total, 13,001 movie details were scraped till 1/8/24. The collection process is still in progress. the data are stored in data/movie_data.csv
Update : 19500 movies collected(yet to be trained)
Initially, duplicates and missing values were dropped. After that, two of the 23 genres(Film and Noir) were dropped as those genres are rare and training with them could potentially drop the accuracy of the model. The preprocessing can be found in notebooks/Project_NLP.ipynb
. The cleaned dataset can be found in data
Finetuned a distilrobera-base
model from HuggingFace Transformers using Fastai and Blurr. After five stages of training(with freeze and unfreeze), the best model was chosen to deploy(accuracy == 89.7). The model training notebook can be found in notebooks/Project_NLP.ipynb
The trained model has a memory of 300+MB. This model was compressed using ONNX quantization and brought under 80MB. The compression code can be found in notebooks/ONNX_Inference.ipynb
and the model can be found in models
The compressed model is deployed to HuggingFace Spaces Gradio App. The implementation can be found in deployment
Hugging face Space link here
Deployed a Flask App built to take descprition and show the genres as output. Check the flask
branch or click here. The website is live here