The data set used in this project is available at The data will be analyzed using Hadoop.
Dump location:
The instructions for using this code on hadoop server that supports HadoopStreamingAPI are given below
As it has huge data we are going to analyse it using hadoop streaming API
Go to home directory
Intially, clone the files in this repository.
Once the repository is cloned, execute the below command on hadoop cluster, by changing the output path in the command
hadoop jar /usr/local/hadoop/share/hadoop/tools/lib/hadoop-streaming-2.7.1.jar -input /data/openlibrary/ol_dump_works_latest-20161202.txt -output /users-cloud-16fs/ballima/project3-out/output2 -mapper ~/project3/ -reducer ~/project3/ -file ~/project3/{mapper,reducer}.py
Once the job execution is complete the output can be seen in hdfs using below commad
hdfs dfs -cat /users-cloud-16fs/ballima/project3-out/output2/part-00000