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Automation using Bash scripts and Cron jobs for Molgenis Compute pipelines from:


Code style

  • Indentation:
  • environment variables: ALL_UPPERCASE_WITH_UNDERSCORES
  • global script variables: camelCase
  • local function variables: _camelCasePrefixedWithUnderscore
  • if ... then, while ... do and for ... do not on a single line, but on two lines with the then or do on the next line. E.g.
    if ...
    elif ...

Version 1.x

See separate for details on the (deprecated) version

Version 2.x

Repo layout

|-- bin/......................... Bash scripts for managing data staging, data analysis and monitoring / error handling.
|-- etc/......................... Config files in bash syntax. Config files are sourced by the scripts in bin/.
|   |-- <group>.cfg.............. Group specific variables.
|   |-- <site>.cfg............... Site / server specific variables.
|   `-- sharedConfig.cfg......... Generic variables, which are the same for all group and all sites / servers.
`-- lib/
    `-- sharedFunctions.bash..... Generic functions for error handling, logging, track & trace, etc.

Data flow

   ⎜ LFS  ⎜ Dedicated pre processing server to create FastQ files                        ⎜
   ⎜ scr* ⎜ multiplexed rawer data (BCL format) -> demultiplexed raw data (FastQ format) ⎜
      1: copyRawDataToPrm
   ⎜ LFS  ⎜ HPC cluster                                                         ⎜ LFS  ⎜>>> 4: notifications
   ⎜ prm* ⎜ demultiplexed raw data (FastQ format) -> variant calls (VCF format) ⎜ tmp* ⎜>>> 5: cleanup
      ^ v                                                                           ^ v
      ^ `>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2: startPipeline >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>^ v
      ^                                                                               v
       `<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< 3: copyProjectDataToPrm <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
flow gattaca01 (scr01) --> chaperone (prm06) --> leucine-zipper (tmp06) --> chaperone (prm06)

#### gattaca01
##### umcg-gd-ateambot
module load NGS_Automated/3.0.1-NGS_Demultiplexing-2.3.1 ; -g umcg-gd

#### chaperone
###### umcg-gd-dm
module load NGS_Automated/3.0.1-bare ; -g umcg-gd -s

#### leucine-zipper
###### umcg-gd-ateambot
module load NGS_Automated/3.0.1-NGS_DNA-3.5.5 ; -g umcg-gd

#### leucine-zipper
###### umcg-gd-ateambot
module load NGS_Automated/3.0.1-NGS_DNA-3.5.5 ; -g umcg-gd

#### chaperone
###### umcg-gd-dm
module load NGS_Automated/3.0.1-bare ; -g umcg-gd

#### leucine-zipper
###### umcg-gd-ateambot 
module load NGS_Automated/3.0.1-NGS_DNA-3.5.5 ; -g umcg-gd -a umcg-gap

#### leucine-zipper
###### umcg-gd-ateambot 
module load NGS_Automated/3.0.1-NGS_DNA-3.5.5 ; -g umcg-gd

Job control flow

The path to phase.state files must be:


Phase is in most cases the name of the executing script as determined by ${SCRIPT_NAME}. State is either started, failed or finished.

  • For 'sequence projects':
    • ${project} = the 'run' as determined by the sequencer.
    • ${run} = the 'run' as determined by the sequencer. Hence ${project} = {run} = [SequencingStartDate][Sequencer][RunNumber]_[Flowcell]
  • For 'analysis projects':
    • ${project} = the 'project' name as specified in the sample sheet.
    • ${run} = the incremental 'analysis run number'. Starts with run01 and incremented in case of re-analysis.
(NGS_Demultiplexing) => ${sourceServer}:${SCR_ROOT_DIR}/logs/${run}_Demultiplexing.


touch ${sourceServer}:${SCR_ROOT_DIR}/logs/${run}_Demultiplexing.finished
	\/ -g GROUP -s GATTACA => ${cluster}:${PRM_ROOT_DIR}/logs/copyRawDataToPrm.lock



Check which sample sheets feed into startPipeline! ${cluster}:${PRM_ROOT_DIR}/Samplesheets/project_${cluster}/${project}.csv
	\/ -g GROUP => ${project}.scriptsGenerated # Refactor to use *.${phase}.${state} syntax


	\/ -g GROUP => 	${cluster}:${TMP_ROOT_DIR}/logs/${project}/${run}.calculateMd5s.started

	\/ -g GROUP => ${cluster}:${PRM_ROOT_DIR}/logs/copyProjectDataToPrm.lock


${cluster}:${TMP_ROOT_DIR}/logs/${project}/${run}.copyProjectDataToPrm.finished -g GROUP => -g GROUP => ${cluster}:${TMP_ROOT_DIR}/logs/${project}/${run}.ConcordanceCheck.started

To configure e-mail notification by the notifications script, edit the NOTIFY_FOR_PHASE_WITH_STATE array in etc/${group}.cfg and list the : combinations for which email should be sent. E.g.:


In addition there must be a list of e-mail addresses (one address per line) for each state for which email notifications are enabled in:


In case the list of addresses is the same for mutiple states, you can use symlinks per state. E.g.

${TMP_ROOT_DIR}/logs/${phase1}.mailinglist -> ./all.mailinglist
${TMP_ROOT_DIR}/logs/${phase2}.mailinglist -> ./all.mailinglist

The cleanup script runs once a day, it will clean up old data:

  • Remove all the GavinStandAlone project/generatedscripts/tmp data once the GavinStandAlone has a ${project}.vcf.finished in ${TMP_ROOT_DIR}/GavinStandAlone/input
  • Clean up all the raw data that is older than 30 days, it first checks if the data is copied to prm
    • check in the logs if ${filePrefix}
    • count *.fq.gz on tmp and prm and compare for an extra check
  • All the project + tmp data older than 30 days will also be deleted
    • when ${project}

Who runs what and where

Script User Running on site/server
1. copyRawDataToPrm ${group}-dm HPC Cluster with prm mount
2. startPipeline ${group}-ateambot HPC Cluster with tmp mount
3. copyProjectDataToPrm ${group}-dm HPC Cluster with tmp mount
4. notifications ${group}-ateambot HPC Cluster with tmp mount
5. cleanup ${group}-ateambot HPC Cluster with tmp mount

Location of job control and log files

  • LFS = logical file system; one of arc*, scr*, tmp* or prm*.
  • NGS_DNA and NGS_RNA pipelines produce data per project in a run sub dir for each (re)analysis of the data. These pipelines do not generate data outside the projects folder.
  • NGS_Automated has it's own dirs and does NOT touch/modify/create any data in the projects dir.
                 |-- Samplesheets/
                 |   |-- archive
                 |   |-- new?
                 |-- generatedscripts/
                 |-- logs/............................ Logs from NGS_Automated.
                 |   |-- ${SCRIPT_NAME}.mailinglist... List of email addresses used by the notifications script 
                 |   |                                 to report on state [failed|finished] of script ${SCRIPT_NAME}.
                 |   |                                 Use one email address per line or space separated addresses.
                 |   |-- ${SCRIPT_NAME}.lock           Locking file to prevent multiple copies running simultaneously.
                 |   `-- ${project}/
                 |       |-- ${run}.${SCRIPT_NAME}.log
                 |       |-- ${run}.${SCRIPT_NAME}.[started|failed|finished]
                 |       |-- ${run}.${SCRIPT_NAME}.[started|failed|finished].mailed
                 |-- projects/
                 |   |-- ${run}.md5....... MD5 checksums for all files of the corresponding ${run} dir.
                 |   `-- ${run}/
                 |       |-- jobs/........ Generated Bash scripts for this pipeline/analysis run.
                 |       |-- logs/........ Only logs for this pipeline/analysis run, so no logs from NGS_Automated.
                 |       |-- qc/.......... Quality Control files.
                 |       |-- rawdata/..... Relative symlinks to the rawdata and corresponding checksums.
                 |       |   |-- array/... Symlinks point to actual data in ../../../../../rawdata/array/
                 |       |   `-- ngs/..... Symlinks point to actual data in ../../../../../rawdata/ngs/
                 |       `-- results/..... Result files for this pipeline/analysis run.
                 `-- rawdata/
                     |-- array/
                     `-- ngs/