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Sample Go (Golang) project demonstrating the Clean Architecture


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Clean Architecture

Go Report Card Go Reference Release License: MPL 2.0

This project demonstrates an example Go (Golang) realization of the Clean Architecture using the Gin Gonic web framework. The GORM library and a PostgreSQL DBMS are used for data persistence and podman based testing codes are provided too.

Four main layers are seen as depicted in the following component diagram. These layers are usually drawn as co-centered circles. The inner-most layer is the Entities layer which is also known as the Models or Domain layer. This layer contains the entity types which are defined in the business domain and may be used by a high-level implementation of interesting use cases, without technology-specific implementation details. These models are expected to have the least foreseeable changes since their changes are likely to propagate to other layers. As an example entity in this project, we can mention the model.Car type. These models may be used by both of the Use Cases and Adapters layers. The standard language libraries are treated similarly too.

The Use Cases or Use Case Interactors layer contains the core business logic of a system. This code may use the defined models for different purposes such as data passing, requests/responses formatting, or data persistence. This layer can be seen as a facade for the entire system too as it defines the acceptable public use cases of a system. The high-level implementation of this layer makes it relatively stable as it only depends on the domain entities and does not need to change whenever a third-party library is updated or when a new technology is supposed to be adapted. As an example type from this layer, take a look at the carsuc.UseCase type.

Clean Architecture Layers

A concrete method is required in order to wire up the use cases of a system to the use cases of other systems, allowing them to interact based on their expected and exposed public interfaces. For example, a web framework such as Gin Gonic requires a series of HandlerFunc functions in order to call them when a web request is recevied which may be different from how they are managed in Echo. Conversely, use cases require to employ functionalities of an ORM like the GORM in order to store or search among models, having a database management system server. The Adapters layer which is also know as Controllers or Gateways is responsible to fill these gaps without making the frameworks and third-party libraries on one hand and the use case interactors on the other hand dependent on each other. The use cases layer contains repo.Cars example interface in order to show its expectations from a cars repository. This interface is realized by carsrp.Repo from the adapters layer, where it uses GORM and Pgx libraries for interaction with a PostgreSQL DBMS server. The adapters layer depends on both of our high-level logics and other libraries provided/required interfaces in order to adapt them together. To be precise, the Controllers is not a suitable alias for this layer because adapters should be thin and focus on converting interfaces or simple serialization/deserialization tasks, while the use cases layer contains the more complex business-level flow controls. Parsing configuration such as config.Config and instantiating components from other layers during the system startup are also a part of this layer.

The outmost layer contains Frameworks and Libraries which are usually implemented independent of the main project. Their codes are also independent of our system and may change from time to time, or we may need to replace them with alternatives as new technologies are introduced. Because it is desired to keep our codes immune to changes in the APIs of those libraries, adapters layer has to hide their details by realizing the use cases layers interfaces and implementing any missing functionality or mismatched expectations. Indeed, these frameworks are parallels to our use cases layer, but in their own project.

Configuration File and Settings

System use cases may be configured using a series of settings. For this purpose, each use case accepts its required and optional settings as a series of positional arguments and functional options. All configuration settings may be kept in a configuration file, so system can start up by parsing that file and instantiating the relevant use case objects. A subset of those settings may be mutable which their storage in the database allows users to change them dynamically without editing the deployment-time configuration file (holding the default settings). Another subset of settings may be visible which remote users, using the system exposed APIs, are allowed to observe them. Of course the sets of mutable and visible settings may have an intersection. And there may be settings which are mutable, but invisible (write-only) or visible, but immutable (read-only). These categories of settings can be represented using three structs.

  1. A main Settings struct which has fields for mutable settings,
  2. A Visible settings struct which is embedded by Settings and represents fields which are mutable and also visible,
  3. An Immutable settings struct which is embedded by Visible and represents fields which are visible, but immutable.

When accepting user inputs, we can take a Settings struct and then set the Immutable member to nil in order to retrieve all mutable settings (whether they are or are not visible). When reporting them back to user, we can take a Visible struct which excludes invisible fields (containing mutable and immutable visible settings). Since these types are sent to or retrieved from users and processed in the use cases layer, they need a representation in the models layer. Also, they need a configuration-file format specific representation because they should be serialized and stored in the configuration file and database. For simplicity, we can assume that settings which are stored in a configuration file and a database, both follow a common configuration version.

When developing a frontend for modification of the mutable settings, we can validate user inputs based on the expected data types of those settings. Since the data type of a setting is as stable as its chosen name, it is reasonable to make frontend implementation dependent on them. However, their acceptable ranges of values which are representable by an inclusive minimum and maximum values for each numeric setting may change among versions, or they may be computed dynamically too. Since v1.3, the minimum and maximum values of numeric settings are also taken from the configuration file, supported during the migration where the target version bounds are accepted (since they match with the target executable code), reported through the same RESTful APIs which could communicate the settings, and persisted in the database so other components may read and respect them when updating the mutable settings.

For each settings such as sample, two accompanying settings may be provided like sample-minimum and sample-maximum providing the corresponding inclusive minimum and maximum values. In the database, two new columns, namely min_bounds and max_bounds, are stored with the same format that the main config column had in order to report those lower/upper bounds. If one of those boundary values is not included, it means that there is no such restriction. If a setting was optional and received a nil value, it does not need to be compared by its minimum/maximum boundary values. The fact that a nil value is or is not acceptable is part of the data type which is not communicated in v1.3 (since it is a static piece of data). If a use case needs to distinguish between a nil value and a value which is not sent at all, e.g., when a restriction is not applied (by some switch button in the frontend) or is applied but its restrictive value is set to nil (asking for some default value for example), an extra bool setting can eliminate the ambiguity. For example, sample_set may be false, indicating that sample is not sent at all, or it may be true, indicating that sample is sent and may or may not have a nil value.

Versioning and Migration

As user requirements evolve, software products need to be changed so they can address the updated requirements. Ideally, changes are limited to one file or package and their side-effects can be restricted easily. However, in practice changes may propagate across packages and modules and reach to other components. In order to manage these changes, it is required to detect them and all components which may be affected by them so their required changes may be planned whenever their dependencies are supposed to be updated.

Semantic versioning helps with detection of changes and their possible effects on their client codes. A software may expose multiple APIs and each API will require its own semantic version, so it may be tracked by its clients. In Golang, each module may be imported by other modules. Hence, the Golang code itself acts as an API and needs a version. This version is the most volatile one. That is, if there is another exposed API such as a REST API, all changes in those APIs (and a new released version of those APIs) cause a new released version of the Golang module too. A semantic version has three components, namely major.minor.patch (followed by pre-release identifier and version components if any).

  1. A patch version update indicates internal implementation changes with no visible effect in the public API, hence, clients do not need to be changed,
  2. A minor version update indicates addition of new features which may be used by updated clients, however, old clients can keep running with no updates (of course, using the old features and ignoring the new features),
  3. A major version update indicates addition of backward-incompatible changes, so clients have to be updated in order to keep working.

Another aspect which benefits from semantic versioning is the data requirements of a software, including its configuration files and database schema. Versioning config files and database schema separately allows a robust migration scheme to be provisioned, simplifying the software upgrade and downgrade workflows in the production environment.

Three migration actions may be used based on the deployment mode. First two actions (i.e., init-dev and init-prod) initialize the database with development or production suitable data records. The expected version of the database schema is read from the config file. The third action, takes a source and destination configuration file paths, connects to the database which is described by the source config, reads its data records, converts them properly, and stores them in the database which is described by the destination config. The config file contents are migrated too, so the same configuration settings which were specified by the source config are depicted using the destination config version's format. The migrated config file will be saved in the main path of the config file (first two actions only used this main config path because they were not supposed to generate a new config file).

./caweb db init-dev [-c /path/of/main/config.yaml]
./caweb db init-prod [-c /path/of/main/config.yaml]
./caweb db migrate /path/of/src/config.yaml /path/of/dst/config.yaml \
        [-c /path/of/main/config.yaml]

All three actions also renew the destination database credentials for the admin and normal roles (except in the special case that a multi-database migration has been asked, but the source and destination databases are the same and so it is impossible to change the destination database without updating the source database too, so the passwords of the admin and normal roles are not renewed too; indeed, those roles do not have a leaked value in this scenario like the fresh databases and their renewal is not a security requirement). A multi-database migration consists of the following main steps:

  1. The src config file is read in order to obtain the src config and database versions and build src migrator objects (this may require to connect to the src database and load parts of the settings from a table, if settings may be overridden),
    • settings which are read from the src database follow the same version which is used for the src config file and so they can be combined easily,
    • if settings had a different version and so they could not be loaded, but the src and dst databases were the same too (not just their versions, but the actual host, port, and database name, so we are going to skip the database migration part as mentioned in step 4 below), we should check for two factors. First, whether the /path/of/main/config.yaml.migrated file exists and points to the src and dst equivalent databases at hand. Second, whether the settings which were read from the database follow the same format which is asked by the dst config file (considering its major version alone, since minor and patch versions should be set to the latest supported values in that major version and not exactly equal with the asked values). These two factors indicate that we had skipped the database migration in step 4 previously, saved the expected configuration file in step 8, updated the src/dst database there in order to hold the new mutable settings (with the dst config file format) and finally committed those changes in step 9, before the previous migration attempt could fail. In this scenario, the old migration attempt may be resumed by jumping to step 11,
  2. The dst config file is read in order to obtain the dst config and database versions and build dst migrator objects (the dst database is supposed to be empty, hence, it may not override the config file settings),
  3. Migrate the src configuration settings up or down, so they are represented by the config file format which is asked by the dst config file, computing new settings based on the previous settings, and if there are new settings which may not be computed by old settings, fill them based on the default values which are read from the dst config file (the result is kept in memory as the new main configuration settings),
  4. If the src and dst databases are the same (not just their versions, but the actual host, port, and database name, so it is impossible to keep src immutable while writing to dst), skip the database migration part and jump to step 8,
  5. Find the sequence of database version migration steps and their corresponding schema names (each schema should be created in the dst database during the next step),
    • First schema is used to import the contents of the src database as a Foreign Data Wrapper (FDW) in the dst database and is named after the major and minor version of the src database like fdw1_0,
    • Second and latter schema (but the last one) are used to keep the intermediate states and are named after the major version of the schema versions which will be met in the migration path including the major version of the src and dst versions too like mig1, mig2, and mig3 where each schema must contain the schema of that major version with its latest known minor version,
    • Last schema represents the target persistent schema and is named after the major version like caweb3,
  6. Using the admin user of the dst database, create the postgres_fdw extension (if it is not already created), drop all relevant schema in the reverse order of step 5 (see sub-items), drop the relevant foreign server and its user mapping (if any), create the normal user if it is missing, create all required schema (as identified by and in the same order which is specified by step 5), grant their complete privileges to the normal user in addition to the USAGE privilege of the postgres_fdw extension, and finally renew the admin and normal user roles passwords. Thereafter, using the normal user of the dst database, create a foreign server in order to represent the src database, create user mapping so the normal user from the dst database may connect to the src database as its normal user, and import FDW schema,
    • Before creating each schema, it is required to ensure that either that schema did not exist or was empty (so an already poppulated database is not overwritten),
    • For this purpose, the old schema must be dropped (ignoring its absence error) without cascading (so it must be empty to be dropped) before trying to create it,
    • Start dropping and then creating the empty schema (and foreign server and so on) in the reversed order, dropping the last schema (e.g., caweb3 in above example) first and moving backwards so in case of failure, it can be determined that the ultimate schema is already poppulated or some intermediate schema can not be dropped,
    • If any schema cannot be dropped, but the ultimate one, it is a fatal error and migration may not continue automatically,
      • Stop the migration in this scenario,
    • If the ultimate schema cannot be dropped, check for existence of the /path/of/main/config.yaml.migrated file and whether it points to the dst database at hand in order to detect an old migration attempt which was terminated after completion of the step 9 (since before that step, database contents are not committed and only empty schema are created),
      • Jump to step 10 in this scenario,
    • Atomically update the admin and normal roles password values in the dst database,
      • Generate new passwords and write them in a temp file like the file,
      • Alter both passwords in a transaction,
      • Move the new passwords file over the old one,
      • In case of resumption, try both passwords files in order to find which one works correctly, remove the other file and move the correct file so .pgpass file works, then continue with generation of a new file and so on,
  7. Using the normal user, connect to the dst database and perform the database migration in one transaction (this step finishes while the transaction is still open and ready to be committed),
  8. Save the obtained configuration settings (from step 3) in the main config file with a distinct extension so it may be moved over the main config file later with an atomic file system level operation, for example, writing in /path/of/main/config.yaml.migrated file,
    • If the database migration part was bypassed, the dst database version must be kept as claimed in the src and dst config files (which of course must be the same),
    • In absence of the database migration part, configuration file format may change and so the settings format which should be stored in the database may change, therefore, a transaction must begin on the dst database (which is the src database too) and mutable settings with the target version should be stored in that transaction,
    • If the migration part was executed, the dst config file claimed version for the target database may be used only for the major version determination, while the minor and patch versions must be taken based on the latest known numbers (which of course must be equal or more recent than the dst config file value),
    • In presence of the database migration part, it is required to also serialize the mutable settings (with their target format) and store them in the dst database, in the same transaction which was used for creation and filling of other tables so far,
  9. Commit the dst database changes (which may persist created tables if the database migration was not bypassed in step 4 or may only persist the updated mutable settings in the src/dst database),
  10. Using the admin user, drop all extra schema (but the caweb3 in the above example) with cascade (if they exist and database migration part was not skipped),
  11. Move /path/of/main/config.yaml.migrated file (from step 8) to the main config file (e.g., /path/of/main/config.yaml).

Aforementioned algorithm needs a method for migrating a configuration file and also a database schema to one step up or down. When starting from a minor version which is not the last known minor version (in a given major version), for example, starting by v1.1 while v1.5 is also supported, it must be migrated up to v1.5 which is its lastet known minor version. No downward migration is defined in this case because we can stop with a more recent minor version and be assured that the older code (which had asked for an older minor version) will not notice the presence of new features. At the latest minor version of each major version, it is possible to migrate to the next or previous major version (again to its latest known minor and patch versions). For example, if asked to migrate from v1.1 to v3.2, we may traverse this path: v1.1 (schema fdw1.1), v1.5 (schema mig1), v2.8 (schema mig2) and then v3.5 (schema mig3) which are transient and finally to the v3.5 (schema caweb3) which is the ultimate persistent schema. In this case, the v3.5.2 may be written in the main config file instead of the asked v3.2.0 too. In contrary to the ultimate schema which needs to use created tables, the intermediate schema may use views in order to avoid copying data items and just encode the required conversion rules in the database.

In the same way that configuration and database contents could be migrated, a project may require to migrate some data items which are stored in the file system too. By the way, in such cases, special care is required in order to entangle the entire migration process to the database transaction (as seen in the aforementioned step 9). Nevertheless, these repeatability and idempotency features are only useful for attended upgrades. If an unattended upgrade is desired, a lower-level approach is necessary with file system or lower level snapshots, otherwise a system which fails (e.g., due to power outage) in the middle of an upgrade process may even fail to boot up again.

Read More

For further reading, you may check

  • Martin, R. C., Grenning J., & Brown S. (2017). Clean architecture.
  • Lano, K., & Yassipour Tehrani, S. (2023). Introduction to Clean Architecture Concepts. In Introduction to Software Architecture: Innovative Design using Clean Architecture and Model-Driven Engineering (pp. 35-49). Cham: Springer Nature Switzerland.


Sample Go (Golang) project demonstrating the Clean Architecture







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