a. lower (a-z) and upper (A-Z) case letters of the English alphabet
b. decimal digits (0-9)
a.special symbols
- operators
+ - * / % = < <= == != => >
- separators
, : [ ] ( ) { }
- reserved words
program input output int char str given then otherwise aslongas repeat
- a sequence of letters such that the first character is a #
identifier ::= #letter | #letter{letter}
letter ::= "a" | "b" | ... | "z" | "A" | "B" | ... | "Z"
- integer
integer ::= "0" | number | "-"number
number ::= nonzerodigit{digit}
digit ::= "0" | nonzerodigit
nonzerodigit ::= "1" | ... | "9"
- character
character ::= 'letter' | 'digit'
- string
string ::= "char{char}"
char ::= letter | digit
program ::= "program" "{" decllist "\n" cmpdstmt "}"
decllist ::= declaration | declaration "," decllist
declaration ::= type ":" identifier
type1 ::= "INT" | "CHAR" | "STR"
arraydecl ::= type1 "[" number "]"
type ::= type1 | arraydecl
cmpdstmt ::= "{" stmtlist "}"
stmtlist ::= stmt | stmt "\n" stmtlist
stmt ::= simplstmt | structstmt
simplstmt ::= assignstmt | iostmt | decllist
assignstmt ::= identifier "=" expression
expression ::= expression "+" term | term
term ::= term "*" factor | factor
factor ::= "(" expression ")" | identifier | const
iostmt ::= "INPUT" "(" identifier ")" | "OUTPUT" "(" identifier ")" | "OUTPUT" "(" const ")"
structstmt ::= cmpdstmt | ifstmt | whilestmt
ifstmt ::= "GIVEN" "(" condition ")" "THEN" cmpdstmt ["OTHERWISE" cmpdstmt]
whilestmt ::= "ASLONGAS" "(" condition ")" "REPEAT" cmpdstmt
condition ::= expression relation expression
relation ::= "<" | "<=" | "==" | "!=" | ">=" | ">"