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WIP: Chase w/o alt match: endo strong and injective
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monsterkrampe committed Dec 17, 2024
1 parent 2a3a4b0 commit e50a0f3
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Showing 3 changed files with 293 additions and 17 deletions.
262 changes: 261 additions & 1 deletion ProofLibrary/AlternativeMatches/Chase.lean
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Expand Up @@ -126,7 +126,267 @@ namespace ChaseBranch
def has_alt_match (cb : ChaseBranch obs kb) : Prop := ∃ i, cb.has_alt_match_at_step i

theorem result_isWeakCore_of_noAltMatch (cb : ChaseBranch obs kb) : ¬ cb.has_alt_match -> cb.result.isWeakCore := by
intro noAltMatch h_0 h_0_hom
apply Classical.byContradiction
intro contra
have contra := implToNotOr (notAndDeMorgan contra)

have : ∀ k, (cb.branch.infinite_list k).is_none_or (fun node => ∃ (h_k : GroundTermMapping sig), (h_k.isHomomorphism cb.result cb.result) ∧ ((∀ (f : Fact sig), (∀ (t : GroundTerm sig), t ∈ f.terms -> t ∈ cb.result.terms) -> ¬ f ∈ cb.result -> h_0.applyFact f ∈ cb.result -> h_k.applyFact f ∈ cb.result) ∧ (∀ s t, s ∈ cb.result.terms -> t ∈ cb.result.terms -> s ≠ t -> h_0 s = h_0 t -> h_k s = h_k t)) ∧ (∀ t, t ∈ node.fact.val.terms -> h_k t = t)) := by
intro k
induction k with
| zero =>
rw [cb.database_first, Option.is_none_or]
exists h_0
. constructor
. sorry
. sorry
. sorry
| succ k ih =>
cases eq : cb.branch.infinite_list (k+1) with
| none => simp [Option.is_none_or]
| some node =>
rw [Option.is_none_or]
cases eq2 : cb.branch.infinite_list k with
| none => sorry -- contradiction via no_holes
| some node2 =>
rw [eq2, Option.is_none_or] at ih
rcases ih with ⟨h_k, h_k_hom, retains, identity⟩

cases eq_origin : node.origin with
| none =>
have is_some := cb.origin_is_some k
rw [eq, Option.is_none_or] at is_some
rw [eq_origin] at is_some
simp at is_some
| some origin =>
have node_fact_is_prev_fact_union_origin_res := cb.origin_trg_result_yields_next_node_fact k node node2 eq eq2 origin eq_origin
have origin_trg_active := cb.origin_trg_is_active k node node2 eq eq2

let trg_res_terms := (origin.fst.val.result.get origin.snd).terms

have h_surj_on_trg_res : h_k.surjective_for_domain_and_image_set trg_res_terms trg_res_terms := by
apply Classical.byContradiction
intro not_surj
apply noAltMatch
exists k
exists h_k
apply Or.inr
exists node
exists origin
. exact eq
. exact eq_origin
. constructor
. constructor
. exact h_k_hom.left
. apply Set.subsetTransitive _ (h_k.applyFactSet cb.result) _
. apply GroundTermMapping.applyFactSet_subset_of_subset
apply Set.subsetTransitive _ node.fact.val _
. rw [node_fact_is_prev_fact_union_origin_res]
apply Set.subsetUnionSomethingStillSubset'
apply Set.subsetOfSelf
. have subset_res := chaseBranchSetIsSubsetOfResult cb (k+1)
rw [eq, Option.is_none_or] at subset_res
exact subset_res
. exact h_k_hom.right
. intro t t_mem
apply identity
simp at t_mem
rcases t_mem with ⟨v, v_mem, v_eq⟩
rcases origin.fst.val.rule.frontier_var_occurs_in_fact_in_body v v_mem with ⟨a, a_mem, v_mem⟩
exists origin.fst.val.subs.apply_function_free_atom a
. apply origin_trg_active.left
rw [← List.inIffInToSet]
simp [PreTrigger.mapped_body, SubsTarget.apply, GroundSubstitution.apply_function_free_conj]
exists a
. simp [eq_origin]; exact a_mem
. simp [eq_origin]
. rw [← v_eq]
simp [GroundSubstitution.apply_function_free_atom]
exists VarOrConst.var v
. unfold Function.surjective_for_domain_and_image_set at not_surj
simp at not_surj
rcases not_surj with ⟨t, t_mem, no_arg_for_t⟩
exists t
. exact t_mem
. intro t_mem_image
rcases t_mem_image with ⟨f, f_mem, t_mem_image⟩
rcases f_mem with ⟨f', f'_mem, f_eq⟩
rw [← f_eq] at t_mem_image
simp [GroundTermMapping.applyFact] at t_mem_image
rcases t_mem_image with ⟨t', t'_mem_image, t_eq⟩
apply no_arg_for_t t'
. exists f'
. exact t_eq


cases contra with
| inl not_strong =>
apply not_strong
unfold GroundTermMapping.strong
intro f f_dom f_mem apply_f_mem

have step_ex : ∀ (terms : List (GroundTerm sig)), (∀ t, t ∈ terms -> t ∈ cb.result.terms) -> ∃ i, (cb.branch.infinite_list i).is_some_and (fun node => ∀ t, t ∈ terms -> t ∈ node.fact.val.terms) := by
intro terms id_on_terms
induction terms with
| nil => exists 0; rw [cb.database_first, Option.is_some_and]; simp
| cons hd tl ih =>
rcases ih (by intro t t_mem; apply id_on_terms; simp [t_mem]) with ⟨i_ih, ih⟩
specialize id_on_terms hd (by simp)
rcases id_on_terms with ⟨f, f_mem, hd_mem⟩
rcases f_mem with ⟨i_hd, f_mem⟩

cases eq_hd : cb.branch.infinite_list i_hd with
| none => simp [eq_hd, Option.is_some_and] at f_mem
| some node_hd =>
rw [eq_hd, Option.is_some_and] at f_mem
cases eq_ih : cb.branch.infinite_list i_ih with
| none => simp [eq_ih, Option.is_some_and] at ih
| some node_ih =>
rw [eq_ih, Option.is_some_and] at ih
cases Decidable.em (i_hd ≤ i_ih) with
| inl le =>
exists i_ih
rw [eq_ih, Option.is_some_and]
intro t t_mem
simp at t_mem
cases t_mem with
| inl t_mem =>
rw [t_mem]
exists f
. have all_following := chaseBranchSetIsSubsetOfAllFollowing cb i_hd (i_ih - i_hd)
simp [eq_hd] at all_following
rw [Nat.add_sub_of_le le, eq_ih, Option.is_none_or] at all_following
apply all_following
exact f_mem
. exact hd_mem
| inr t_mem =>
apply ih
exact t_mem
| inr lt =>
simp at lt
exists i_hd
rw [eq_hd, Option.is_some_and]
intro t t_mem
simp at t_mem
cases t_mem with
| inl t_mem =>
rw [t_mem]
exists f
| inr t_mem =>
specialize ih t t_mem
rcases ih with ⟨f', f'_mem, t_mem⟩
exists f'
. have all_following := chaseBranchSetIsSubsetOfAllFollowing cb i_ih (i_hd - i_ih)
simp [eq_ih] at all_following
rw [Nat.add_sub_of_le (Nat.le_of_lt lt), eq_hd, Option.is_none_or] at all_following
apply all_following
exact f'_mem
. exact t_mem

specialize step_ex f.terms f_dom
rcases step_ex with ⟨step, step_ex⟩

cases eq : cb.branch.infinite_list step with
| none => rw [eq, Option.is_some_and] at step_ex; contradiction
| some node =>
rw [eq, Option.is_some_and] at step_ex
specialize this step
rw [eq, Option.is_none_or] at this
rcases this with ⟨h_k, _, retains, identity⟩
have retains := retains.left f f_dom f_mem apply_f_mem

have : h_k.applyFact f = f := by
unfold GroundTermMapping.applyFact
rw [Fact.ext_iff]
. simp
. simp
apply List.map_id_of_id_on_all_mem
intro t t_mem
apply identity
apply step_ex
exact t_mem
apply f_mem
rw [← this]
exact retains
| inr not_inj =>
apply not_inj
intro s t s_mem t_mem image_eq
apply Classical.byContradiction
intro neq

rcases s_mem with ⟨f_s, f_s_mem, s_mem⟩
rcases t_mem with ⟨f_t, f_t_mem, t_mem⟩
rcases f_s_mem with ⟨step_s, f_s_mem⟩
rcases f_t_mem with ⟨step_t, f_t_mem⟩
cases eq_s : cb.branch.infinite_list step_s with
| none => simp [eq_s, Option.is_some_and] at f_s_mem
| some node_s =>
rw [eq_s, Option.is_some_and] at f_s_mem
cases eq_t : cb.branch.infinite_list step_t with
| none => simp [eq_t, Option.is_some_and] at f_t_mem
| some node_t =>
rw [eq_t, Option.is_some_and] at f_t_mem
cases Decidable.em (step_s ≤ step_t) with
| inl le =>
specialize this step_t
rw [eq_t, Option.is_none_or] at this
rcases this with ⟨h_k, _, retains, identity⟩
have retains := retains.right
specialize retains s t
(by exists f_s; constructor; exists step_s; rw [eq_s, Option.is_some_and]; exact f_s_mem; exact s_mem)
(by exists f_t; constructor; exists step_t; rw [eq_t, Option.is_some_and]; exact f_t_mem; exact t_mem)
neq image_eq
have id_s := identity s (by
exists f_s
. have all_following := chaseBranchSetIsSubsetOfAllFollowing cb step_s (step_t - step_s)
simp [eq_s] at all_following
rw [Nat.add_sub_of_le le, eq_t, Option.is_none_or] at all_following
apply all_following
exact f_s_mem
. exact s_mem
have id_t := identity t (by exists f_t)
rw [id_s, id_t] at retains
apply neq
apply retains
| inr lt =>
simp at lt
specialize this step_s
rw [eq_s, Option.is_none_or] at this
rcases this with ⟨h_k, _, retains, identity⟩
have retains := retains.right
specialize retains s t
(by exists f_s; constructor; exists step_s; rw [eq_s, Option.is_some_and]; exact f_s_mem; exact s_mem)
(by exists f_t; constructor; exists step_t; rw [eq_t, Option.is_some_and]; exact f_t_mem; exact t_mem)
neq image_eq
have id_s := identity s (by exists f_s)
have id_t := identity t (by
exists f_t
. have all_following := chaseBranchSetIsSubsetOfAllFollowing cb step_t (step_s - step_t)
simp [eq_t] at all_following
rw [Nat.add_sub_of_le (Nat.le_of_lt lt), eq_s, Option.is_none_or] at all_following
apply all_following
exact f_t_mem
. exact t_mem
rw [id_s, id_t] at retains
apply neq
apply retains

theorem result_isStrongCore_of_noAltMatch (cb : ChaseBranch obs kb) : ¬ cb.has_alt_match -> cb.result.isStrongCore := by
unfold FactSet.isStrongCore
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12 changes: 12 additions & 0 deletions ProofLibrary/List.lean
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Expand Up @@ -360,6 +360,18 @@ namespace List
rcases h with ⟨as, bs, eq, _⟩
simp [eq]

theorem map_id_of_id_on_all_mem (l : List α) (f : α -> α) (id_on_all_mem : ∀ e, e ∈ l -> f e = e) : f = l := by
induction l with
| nil => simp
| cons hd tl ih =>
unfold map
rw [id_on_all_mem hd]
. rw [ih]
intro e e_mem
apply id_on_all_mem
simp [e_mem]
. simp

end List

def List.repeat (val : α) : Nat -> List α
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36 changes: 20 additions & 16 deletions ProofLibrary/Models/Cores.lean
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Expand Up @@ -232,6 +232,15 @@ namespace Function
apply h
exact b_mem

theorem injective_of_surjective_of_nodup [DecidableEq α] (f : α -> α) (l : List α) (nodup : l.Nodup) : f.surjective_for_domain_and_image_list l l -> f.injective_for_domain_list l := by
intro surj
rw [surjective_on_target_iff_all_in_image] at surj
rw [injective_iff_length_image_eq_of_nodup _ _ nodup]
rw [Nat.eq_iff_le_and_ge]
. exact length_image f l
. exact List.length_le_of_nodup_of_all_mem l (image f l) nodup surj

theorem injective_iff_surjective_of_nodup_of_closed [DecidableEq α] (f : α -> α) (l : List α) (nodup : l.Nodup) (closed : ∀ e, e ∈ l -> f e ∈ l) : f.injective_for_domain_list l ↔ f.surjective_for_domain_and_image_list l l := by
. intro inj
Expand All @@ -250,13 +259,7 @@ namespace Function
rw [surjective_on_target_iff_all_in_image]
intro b
apply (this b).mpr
. intro surj
rw [surjective_on_target_iff_all_in_image] at surj
rw [injective_iff_length_image_eq_of_nodup _ _ nodup]
rw [Nat.eq_iff_le_and_ge]
. exact length_image f l
. exact List.length_le_of_nodup_of_all_mem l (image f l) nodup surj
. apply injective_of_surjective_of_nodup; exact nodup

end Function

Expand All @@ -266,14 +269,15 @@ namespace GroundTermMapping

variable {sig : Signature} [DecidableEq sig.C] [DecidableEq sig.V] [DecidableEq sig.P]

def strong (h : GroundTermMapping sig) (A B : FactSet sig) : Prop :=
e, ¬ e ∈ A -> ¬ (h.applyFact e) ∈ B
def strong (h : GroundTermMapping sig) (domain : Set (GroundTerm sig)) (A B : FactSet sig) : Prop :=
(e : Fact sig), (∀ t, t ∈ e.terms -> t ∈ domain) -> ¬ e ∈ A -> ¬ (h.applyFact e) ∈ B

theorem strong_of_compose_strong (g h : GroundTermMapping sig) (A B C : FactSet sig) :
h.isHomomorphism B C -> GroundTermMapping.strong (h ∘ g) A C -> g.strong A B := by
theorem strong_of_compose_strong (g h : GroundTermMapping sig) (domain : Set (GroundTerm sig)) (A B C : FactSet sig) :
h.isHomomorphism B C -> GroundTermMapping.strong (h ∘ g) domain A C -> g.strong domain A B := by
intro h_hom compose_strong
intro e e_not_mem_a e_mem_b
intro e e_dom e_not_mem_a e_mem_b
apply compose_strong e
. exact e_dom
. exact e_not_mem_a
. apply h_hom.right (GroundTermMapping.applyFact (h ∘ g) e)
exists (g.applyFact e)
Expand All @@ -289,10 +293,10 @@ namespace FactSet
variable {sig : Signature} [DecidableEq sig.P] [DecidableEq sig.C] [DecidableEq sig.V]

def isWeakCore (fs : FactSet sig) : Prop :=
∀ (h : GroundTermMapping sig), h.isHomomorphism fs fs -> h.strong fs fs ∧ h.injective_for_domain_set fs.terms
∀ (h : GroundTermMapping sig), h.isHomomorphism fs fs -> h.strong fs.terms fs fs ∧ h.injective_for_domain_set fs.terms

def isStrongCore (fs : FactSet sig) : Prop :=
∀ (h : GroundTermMapping sig), h.isHomomorphism fs fs -> h.strong fs fs ∧ h.injective_for_domain_set fs.terms ∧ h.surjective_for_domain_and_image_set fs.terms fs.terms
∀ (h : GroundTermMapping sig), h.isHomomorphism fs fs -> h.strong fs.terms fs fs ∧ h.injective_for_domain_set fs.terms ∧ h.surjective_for_domain_and_image_set fs.terms fs.terms

theorem hom_surjective_of_finite_of_injective (fs : FactSet sig) (finite : fs.finite) : ∀ (h : GroundTermMapping sig), h.isHomomorphism fs fs -> h.injective_for_domain_set fs.terms -> h.surjective_for_domain_and_image_set fs.terms fs.terms := by
rcases finite with ⟨l, finite⟩
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -370,7 +374,7 @@ namespace FactSet
{kb : KnowledgeBase sig}
(sc : FactSet sig) (sc_universal : sc.universallyModelsKb kb) (sc_strong : sc.isStrongCore)
(wc : FactSet sig) (wc_universal : wc.universallyModelsKb kb) (wc_weak : wc.isWeakCore) :
∃ (iso : GroundTermMapping sig), iso.isHomomorphism wc sc ∧ iso.strong wc sc ∧ iso.injective_for_domain_set wc.terms ∧ iso.surjective_for_domain_and_image_set wc.terms sc.terms := by
∃ (iso : GroundTermMapping sig), iso.isHomomorphism wc sc ∧ iso.strong wc.terms wc sc ∧ iso.injective_for_domain_set wc.terms ∧ iso.surjective_for_domain_and_image_set wc.terms sc.terms := by

rcases sc_universal.right wc wc_universal.left with ⟨h_sc_wc, h_sc_wc_hom⟩
rcases wc_universal.right sc sc_universal.left with ⟨h_wc_sc, h_wc_sc_hom⟩
Expand All @@ -392,7 +396,7 @@ namespace FactSet
. exact h_wc_sc_hom
-- strong since h_sc_wc ∘ h_wc_sc is strong
. apply GroundTermMapping.strong_of_compose_strong h_wc_sc h_sc_wc wc sc wc h_sc_wc_hom
. apply GroundTermMapping.strong_of_compose_strong h_wc_sc h_sc_wc wc.terms wc sc wc h_sc_wc_hom
exact wc_weak.left
-- injective since h_sc_wc ∘ h_wc_sc is injetive
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