a DO account with an SSH key in it
For SSH access: https://github.com/selivan/ansible-ssh
ansible-galaxy role install nickjj.docker terraform init
configure a your env with:
export DIGITALOCEAN_TOKEN= # Path to file export TF_VAR_SSH_KEY_FILE= # Name in Digital Ocean export TF_VAR_DO_SSH_KEY_NAME=
terraform plan terraform apply
sync to challenge server (separate from ctfd)
rsync -Ptr --perms -F -e 'ssh -i <key>' ./ root@<ip>:/srv/h0h0h0day/
connect to the server, start challenges
ansible-ssh -i ansible/terraform.py challenge-server byobu cd /srv/h0h0h0day/ ./start-all.sh
We use ctfcli to generate deployments of challenges to CTFd. This uses a standardized challenge.yml
file, one file per challenge.
This project assumes 1 folder per flag. If a challenge or track contains multiple flag, handle it just like it was a new challenge.
For example, this would be a valid 3 flag track file structure
└── web ├── my_fancy_h0h0h0_chall-1 │ ├── challenge.yml │ ├── Dockerfile │ └── src ├── my_fancy_h0h0h0_chall-2 │ └── challenge.yml └── my_fancy_h0h0h0_chall-3 └── challenge.yml
To generate ctfcli commands to add all challenges to a CTFd instance
find . -mindepth 2 -maxdepth 2 | grep -v "./venv"| grep -v "./.ctf/" | awk '{print substr($1,3); }' | sed -e "s/^/python -m ctfcli challenge add /"
To install all challenges (AKA publish state in CTF)
find . -mindepth 2 -maxdepth 2 | grep -v "./venv"| grep -v "./.ctf/" | awk '{print substr($1,3); }' | sed -e "s/^/python -m ctfcli challenge install /"
To change a challenge’s description, points, etc, modify it’s challenge.yml
and re-sync it
python -m ctfcli challenge sync jail/ChriSHmaSH
Installing and syncing will trigger Montrehack’s CTFd Webhook and publish to discord, spoiling the challenges ahead of time. Make the channel private or delete the bot’s messages to avoid leaks.